God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 75: Laying Out The Ningde Era! Invest In Wechat!

After signing Wu Jing, Yang Zi and Dilraba Dilraba, Lin Xiao was not in a hurry to make a new movie, but instead set his sights on the upcoming Ningde era.

According to the memory of the previous life, in a few months, Zeng Liuqun’s team will officially develop a power battery, and by then they will officially establish the Ningde era.

This is a company even more powerful than iQiyi. Ten years later, its market value once reached one trillion!

Before the power battery was officially developed, it was the time when their team needed financial support. Naturally, Lin Xiao didn't want to miss this opportunity. After the film was completed, he had been asking someone to find Zeng Liuqun's contact information. Fortunately, he finally got it. Got it.

After thinking about the wording and drafting it in his mind, Lin Xiao directly dialed the other party's number.

"Hey, who is it?"

After the call was connected, a middle-aged man's voice came with a Fujian accent.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Zeng Liuqun Zeng? I am Lin Xiao, the star of "Charlotte Trouble"." Lin Xiao introduced himself with a smile.

He was at home during the Spring Festival holiday, and he still knew about Lin Xiao's hard work in Hollywood. Hearing that the person calling him was Lin Xiao, Zeng Liuqun's tone became much more polite.

"It turns out it's Mr. Lin. I'm Zeng Liuqun. I wonder what Mr. Lin wants from me?" Zeng Liuqun asked in confusion.

"Well, a friend of mine told me that you want to design the best battery in the world to avoid being stuck by foreign countries. But you lack funds. I admire Mr. Zeng's spirit very much, so I want to see See if I can be of any help." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

I don’t know which friend actually spoke of me in such a noble manner. I really need to thank him properly when I have the opportunity.

Zeng Liuqun sighed silently in his heart, and then said: "Mr. Lin, we appreciate your kindness, but your friend may not understand the situation [we have nothing to help at the moment."

I really refused. Lin Xiao sighed silently in his heart. He knew that Zeng Liuqun had never lacked investors. What he lacked was investors who would not dictate to his team.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao said: "Mr. Zeng, to be honest, I am quite good at the field of power batteries. I believe that with the strength of Mr. Zeng's team, we will be able to overcome the difficulties and develop a power battery. Mr. Zeng , you can rest assured that my investment only needs the right to profit sharing, not the right to make decisions, and it will not interfere with the decision-making of you and your team."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, the other party fell into silence.

Lin Xiao felt happy when he saw this. As long as the other party didn't refuse directly, it meant there was still a chance.

Sure enough, dozens of seconds later, Mr. Zeng asked: "Mr. Lin, do you really believe that we can develop a power battery? Why not make a movie? Are you not afraid that I will take your money and run away with it?" ?”

"To be honest, I want to take a gamble." Seeing that the other party was finally willing to relent, Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Besides, I believe that Mr. Zeng's ambition is more than this!"

"Gambling makes you stronger" is Zeng Liuqun's motto. When Lin Xiao said he wanted to take a gamble, he immediately felt that Lin Xiao had a good temperament for him, and Lin Xiao's trust in him also moved him extremely.

This is not something ordinary investors can give.

In addition to the patriotism and bravery he saw in Lin Xiao, he also liked it very much. After thinking about it again and again, Zeng Liuqun finally agreed to the idea of ​​letting Lin Xiao invest.

"Mr. Lin has already said this. If I refuse again, it will be a bit disrespectful." Zeng Liuqun smiled and asked:

"Mr. Lin, let's see when you have time. Let's make an appointment at a time and place to discuss investment and stock ownership in detail."

"Okay!" Lin Xiao nodded happily and asked, "How about this afternoon? I can buy a ticket to Fujian now.

After finally getting Zeng Liuqun to relent, Lin Xiao naturally wanted to do it as quickly as possible, in case the other party suddenly changed his mind and regretted having no place to go.

Zeng Liuqun also wanted to finalize the matter as soon as possible. He was originally thinking about whether to apply for funds from the headquarters. The people at the headquarters did not just want to share the cake. After the power battery was developed, they would definitely want to use capital to occupy it. For his own sake, if Lin Xiao invests, he doesn't have to worry about this.

"Okay, let's go to the Fuquan Hotel next to Fuzhou Airport at 5:30 in the afternoon. Mr. Lin, do you think that's okay?" Zeng Liuqun asked.

"Okay." Lin Xiao nodded: "Then Fuquan Hotel, see you there at 5:30 in the afternoon.

"See you there or not."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao immediately booked a flight ticket to Fuzhou.

"Honey, I want to go with you." Liu Yifei said coquettishly, pulling on the corner of Lin Xiao's clothes.

She was really worried about letting Lin Xiao negotiate business with the other party alone.

Squeezing Liu Yifei's beautiful little face, Lin Xiao smiled and comforted:

"Don't worry, as long as Liu Dong is with me, nothing will happen. Besides, the two of us are going out together. The goal is too big. We might be surrounded by fans as soon as we get off the airport. How can we talk about things then?"

"Okay." Liu Yifei thought for a while and nodded helplessly.

"Be good, wait until I come back." Lin Xiao touched Liu Yifei's little head.

"Honey, dear." Liu Yifei called Lin Lian.

Lin Xiao had no choice but to hug Liu Yifei and kiss her several times before taking a plane to Fuzhou with Liu Dong.

After getting off the plane, the two went straight to Fuquan Hotel, booked a private room, and sent a message to Zeng Liuqun:

"Mr. Zeng, I have arrived, Fuquan Hotel 301.27

"Okay, Mr. Lin, wait a moment, I'll be there."

"Don't worry, it's still early.

At almost five o'clock, Zeng Liuqun arrived at the hotel, and Lin Xiao asked the waiter to serve wine and food.

While the food was being served, Lin Xiao and Zeng Liuqun talked about investing in shares.

After some negotiations, it was finally decided that Lin Xiao would invest 200 million. As for the shareholding, Zeng Liuqun insisted on 25%, while Lin Xiao insisted on at least 30%.

"Let's do this, Brother Zeng, let's take a gamble. If you win, it'll be 25%. I'll sign it immediately without saying a word. If I win, it'll be 30%. No one can cheat.

The negotiations were fruitless, Lin Xiao suggested.

"Okay!" Zeng Liuqun thought for a while and then agreed: "How do you want to bet?"

"Let's bet on what the first dish brought by the waiter is, how about it?" Lin Xiao suggested.

"This is quite new." Zeng Liuqun had made countless bets with others, but he had never played like this before. He immediately nodded and agreed: "Then it's settled.

After saying that, Zeng Liuqun suddenly looked at Lin Xiao and said, "No, what if none of us bet correctly?"

"We haven't gotten it right, so we'll see when the time comes." Lin Xiao said.

"Okay." Zeng Liuqun nodded and agreed.

I ordered a total of twelve dishes today, including 4 cold dishes and 8 hot dishes. The cold dishes were cabbage and sesame rolls, cold garlic spinach, cold enoki mushrooms, and spicy and sour radish cubes.

The hot dishes are: curry chicken wings, pan-fried fish cubes, fish-flavored shredded pork, spicy fried clams, fragrant beer duck, green onion and ginger swimming crab, Dongpo elbow, and fried beef with green onion.

"Brother Zeng, you come first." Lin Xiao said.

"Okay." Zeng Liuqun nodded, and then said, "I'll bet on the spicy and sour radish."

There were 4 cold dishes and 8 hot dishes. Lin Xiao thought that the other party would choose a hot dish. In this case, even if he might not be able to guess correctly, he would definitely not lose.

After all, hot dishes cannot be served faster than cold dishes. Unfortunately, what I didn't expect was that the other party was not stupid. He also knew that the cold dishes would be served faster, and he also chose the cold dishes that he thought were the most likely.

Seeing this, I had no choice but to choose the cold enoki mushrooms.

After all, among the remaining three dishes, cold enoki mushrooms is the simplest.

After the two chose, they began to wait anxiously. It involved 5% of the shares, and neither one wanted to give it to the other for nothing.

Soon, the waiter came in with cold dishes. When Lin Xiao saw it, he was immediately happy. What came in was actually cold enoki mushrooms. Hot and sour radish cubes were the second cold dish brought in.

"Brother Zeng, come here, let me toast you and wish us a happy cooperation."

Lin Xiao immediately raised his wine glass, looked at Zeng Liuqun and smiled.

Although it is a pity to own 5% of the shares, Zeng Liuqun is not the kind of stingy person. He immediately raised his glass and clinked it with Lin Xiao.

"Brother Xiao Lin, I wish us a happy cooperation."

After clinking glasses, the two of them drank the wine in one gulp, signed their names and fingerprints on the contract, and went to register the equity change in two days. From now on, he will be the major shareholder of Ningde Times.

Lin Xiao was so happy that her investment in CATL was successful, and she couldn't help but have a few more drinks with Zeng Liuqun.

The other party was also very happy. He raised his glass and said to Lin Xiao:

"Brother Lin, I'd like to toast you. Although I don't understand movies, if you dare to challenge Hollywood, I, Old Zeng, will obey you!"



The two of them drank for an hour and a half before they paid and left.

Zeng Liuqun took the car directly back to the factory, while Lin Xiao and Liu Dong stayed in the hotel for one night before flying back to Kyoto the next day.

Not long after returning to the company, Lin Xiao received an unknown phone call. He thought it was from someone from Zeng Liuqun's team, so Lin Xiao quickly answered the call.

"Hello?" Lin Xiao.

"Hello, hello, is this Mr. Lin Xiaolin?" A young man's voice soon came from the phone.

"You are?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Hello Mr. Lin, I am Zhang Long, the general manager of the WeChat R&D Department of Penguin Group. I would like to invite you to shoot an advertisement for our smile. I wonder if you are interested." Zhang Long said straight to the point.

He was so sleepy that he gave him a pillow. He had just talked about investing in Ningde Times, and he was still thinking about how to invest in WeChat. He didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

Although WeChat is not short of money with Penguin as its backing, capitalists will not burn money without thinking. As a reborn person, Lin Xiao knows how profitable WeChat will be in a few years, but today’s Penguin investors, including Zhang Long, Inside, I am not sure whether WeChat can be profitable.

After all, this software only became popular after it launched free calls two years later, and now it has been in a state of burning money.

At this time, when he proposed investment, it was still under the condition of cooperation between the two parties, and the other party would not refuse.

"Okay." The thought flashed through his mind, and Lin Xiao agreed directly, and then asked: "Manager Zhang, can we talk about the advertising shooting in detail later?"

Lin Xiao did not directly talk about investing in shares. After all, when talking face to face, the other party is often less likely to refuse. If you have been rejected once by phone, if you want to talk about investing again, there is a high probability that it will not succeed.

Zhang Long was stunned. Lin Xiao was well-known in the circle for not appearing in commercials or accepting endorsements. He was just giving it a try, but he didn't expect that Lin Xiao actually agreed and agreed so happily. 0

However, Lin Xiao agreed to shoot the commercial, which is a good thing, and the effect will definitely be much better than that of ordinary celebrities.

"Mr. Lin, are you free tomorrow?" Zhang Long asked. He wanted to fade away from the advertising as soon as possible.

With Lin Xiao's current reputation, if Lin Xiao advertises for WeChat, the number of users will definitely double. At that time, he will make additional investment in Lao Ma, and he will be more confident.

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow." Lin Xiao nodded.

"See you tomorrow." Zhang Long quickly followed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Long immediately booked a flight to Kyoto.

tickets, and flew to Kyoto early the next morning.

At 11:30 in the morning, Zhang Long successfully arrived at the Shangri-La Hotel and opened a private room inside.

This time, Lin Xiao did not go alone. He took Liu Yifei with him to the hotel.

"Mr. Zhang, welcome to Kyoto. Thank you for your hard work along the way." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, welcome." Liu Yifei also greeted.

"Boss Lin is really lucky. Having such a beautiful girlfriend is really enviable." Zhang Long looked at the two of them and sighed, and then said: "Boss Lin, a

Fei, please come in quickly. You two can order whatever you want to eat today. I'll treat you. "

"Mr. Zhang came all the way, so we should be the ones treating him. How can we let Mr. Zhang treat us?" Lin Xiao said politely.

"If Boss Lin can sign a contract with us, let alone one meal, we can treat him ten or a hundred meals." Zhang Long smiled nonchalantly.

It was just a meal, even if it was in Shangri-La, it wouldn't cost much. Lin Xiao443 said a polite word and did not continue the topic.

"Mr. Zhang, how many users do WeChat have now?" Lin Xiao asked.

"One million." Zhang Long said seriously, thinking that Lin Xiao was asking this because he wanted to shoot an advertisement for the software.

"One million, right?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

Zhang Long glanced at Lin Xiao, and then changed his words: "Not now, but it will be soon, it is already more than half a million, if you round up to ten, it will be one million.

You really can round things off.

After silently complaining in his mind, Lin Xiao asked: "Mr. Zhang, I heard that your department's own funds are very tight. If I shoot an advertisement for you, how much advertising expenses can I get?"


Hearing this, Zhang Long couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party even knew this.

What he originally thought was to sign a contract first, pay a part of the deposit, and then take the contract to Lao Ma to approve the funds. Now it seems that his thinking may be a bit too simple. "The other party may not let him get what he wants."

"You make a price first." Zhang Long asked.

Seeing Zhang Long's obviously nervous expression, Lin Xiao said, "I can shoot commercials for you for free."

"Huh?" Zhang Long looked at Lin Xiao in surprise, obviously a little surprised by the result, and Liu Yifei was also a little confused.

"I hope that the cost of shooting the advertisement can be directly converted into WeChat shares. I wonder how many shares Mr. Zhang can give?" Lin Xiao stated his purpose.

I see.

Although I am a bit reluctant to part with the shares of WeChat, I think that if Lin Xiao owns the shares of WeChat, it may not be as simple as free publicity. He will be more or less free in the future.

It will definitely bring more benefits to WeChat.

Looking at Lin Xiao, Zhang Long thought for a while and finally agreed to Lin Xiao's proposal.

"According to Boss Lin's objection, I can decide to give Boss Lin 1% of the shares." Zhang Long said.

As the founder of Smile, Zhang Long still has this right.

With Lin Xiao's current popularity, the cost of shooting an advertisement is about 10 million. When converted into shares, 1% is still very reasonable.

"Okay." Lin Xiao nodded, looked at Zhang Long and said again: "What if I want to invest an additional 200 million?"

"Are you serious?" Zhang Long looked at Lin Lian with confusion.

Even Penguin, who has a lot of money, didn't just invest 200 million. He really didn't expect Lin Xiao to be so bold.

"Of course." Lin Xiao nodded.

"This, I can't make the decision." Zhang Long shook his head and said truthfully: "I have to report it to our boss and let them have a meeting to decide whether it is okay or not.


Lin Xiao nodded: "Then I'll wait for your good news."

Three days later, Zhang Long wrote back to Lin Xiao. The company agreed to Lin Xiao’s investment, accounting for 20% of the shares.

After some haggling, Lin Xiao negotiated for 25% of the shares.

"Boss Lin, it's a pleasure to work with you."

"Boss Ma, it's a pleasure to work with you."

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