God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 76: Holding A Celebration Banquet, A Drunken Xu Dongdong

"Honey, aren't WeChat and QQ the same thing?"

After walking out of Penguin Building, Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao and asked.

She really couldn't understand why Lin Xiao wanted to invest in WeChat. She already had QQ. She felt that most people were too lazy to use WeChat anymore. Without users, the software would naturally have no value.

To be honest, she didn't understand why Penguin wanted to develop WeChat. Is it to collect investors' money? Or is it to form a wolfish competition with QQ?

Do not know do not know.

In the past, Lin Xiao had the same idea as Liu Yifei. Not only them, but most people had the same idea. So when WeChat was first launched, not many people would download and use it, no matter how much money they spent on advertising. use.

It was not until the emergence of the free phone function that this situation changed.

"QQ focuses on the connection between friends and classmates, while WeChat focuses on the connection between merchants and customers, as well as company bosses and subordinates. Although it doesn't seem to make any difference now, you will know it in the future." Lin Xiao explained with a smile.

"Oh." Liu Yifei nodded her little head as if she didn't understand.

"Anyway, just trust your husband's investment vision." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Yes." Liu Yifei nodded heavily: "I believe in my husband."

As they talked, they took a car to the airport, flew back to Kyoto, and then drove back to the villa.

After taking a shower, Lin Xiao lay on the bed, turned on her phone and briefly read the news on the Internet.

Although the movie has been on the shelves for more than a month, the phone is still flooded with movie news about "Charlotte".

#After 30 days, "Charlotte Troubles" has a cumulative box office of 1.856 billion, officially surpassing "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and becoming the domestic movie box office champion! The only one who can beat Lin Xiao is Lin Xiao himself! #————Headline News

#Warm congratulations to "Charlotte Troubles" whose cumulative box office has exceeded 2 billion! It has become the first domestic movie to have a box office of more than 2 billion, creating an era of domestic movies with a box office of 2 billion! #————Alang News

#Congratulations, the cumulative box office of "Charlotte Troubles" has reached 2.3 billion! It has entered the global box office rankings and became the only domestic film to enter the global box office rankings. #ifeng.com

As the movie's box office continues to be strong, netizens are also discussing the movie's final box office on the Internet.

"Hell, 'Charlotte' is so awesome. It actually entered the global box office rankings. It's amazing!"

"Yes, it's so enjoyable. Now no one dares to underestimate our Chinese film. After all, he has defeated not only "Kung Fu Panda 2", but more than 90% of Hollywood movies!"

"I can only say that Lin is awesome! What do you think the final box office of "Charlotte Trouble" will be?"

"If this trend continues, it is estimated to be more than 2.4 billion. Although the box office is still rising every day, it is obviously beyond its capabilities."

"Indeed, I have already watched this movie three times. I guess everyone who wants to see this movie has basically seen it. The market is so big, and it is already super powerful to have such a box office."

As time went by, "Charlotte Trouble" was finally removed from theaters after being on the shelves for 85 days, and its box office was fixed at 2.51 billion.

In 2011, the box office exceeded 2.5 billion, which is not the same concept as the box office of "Spicy and Hot", which exceeded 2.5 billion. The gold content is not at the same level.

However, this is all a story for later. Before the movie was taken off the shelves, on March 12, which is the ninth day of the second lunar month, Lin Xiao announced the news of holding a thank you banquet for "Charlotte" in the crew group.

"On March 15th, a film appreciation banquet will be held at Kyoto Shangri-La Hotel. Those who come to the banquet, please register before 12 o'clock in the evening on March 13th. @All members"

The vast majority of the crew are employees of the company. Lin Xiao estimates that most non-company employees will not go out of their way to attend such a thank you banquet.

After the Lantern Festival, the company had officially started work. Because I was busy buying villas and investing, I never had time to treat everyone to a meal, and I even forgot to send out the opening red envelopes.

Now that he has some free time, Lin Xiao plans to hold a thank you banquet for "Charlotte Trouble" in the next two days. He will treat everyone on the crew to a meal, and invite other people in the company to attend. It will be the company's first dinner in the new year. .

Three days passed by in a flash, and March 15th soon came.

Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei arrived at the hotel early, set up the scene with the hotel staff, ordered meals in advance, and prepared to welcome the guests.

As a thank you banquet for "Charlotte Trouble", there were many guests present. Not to mention Wang Fei and Zhang Yi, Zhang Jie thanked Na and also came. Several bosses of the theater were also very considerate and even came. Even the Audit Office sent representatives over.

"Boss Lin, congratulations..." Wang Chu looked at Lin Xiao and said congratulations with a smile.

"Wang Chu, welcome, welcome. As soon as you come, I suddenly become more radiant." Lin Xiao greeted with a smile.

Someone from the Audit Office would come, which was really beyond his expectation. However, if he could take the opportunity to get to know the people from the Audit Office, Lin Xiao would not miss this opportunity.

Establishing a good relationship with the review office will only benefit you in the future without any harm, especially for those in the entertainment industry. If the review is stuck, it will be useless no matter how good the movies and TV series are.

In addition to these people, Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Liu Shishi, and Liu Yifei's three sisters also came.

"Lin Xiao, congratulations." Tang Yan looked at Lin Xiao and congratulated. Yang Mi and Liu Shishi smiled and congratulated each other.

"Thank you, please come in quickly, Ri Fei is waiting for you inside." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

As soon as Lin Xiao finished speaking, Liu Yifei ran out and happily pulled a few people inside.

As for Dilraba Dilraba, Yang Zihao, Wu Jing, Xu Dongdong, Zhang Yiming, Chang Yuan and others, needless to say, they are all here.

Feng Xiaogang originally wanted to come, but thinking that Zhang Yimou would definitely be there, he thought about it and refused.

Forget it if they meet him normally, Feng Xiaogang didn't want to see Zhang Yimou at the thank you party for "Charlotte Trouble". Wouldn't that just cause trouble for himself?

There were more than 180 people including celebrities and staff. It was so busy that those who didn't know it thought it was an awards ceremony at a film festival.

There are fifteen seats at the main table, namely Wang Chu, Zhang Yimou, Lin Xiao, Liu Yifei and her three little sisters, Zhang Jieshena, Wang Fei and the four theater owners.

As for Xu Dongdong, Zhang Yiming and others, or Wu Jing and Yang Zi, they are obviously not qualified to sit at the main table now, and there are not enough coffee seats.

By 11:30 p.m., people were almost here, and Lin Xiao's throat was starting to smoke. After simply drinking a cup of tea to moisten his throat, Lin Xiao asked the waiter to prepare the dishes.

After giving the instructions, he walked towards the main table.

"Boss Lin, please take a seat." Seeing Lin Xiao coming over, Wang Chu stood up and said with a smile.

"Wang Chu, it would be better for you to take the main seat, please take the seat. Seeing that there was only one main seat left, Lin Xiao said politely.

After all, I am not very familiar with Wang Chu, so I still need to be polite and courteous.

"You are the protagonist today. I can't steal your limelight. Boss Lin, please have a seat." Wang Chu pulled Lin down with a smile and said.

"Then I'm welcome." Lin Xiao said smoothly and sat down in his seat.

After chatting politely with Wang Chu, Zhang Yi, Wang Tianhou and others for a while, seeing that the food was almost ready, Lin Xiao stood up with a glass of wine, looked at everyone present and said:

"Many of my good friends are here today, including Wang Chu, Wang Tianhou, Director Zhang Yimou, Zhang Jie and Xie Na, as well as Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and Tang Yan, the three golden flowers of the fairy sword. The remaining I don’t understand everything below, but in a word, thank you all for coming to attend the appreciation banquet of "Charlotte Trouble", thank you all."

"We are destined to meet each other. No matter how we get connected, I hope that my friendship with everyone here will last forever and that we can create greater glory together."

"Here, I propose that for our fate, for our friendship, and for our brighter future, we drink together."



After Lin Xiao finished speaking, everyone responded one after another.

After clinking glasses in the air, everyone drank it all.

Yang Mi, Tang Yan and Liu Shishi saw Lin Xiao's words being so generous and natural, and they became more and more admired and admired her. They looked at Liu Yifei with even more envy and jealousy.

Especially Yang Mi, while smiling, her heart became more and more bitter.

Now when she thought about her stupid move of letting Liu Yifei go on a blind date on her behalf, she was so angry that she wanted to slap herself twice. Such an outstanding and handsome man was pushed out by her so easily. She really regretted it no matter how much she thought about it.

Xu Dongdong looked at Lin Xiao, feeling no less bitter and regretful than Yang Mi.

As the gap between the two gets wider and wider, she can't help but think, "A man chases a woman across the mountain, and a woman chases a man." Before Liu Yifei and Lin Xiao got together, what would she have done to Lin? If Xiao takes the initiative again, is he the one standing next to Lin Xiao now?

Dilireba and Yang Zi don't have any special feelings for Lin Xiao, they only have idol worship and loyalty to a bosom friend. As for the relationship between men and women, they are still indifferent for the time being.

Although no one said anything about their thoughts, Zhang Yimou could still tell something, and he couldn't help but envy Lin Xiao when he saw it. It is because of his status as a great director that he can enjoy many young girls. It is really unprecedented for girls like Lin Xiao to do so willingly.

"Come on, Boss Lin, I'd like to toast you with this glass of wine. You've worked hard today." Zhang Yimou raised his glass and looked at Lin Xiao said.

After Zhang Yimou finished his toast, the others also toasted to Lin Xiao.

After the toast was over, and after only a few bites of food, Yinjia started rowing fists.

Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Liu Shishi and others didn't have big appetites. After toasting, they were full without eating a few mouthfuls. Seeing everyone smoking and punching, they wanted to go to the hotel room to have a quiet rest.

After discussing with Liu Yifei, Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao and said: "Hubby, I'll leave this to you. I'll go and accompany my sisters."

Lin Xiao glanced at Tang Yan, Yang Mi and others, smiled at them and nodded, then looked at Liu Yifei and nodded: "Okay, let's go.

After Liu Yifei left, Lin Xiao, Zhang Yimou and others continued to drink.

Although he usually doesn't like drinking very much, in China's humane society, sometimes you really can't do it without drinking.

After drinking for another ten minutes, Lin Xiao felt the urge to urinate, and then she got up and went to the toilet.

After letting himself go, Lin Xiao suddenly felt refreshed. After washing his hands, Lin Xiao was about to return to the box again, when Xu Dongdong suddenly stumbled into his arms.

She was like a drunk cat, squinting her eyes and shaking her arms around Lin Xiao, with a silly smile on her face and muttering:

"Sister Yifei, come here, I respect you, let's, let's not get home tonight until we get drunk."

Seeing Xu Dongdong's appearance, Lin Xiao couldn't help but shake her head. This girl seemed to be really drunk.

Looking at Xu Dongdong who was drunk and started talking nonsense, Lin Xiao obviously couldn't leave her alone. If she really left her alone at the door of the toilet, with her figure, someone might not be able to help but pick up the body. .

Looking around, he didn't see the waitress, so Lin Xiao had to carry Xu Dongdong on his shoulders and prepare to send her back in person.

"Brother Lin, your face is so soft." In the elevator, Xu Dongdong leaned on Lin Xiao and pinched Lin Xiao's face stupidly.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but be speechless when he saw this, feeling like he was being teased.

Fortunately, apart from talking nonsense, Xu Dongdong did not feel like vomiting, which made Lin Xiao relieved. Otherwise, if she suddenly vomited on herself, Lin Xiao would really be disgusted (Li Li) Zhao).

After working for a long time, Lin Xiao brought Xu Tutu to the door of her room.

"Where is your room card?" Lin Xiao said, looking at Xu Dongdong who was drunk, and finally had to fumble around Xu Dongdong.

Because one hand had to hold Xu Dongdong to prevent her from falling to the ground, Lin Xiao had only one hand to fumble, and for a while Lin Xiao couldn't find the room key card on Xu Dongdong.

"Hee hee, little brother Lin, hee hee, it's so itchy."

Xu Dongdong hugged Lin Xiao and giggled. Because of the itch, his body swayed, trying to avoid Lin Dai's hand.

Because of Xu Dongdong's lack of cooperation, it took Lin Xiao three minutes to finally get the room card from her.

After opening the door, he held Xu Dongdong up and led her into the room.


As soon as he entered the room, the door was accidentally closed by Xu Tutu.

Lin Xiao originally wanted to leave the door open to avoid misunderstandings, but he wanted to put her on the bed and leave immediately, so he ignored it.

"Lie down for a while first." Lin Xiao said, preparing to put Xu Dongdong on the bed to rest for a while and let her sleep.

However, when Xu Dongdong fell, he suddenly hooked Lin Xiao's neck. The sudden strength made Lin Xiao fall down and patrol.

Looking at Xu Dongdong's pretty face that was slightly flushed due to drunkenness, and her long eyelashes that flickered, it was impossible to say that she had no idea.

However, Lin Xiao was not the kind of person who took advantage of the situation. Knowing that Xu Dongdong was drunk, Lin Xiao was ready to break off her hand, stand up and leave.

"Brother Lin, I miss you so much.

Xu Dongdong's murmur suddenly came to his ears, and he wrapped Lin Xiao's hands harder and harder.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lian immediately smelled the wine.

"Brother Lin, I love you, please take me."

While kissing, she told her love for Lin Xiao. .

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