God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 53: Box Office Share Received! Invest In Bitcoin!

At 10:30 in the evening, Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei came to Wanda Cinema together.

As New Year's Day approaches, there are no new movies being released, and the waiting hall outside the theater is empty, with no one around.

The ticket check for the movie had already started. After Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei got their tickets, they went directly to the ticket gate.

After checking in, I walked into the cinema.

In the theater, advertisements were still playing on the screen, the lights had not been turned off, and all the seats were empty.

When Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei saw this, they couldn't help but look at me and me, and they all laughed.

Thinking that it was the last show before the movie was taken off the shelves, they thought there would be fans who would say goodbye to the movie like them, so they deliberately came in because they were afraid that fans would recognize them before they even checked in.

Unexpectedly, apart from them, there was not a single fan in the theater. They obviously thought too much.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then sat down in their seats.

Soon, the lights were turned off, the commercials ended, and the film officially began.

The two of them watched the movie quietly in the theater, but people outside went crazy because of the lack of movies.

As the movie stopped selling tickets, the final box office of the movie was also determined.

Because not many viewers entered the theater for the last show, the final box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was calculated soon.


An epoch-making number, which means that Chinese movies have officially entered the billion-dollar box office era.

After more than two months, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has gradually faded out of people's sight, but with its removal from the shelves and the announcement of the final box office, there has been a wave of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" on the Internet again. discussion boom.

"1.835 billion! I can't even imagine that much money!"

"That's awesome. Let alone this life, I will never make so much money in the next life.

"2400,1.835 billion a month. Even if I don't eat or drink, it will take me 764,583.3 months to earn. In other words, even if I don't eat or drink, it will take me 63,715 years to earn as much as a movie. Oh my god, it’s scary just thinking about it.”

"Is the movie finally going to be taken off the shelves? This crappy movie is annoying me to death by sending me movie news every day."

"It's true that wild boar can't eat fine chaff. If you watch this movie, you will know how good it is. Moreover, I haven't heard of anyone receiving push notifications about this movie."

Is it just for you to push it? A fool comes to the Internet to find a sense of presence. "

Because of the movie's high box office, 750 will inevitably cause some jealous people to complain without thinking.

However, for this kind of person, there is no need for Lin Xiao and others to take action. Fans will give him an angry response.

In addition to the hot discussion among netizens, Lin Xiao’s contracted author group is also noisy.

Fifty Ding wrote to death: "I'm going! Have you seen the news? The box office of Lin Xiao's movie has been released, and the final box office is 1.835 billion!"

Wanding Preparatory Camp: "I'm jealous of the real-name system! When I saw Lin Xiao calling to resume the novel update, I thought it was because the movie wasn't finished. I never thought Tang Ran would be so awesome!"

Not a fan of fish: "No wonder Lin Xiao's novels that make millions a month are all available. It's really amazing. The movie box office is 1.835 billion. Lin Xiao really made a lot of money this time."

Fifty Ding wrote to death: "I will never go back to the days of bragging and showing off with boss Lin Xiao, he is too strong."

Don’t like fish: “It’s a pity that Mr. Lin Xiao has never agreed to my friend application, otherwise I could just use it to show off.”

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" has a box office of 1.835 billion. In addition to netizens being greatly shocked, "the biggest response was actually the actors, directors and investors of the Maid Entertainment Circle."

Invite actors with box office appeal to star and increase advertising.

In recent years, everyone seems to be accustomed to this kind of film shooting and marketing model, and has increasingly ignored the quality of the film itself.

Although the movie fans are unhappy with the criticism, they are helpless because they are taller among the short ones. After all, compared to the movies released at the same time, their movies are at least somewhat interesting.

In fact, this is also the reason why "Hot", "Flying Life 2" and "Article 20" can achieve high box office.

There are no high-quality movies to compete with them. Even if their movies are of average quality, they can still get a very impressive box office with popular actors and tons of publicity.

This is why there are fewer and fewer good movies and fewer and fewer new actors.

In China, what is lacking is never talent, but opportunity. Directors and investors are accustomed to this money-making model. Newcomers don't get opportunities, and their talents are useless.

However, the appearance of Lin Xiao broke the rules of this game.

In "The Richest Man in Xihong City", except for Liu Yifei, all the others are newcomers with little reputation, and Lin Xiao himself is a complete newcomer. (aibg) Although Liu Yifei is well-known, her box office appeal is almost zero, so she can be regarded as a semi-newcomer.

But just such a movie has broken the domestic movie box office record, with a box office of 1.835 billion. This has to make people think deeply.

It fully illustrates the problem that as long as the quality of the movie itself is good enough, the benefits it generates are far greater than the star effect and advertising effect.

Among them, the ones who were most shocked were directors Xu Ke and Zhang Yi.

"Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven" cost a total of 150 million yuan in remuneration, filming and publicity. The box office had to be at least 450 million yuan in order for them to make a profit. However, the box office was only 120 million yuan.

There is no comparison with Lin Xiao's "The Richest Man in Xihong City" which cost 60 million and box office is 1.835 billion.

Xu Ke originally thought that if the movie was successful, he would sign a contract with Lou Dehua to shoot a new Lunar New Year movie, but now he immediately canceled the plan for the movie.

Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang are both directors in Beijing circles and are often compared.

Nowadays, Feng Xiaogang's "Tangshan Earthquake" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" have achieved good results, especially the box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", which has discouraged many directors.

It's time for him to work hard.

He originally thought that like several directors in Hong Kong, he would make a lot of money using this model, but now he immediately changed his mind. He didn't want to be compared to Feng Xiaona.

He also needs to boldly recruit new people and re-examine the quality of movies.

"Yes, let's poach him directly and see if Lin Xiao has any new scripts coming out."

Zhang Yimou thought and immediately asked someone to find Lin Xiao's contact information.

He could tell. Whether it was "Wishful", "Young Chinese Story" or "The Richest Man in Xihong City", Lin Xiao had shown extremely high creative talent.

If he wants to surpass Feng Xiaogang again, the best way is to start with Lin Xiao.

As for Feng Xiaogang, he has no plans recently. With the success of "Tangshan Earthquake" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City", he can finally go on vacation with peace of mind.

At ten past twelve, the movie ends.

Driving the car and just returning to the rental house, Lin Xiao received a call from Zhang Yimou.

Although it was an unfamiliar number, Lin Xiao still answered the call.


"Hello, hello, is this Mr. Lin Xiaolin?"

Listening to the slightly excited voice of the other party, Lin Xiao couldn't help but murmured: Could it be that he is a fan?

"It's me, are you?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Hello Mr. Lin, please introduce yourself. I am director Zhang Yimou."

The name Zhang Yimou is still very familiar to Lin Xiao.

He really didn't expect that the right person would call him, which was a bit surprising.

"It turns out to be Director Zhang." Lin Xiao said with a smile, and then said nothing, waiting for Zhang Yimou to tell him the purpose of calling him.

Zhang Yimou was silent for a while, and then he got straight to the point:

"Mr. Lin, can you write another script? I want to make a Lunar New Year movie with you.

Although "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has achieved great success, there are still many things that Lin Xiao cannot complete independently when filming a movie.

Feng Xiaogang went on vacation to rest. It would undoubtedly be a good choice to work with Zhang Yimou.

"Okay." After thinking briefly for a while, Lin Xiao immediately agreed.

Lin Xiao smiled heartily and said with a smile: "Since Director Zhang can take it seriously, there is nothing much to say. I will think about it carefully these two days and try to write the script as soon as possible."

No matter whether they agree or refuse, ordinary people are unlikely to agree on the spot. They have to hold off for several days to raise their own worth and bargaining chips.

Seeing that Lin Xiao agreed immediately, Zhang Yimou's affection for Lin Xiao became even stronger.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, then I'll wait for your good news."

Zhang Yimou said with a smile, he was obviously very happy to reach an agreement with Lin Xiao so easily.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao couldn't help but think about it, what should be the next movie?

After thinking briefly for a while, Lin Xiao decided: Brother Teng, I'm sorry.

The next movie he will shoot is "Charlotte".

After making up his mind, Lin Xiao called Chu Tianhai directly.

This person was introduced to him by Liu Yifei. He immigrated to the United States a few years ago. It is said that he had stocked up on some Bitcoins a while ago.


After the call was connected, Lin Xiao said hello with a smile.

"It's Lin Xiao, right? Yifei told me about you. I heard that you also want to buy some Bitcoins to play with?"

A man's voice soon came from the phone.

Seeing that the other party spoke fluent Mandarin, Lin Xiao stopped showing off his poor English and nodded:

"Yes, I heard from Yifei that Boss Chu has channels for this."

"How much do you want to buy?" Chu Tianhai said straight to the point without comment.

There are 21 million Bitcoins in total, and Lin Xiao is not greedy. He only needs to hoard 1 million Bitcoins.

"One million, can Boss Chu get it?" Lin Xiao thought for a while and asked.

Big business!

When Chu Tianhai heard this, he immediately became interested.

At first, he thought Lin Xiao was just buying a few hundred coins for fun, but unexpectedly, he actually wanted three million!

One Bitcoin costs 0.3 meters of gold. If it costs one million, that would be as high as 300,000 meters of gold!

"Boss Lin, one million is not easy to deal with. The number is a bit too much." Chu Tianhai said with a troubled expression.

Knowing that he wanted to raise the price, Lin Xiao didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all, and said:

"The market price is 0.3 meters of gold per piece. I can give Boss Chu 330,000 meters of gold to buy one million Bitcoins. If Boss Chu finds it too big to eat, then I will have to find someone else.

Buying one million Bitcoins with 330,000 meters of gold, as long as he operates it properly, he can benefit from it at least 40,000 meters of gold.

This price is not low, it can catch up with the income of domestic workers in six or seven years.

With such a huge profit already on his lips, Chu Tianhai would naturally not spit it out.

"Boss Lin, let's do this, give me half a month, and I will give you these one million Bitcoins with both hands.

Chu Tianhai was afraid that Lin Xiao would hang up the phone, so he quickly spoke.

"Okay." Lin Xiao nodded and added: "I want hard disk storage."

Although Bitcoin wallets are convenient for transactions, their security cannot be guaranteed. Bitcoin wallets are stolen from time to time.


Xiao has no need for transactions in the short term, so he prefers hard drive storage with high security.

"Okay." Chu Tianhai agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao took a shower and went to bed.

That night, Lin Xiao slept peacefully until half past ten in the morning, when she slowly woke up.

On the day when the box office share was distributed, I woke up, turned on my phone and saw that the box office share had indeed arrived in my account.

The box office in the first month was 1.3 billion, which is 50-50 opening for theaters. After deducting 5% of the film development fund and 7% of the theater share, they could have 49.4 billion.

Excluding the 10% box office share given to Feng Xiaogang and the payment of 25% corporate income tax, Lin Xiao's actual payment amount was 333 million.

As for the remaining 535 million box office share, it will not be received until next month.

Although he had already calculated how much money he would have in his account, Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel a little scared when he looked at the long series of numbers.

If it weren't for the advantage of rebirth, he would never have imagined that one day he would have so much money in his card in his previous life.

With the money in hand, Lin Xiao felt much more at ease and in a better mood.

After watching it for a while, Lin Xiao called Long Yu directly. The two formally completed the share transfer, and Lin Xiao also transferred 100 million to him.

On Liu Yifei's side, Lin Xiao also transferred 100 million to her.

If Liu Yifei hadn't decisively lent him 50 million, the movie wouldn't have been shot so smoothly. Now that the movie is making money, he naturally can't be too stingy.

What's more, she is still her own woman.

[Mobile wallet received, 100 million yuan per day. 】

Liu Yifei was sitting on the sofa watching a TV series with her mother when a sudden sound startled Liu Yifei.

I quickly opened my phone and checked it, and found that I had indeed received 100 million. I immediately thought that Lin Xiao had transferred it to me. I felt surprised, happy, and a little sweet.

Liu Xiaoli also looked over and saw that her daughter had indeed received 100 million, and she became even more satisfied with Lin Xiao.

Although my daughter is silly and loves love, she will definitely not suffer any loss if she is with Lin Xiao.

Liu Xiaoli thought secretly.

Liu Yifei ran back to the bedroom and called Lin Xiao directly.

At the same time, on the other side, Feng Xiaogang looked at the transfer records of more than 47 million, with a somewhat complicated mood.

I made more than 47 million yuan, are you happy? Of course I am.

However, I am not completely happy.

Looking at this number, he can't help but think, how great would it have been if he had invested not 10 million, but 30 million?

Lin Xiao had no way of knowing these thoughts in Feng Xiaogang's heart. After hanging up the phone with Liu Yifei, he called Zhang Yimou and told him to come over and read the script.

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