God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 83: Lin Xiao And Xu Dongdong Are So Bold!

"Reba, what's wrong with you? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

After walking out of the room and getting ready to have breakfast, Lin Xiao couldn't help but ask doubtfully when looking at Reba, who could hardly open her eyes, with a haggard look on her face.

Hearing this, Dilireba couldn't help rolling her eyes at Lin Xiao. If they hadn't made such a big noise last night, would she have suffered from insomnia?

"You still..." asked with shame!

Dilireba looked at Lin Xiao with resentment on her face, but thinking that he was her boss, she changed her words and said: "You are quite good at caring about people."

Well, Lin Xiao looked at Dilraba and felt that her praise was a bit inexplicable.

"Are you willing to accept the bed?" Lin Xiao asked again.

"No." Dilireba blushed and shook her head.


Lin Xiao looked at Dilireba and finally understood. It seemed that he was unbearably lonely and secretly watched short videos at night, which made his body feel empty.

"Pay attention to your health." Dilireba is a girl after all, and Lin Xiao couldn't speak too clearly. After clicking, she went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

Looking at Lin Xiao's leaving figure, Dilireba was speechless, ashamed and angry. Who on earth doesn't take care of her body?

"Hello, Brother Lin."

In the canteen, many people were already having breakfast. Seeing Lin Xiao coming, they all said hello to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao nodded, went to the window to get breakfast, and sat down with Zhang Yiming, Feng Xiaogang and the others.

"Brother Lin, where is Sister Yifei?" Zhang Yiming asked casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Xiang, Chang Yuan and Feng Xiaogang burst into intriguing laughter.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but glance at Xu Dongdong on the side. After the two looked at each other, Lin Xiao gave Wei Xiang and others a roll of their eyes: "What are you thinking about? What are you making fun of?"

Wei Xiang and Chang Yuan laughed twice, and when they saw Lin Xiao, they hurriedly lowered their heads to eat.

After having breakfast and strolling around the filming site for a while, Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei went to the hotel to order the menu for the noon kick-off banquet in advance.

Afterwards, the two of them wandered outside the hotel, enjoying the rare tranquility. After the filming of the movie started, they couldn't be so leisurely back home.

It wasn't until about 11:40 that Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei returned to the hotel.

At this time, the Chinese restaurant was already occupied by the crew, and you could hear everyone chatting from a distance. Because most of the people were employees of Baichuan Film Investment Co., Ltd., they were familiar with each other, so they talked a lot. .

Seeing Lin Xiao, everyone stopped talking and looked at Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei to say hello: "Hello, boss, hello, boss lady."

Xu Dongdong looked at Liu Yifei next to Lin Xiao with a look of envy on his face. Before, he thought he was very satisfied just being with Lin Xiao, "Now it is inevitable that he has other ideas.

Sure enough, I was still greedy. Xu Dongdong shook his head and stopped thinking about these impossible things.

"Everyone, please take a seat." Lin Xiao waved to everyone, then looked at the staff responsible for signing in: "Is everyone here?"

"One is still in the dormitory, two are on the train, and the one to the left has not responded to my message yet." The staff member said truthfully.

To the left? Not surprising.

Lin Xiao nodded, then looked at the waiter, indicating that she could start serving the food. Only one person hadn't arrived, so there was no need for everyone to wait together.

Soon, the waiter brought the dishes, and the remaining people rushed over from the dormitory.

After everyone arrived, Lin Xiao stood up with a wine glass in hand, looked at everyone, and said impassionedly:

"Standing here, I want to ask you a question. Do you know why we are here today?"

Looking at Lin Xiao, no one answered. Everyone couldn't help but think, aren't they here because of filming a movie? Is this still necessary to ask?

Looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, Lin Xiao nodded and said:

"Yes, we are here just to shoot a movie. Then have you ever understood why I called everyone to shoot this movie?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Lin Xiao asked and answered himself:

"Some people may say, to make money! To become famous! This kind of thinking is normal, and I won't blame you. I just want to ask you, if it is just to make money and become famous,

Why don’t I continue to make comedy movies? Instead, make an anti-war movie?”

"I don't need to tell you that everyone must know that there are no anti-Japanese war movies with high box office."

"Okay, I'm going a bit far, let's continue talking about why we need to shoot such an anti-war movie.

"To put it directly, it was because Director Feng found me and gave him a task. He hoped that I could make an anti-war film with him. From my personal point of view, it was because I was offended by what netizens said. arrive."

"Some people actually think that history has passed long ago and there is no need to remember it anymore. Some people even publicly stated that we Chinese men are not as good as those men from small island countries and are proud to marry men from small island countries!"

"To put it bluntly, as a Chinese man, I can't stand it!"

"So, I want to make this movie, and I want to tell them how heartless the men from the small island country, who they call extremely gentlemen, are, and what crimes they have committed on this land! I want to tell them, what they look down on What efforts and sacrifices Chinese men have made in order to create this peaceful era for them.

"I want to tell them how stupid it is to forget history! How childish it is to be proud of marrying a man from a small island country!"

"Bah bang bang!"

Someone took the lead in applauding, and soon after, more than two hundred people in the entire Chinese restaurant stood up and applauded excitedly.

Looking at Lin Xiao standing in the center of the crowd, everyone's eyes were full of excitement and shock.

It turns out that this is the reason why Lin Xiao wanted to make this movie, and there is actually such a story behind it.

Looking at Lin Xiao, everyone felt excited. At this moment, Lin Xiao had become a hero in everyone's hearts and a belief in everyone's hearts.

To be honest, at the beginning, everyone really wanted to become famous and make money.

But! After learning the cause and truth of the matter, everyone can't help but feel more responsible and want to alert the world.

As Lin Xiao said, they must make this movie well and let those people see what the struggle of the small island country they talk about is like!

Looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction, then raised his glass and said: "Cheers!"


Everyone responded one after another, clinked their glasses in the air, and drank it all in one gulp.

Everyone's mood was hard to calm down. Dilireba, Yang Zi and the others looked at Lin Xiao and couldn't help but feel more love and admiration in their hearts. It’s really hard for them not to love someone so handsome, so talented, and so patriotic.

Liu Yifei even held Lin Xiao's hand tightly under the table, obviously moved by Lin Xiao's words.

As for Xu Dongdong, he naughtily pinched Lin Xiao with his toes under the table, making Lin Xiao feel itchy for a while.

It was so bold that so many people dared to tease her in public. Lin Xiao thought to herself that if there was a chance later, she would have to educate her.

Lin Xiao glared at Xu Dongdong, originally wanting her to be more honest, but Xu Dongdong didn't restrain herself at all, and her toes became even more aggressive.

Lin Xiao was helpless, glanced at the proud Xu Dongdong, and immediately fought back.

However, looking at Xu Dongdong, she didn't feel any discomfort at all. Instead, she showed a wicked smile, and Dilireba blushed a little from the corner of her eye.

I'll go. Isn't it a mistake?

Lin Xiao was just thinking when he saw Dilireba looking at him shyly and happily, and almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Rolling his eyes at Xu Dongdong, Lin Xiao was speechless. If this guy hadn't been causing trouble, he wouldn't have done such an embarrassing thing.

Looking at Dilireba's delicate and lovely face, Lin Xiao quickly put her feet back.

It's over, her image in Reba's heart must have been completely ruined.

Dilraba is already good-looking and has some exotic charm. Lin Xiao originally thought about finding a chance to experience the ups and downs of life with her, but now it seems that there is no chance.

She probably thought of herself as a stinker who harassed her female subordinates. Lin Xiao was speechless.

Fortunately, the small actions of a few people were not discovered by Liu Yifei and others. Otherwise, Lin Xiao would really be dead and his image would collapse instantly.

"Honey, the beef here is pretty good, try it." Liu Yifei picked up a piece of beef and put it in Lin Xiao's mouth.

Lin Xiao tasted it and found that it tasted really good, even less delicious than the beef made in some five-star hotels.

"How's it going?" Liu Yifei asked with a smile, as if she was about to praise me.

"Not bad! It's delicious! Thank you, wife." Lin Xiao praised.

After the goal was achieved, Liu Yifei's beautiful face immediately showed a happy smile, obviously very satisfied with Liu Yifei's answer.

After eating for a while, Lin suddenly wanted to go to the toilet, so Lin stood up to urinate and left.

The toilet in this kind of private room is not divided into men and women. As soon as Lin Xiao came out after using the toilet, a girl ran into his arms. Lin Xiao looked down and realized that Xu Dongdong was looking at her with a look of success. Lin Xiao.

After closing the toilet door, Xu Dongdong hugged Lin Xiao fiercely: "Hehe, did you not expect that I would come in? Brother Lin Xiao, did you miss me?"

"I think." Lin Xiao nodded.

0…Please give me flowers…

"Me too." Xu Dongdong smiled happily, and his hands began to become dishonest.

You can't stay in the bathroom for long, so Lin Xiao couldn't wait to press Xu Dongdong's head down.

Ten minutes later, Lin Xiao walked out of the bathroom with satisfaction. As for Xu Dongdong, after cleaning inside, he deliberately stayed for a few more minutes and then walked out.

"What took you so long?" After Lin Xiao sat down again, Liu Yifei looked at Lin Xiao and asked.

"We're eating, let's not talk about this." Lin Xiao hinted.

Liu Yifei heard this and didn't ask any more questions. Dilireba knew this very well.

What two bold guys, they actually dared to do so in such an occasion! Dilireba secretly admired her in her heart.

Except for Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei, Xu Dongdong, who came by plane yesterday, most of the staff just arrived by train today. After the opening banquet, he and Feng Xiaogang went to attend the film's opening ceremony.

As for the staff, give them an afternoon to buy daily necessities.

Not surprisingly, after the press conference, fans immediately started talking excitedly when they learned that Lin Xiao was preparing a new movie.

"I'll go, Lin Xiao's husband is too dedicated! I love him!"

"I'm looking forward to Lin Xiao's husband's new movie. Now I'm just waiting for Lin Xiao's husband's movie. There isn't even a good movie in the cinema.

"Looking forward to it, I wonder what surprises husband Lin Xiao will bring."

"Hey, why is it an Anti-Japanese War movie? This kind of movie is usually boring, isn't it? Is Lin Xiao's husband forced to open a business?"


"That's right. I heard that entertainment companies generally have requirements for filming movies and TV shows with the main theme. But no matter what, even if I am bored, as long as there is Lin Xiao as my husband, then I will definitely watch it!"

"And me and me!"

I heard that Lin Xiao wants to

Fans started talking about the filming of a new movie, and they all expressed their support for Lin Xiao's new movie.

However, after netizens saw it, not surprisingly, some couldn't help but complain.

"No, what kind of movie with the main theme is it? Isn't it good to make a comedy? I'm really convinced."

"Really, what annoys me the most is this kind of movie with the main theme. Let alone going to the cinema to watch it, even if I am invited to watch it for free, I don't want to watch it. They are boring!"

"Isn't it a waste of resources to let Lin Xiao shoot the main theme movie? I really don't understand what some people think. After so many years, they still keep filming, thinking that Lin Xiao is worried about it.

Will anyone watch Lian's popular movie? It's really funny. "

"Really, I don't understand. On the one hand, we have to establish diplomatic relations with others, and on the other hand, we have to remember history. Isn't this contradictory? We have to have friendly exchanges, but we also have to be friendly to our children.

It's boring for island countries to maintain hatred. Anyway, I don’t care what other people do. I definitely won’t watch this kind of movie.

"Agree! The most important thing now is to develop the economy. I don't know what I am doing by always inciting these antagonistic sentiments. Even if the people of the small island country have done something wrong, it was the last time they did something wrong.

It's their fault, it's not their fault. If you have this time, it’s better to learn from other people’s gentleman culture.

"One thing I have to say is that the men in the small island country are true gentlemen, and they are particularly respectful of their teachers. This is my favorite country. My current boyfriend is from the big board.

It is estimated that next year, I will be able to marry and go to a small island country.


"Sister, congratulations, I'm so envious! I really want a boyfriend from a small island country. I heard that their gentlemanly manners are much better than those macho ones.

"Hehe, I will also marry to a small island country in the future. 11

"No, it doesn't matter if you don't like to watch movies with the main theme. It's too shameless to be proud of marrying a man from a small island country. Isn't it too shameless? Your parents really raised you so much in vain

Got it!"

"Really, if my daughter dares to say such things, I will break her legs!"

“I can’t even imagine how ignorant people must be to say such things. It really subverts the three views.

Seeing that someone was actually proud to marry a man from a small island country, netizens stopped discussing Lin Xiao's movie and immediately started to criticize her.

"Hey, are you in a hurry? You can break your legs at every turn. Who do you think you are?"

"The male chauvinism is real! Sisters, really, if you have the chance, don't look for a man from the country. If you want to look for a man, look for a gentleman like a small island country."

The quarrel on the Internet is getting more and more intense, and no one on either side can convince the other.

Lin Xiao looked at the comments from netizens and felt more and more how important it was to shoot this movie.

Wu Jing, Zhang Yiming and the staff also did the same. They all used trumpets to join in the scolding battle. Unfortunately, they never scolded each other. Now they are all holding their breath and want to make the movie well. When the time comes,

Take out a sharp blow with the knife. .

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