God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 84: Anger At Xiang Zuo And Expel Xiang Zuo!

“Reba, the movie is about to start shooting, it’s not okay for you to stay up all night like this.

As soon as she opened the door, she heard Dilireba's yawn. Lin Xiao couldn't help but say something when she saw this.

On the side, Liu Yifei nodded in agreement. Although young people are in good health and good spirits, they can't be like this.

Dilireba looked at the two culprits with impure thoughts in their eyes, and was so angry that she almost told the truth.

Is that because I don’t want to sleep? You guys are making so much noise at night, how can I sleep?

You fell asleep after venting, what can I do? I went to bed early!

Dilireba looked aggrieved, but she couldn't explain the reason. She was so angry that she almost shed tears.

"Oh, I know, I know." Dilireba agreed casually and hurried downstairs.

Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and followed downstairs.

"Hello Brother Lin, hello Sister Yifei."

In the cafeteria, everyone greeted Lin Xiao one after another.

Lin Xiao and Liu Yifei nodded, and after having breakfast, they headed to the filming site.

"Is everyone here?" Lin Xiao walked towards the staff and asked.

"Xiang Zuo hasn't come yet, but everyone else has already arrived." the staff member replied.

"I haven't replied to your message yet?" Lin Xiao asked.

The staff nodded.

It’s really the second generation of stars!

Lin Xiao complained silently in his heart, then nodded and said: "Okay, I understand.

After saying that, he walked towards Feng Xiaogang: "Thank you, Director Feng."

Feng Xiaogang was directing everyone to set up the scene. Hearing this, he looked back at Lin Xiao, nodded and said, "Take everyone to the dressing room to put on makeup quickly."

Lin Xiao nodded and left with everyone.

In the dressing room, uncharacteristically, some soil and "450" ​​charcoal were placed.

After all, it is a war movie, and it certainly cannot be as fair and clear as "Thunder Warriors." Although there is no need to wear camouflage, the traces of the battle must be highlighted.

After putting on makeup, a group of people looked like Internet-addicted teenagers who had just finished staying up all night. Their faces were obviously tired, and their bodies and faces were dirty, as if they had rolled in the mud.

"Boss, is this makeup okay?" After putting on makeup, the makeup lady looked at Lin Xiao and asked.

"Okay." Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction, "Thanks for the hard work, everyone."

With that said, he stood up and left.

At the filming scene, Feng Xiaogang was still working hard to direct.

"Photographer No. 1, move ten centimeters to the left, then ten centimeters. Okay, that's the good thing."

"Photographer No. 2, step back ten centimeters, okay, stop moving."

"The one in blue, yes, that's you, take a reflector over there.

"Cleaning, cleaning, clean up the garbage!"


After working for more than half an hour, the scene was finally decorated.

Feng Xiaogang held up a loudspeaker, looked at the crowd and shouted: "The actors are entering, the staff are checking their equipment for the last time, and the movie is ready to officially start shooting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Xiao and the actors stood at their stations one after another, and the staff also checked their instruments again.

When Feng Xiaogang looked at the staff again, everyone gave him a ①K sign.

"Okay, count down to three." Feng Xiaogang held up a big speaker and shouted loudly: "3, 2, 1. Action!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of slapping the board sounded.

The first scene of the movie "Eight Hundred", the first time, officially started shooting!

Actors in uniforms lined up and walked around the ruins of the wall.

"Stop!" the officer riding at the front suddenly shouted.

Seeing that there didn't seem to be any little Japs ahead, he wanted to gather the troops and give everyone a lecture.


"Quick! Gather quickly! Take action!"

The messenger received the instruction and immediately began to convey the order to assemble.

Soon, everyone finished lining up, and the commander pointed at a soldier and said: "Go to the front to investigate and see the situation.

"Yes." Lin Xiao saluted and stepped out of the queue, walking to the front to observe the enemy's situation. Just when everyone thought they were safe, Lin Xiao suddenly saw the little Japanese not far ahead.


Take my place!" (Come on!)

Obviously, the little devil also discovered Lin Xiao and immediately got into a fighting stance.

Lin Xiao saw this and ran back quickly, shouting: "Uncle! Run! There's a kid! Run!"

The originally neat queue immediately became a mess when they heard that there were little Japs in front of them. Many people were frightened and ran for their lives in a hurry.


After the performance, Feng Xiaogang shouted "Ka" in time.

After taking a look at the shooting results, Feng Xiaogang nodded with satisfaction. Although it was the first scene of the movie, the effect was very good, everyone was in good condition, and there was no unfamiliar situation.

"Thank you everyone, keep up the hard work, we will start filming the next scene right away." Feng Xiaogang clapped his hands and looked at the crowd and said.

After hearing this, everyone took action again.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the filming progress was progressing steadily, and it was not until a week after the filming started that Xiang Zuo was late.

"Boss Lin, Director Feng, I'm sorry, we're late."

After arriving at the shooting scene, he looked to his left at Lin Xiao and others, and said hello with a smile.

"Ka!" Feng Xiaogang shouted hurriedly. Because of Xiang Zuo's appearance, the scene had to be reshot.

Then, he put down the loudspeaker, turned his head and looked to the left, and frowned.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether this guy had no emotional intelligence or was really stupid. As an actor, Feng Xiaogang believed that no matter how stupid Xiang Zuo was, there was no way he didn't know not to interfere with other people's filming.

Haha, this is the person recommended by Zhang Yimou. After today's filming is over, I have to have a good talk with him. Feng Xiaogang thought to himself.

Lin Xiao looked at Xiang Zuo, feeling equally unhappy.

Relying on his status as father, using connections to go through the back door, even if he was late for a full month, and doing this to himself, he really showed his rudeness and arrogance to the fullest.

To be honest, if it weren't for Zhang Yimou's face, he would have told Xiang Zuo to roll away.

"Why are you here?" Lin Xiao looked back to the left, his eyes cold.

Although Lin Xiao can be regarded as a flexible and flexible man, he really doesn't have a good attitude towards Xiang Zuo, mainly because he can't do it. He is not a Hong Kong star, but he is not afraid of his cheap dad.

"Boss Lin, what are you talking about? Of course you are here to film a movie." Xiang Zuo said, still joking.

"You still know how to film, are you brainless? Didn't you see everyone was filming just now?" Lin Xiao scolded in a very shameless way.

"You." Xiang Zuo looked at Lin Xiao, obviously unconvinced.

Since his debut, although his acting skills are not very good, his temper is not bad. This is the first time that he has seen someone dare not give him face like this.

He still wanted to play with his willful temper, but his manager stopped him, looked at Lin Xiao and apologized:

"Boss Lin, I'm really sorry. Something happened on the way and I was delayed. I apologize to you here. I'm sorry."

Feng Xiaogang didn't want Lin Xiao and Xiang Zuo to break up like this, so he quickly smoothed things over and said:

"It's good to be here, it's good to be here. Take Xiang Zuo to the dressing room to put on makeup. Get ready to start shooting."

Xiang Zuo was obviously not happy about filming when he arrived and wanted to rest for a few more days.

The manager was afraid that he would say something treacherous and anger Lin Xiao, so he quickly pulled Xiang Zuo to the dressing room.

"Master Xiang, this is not in Xiangjiang. It's better for us to keep a low profile." The agent advised.

Hearing this, Xiang Zuo glared at the manager: "When will it be your turn to teach me how to do things?"

He was already very unhappy when he pulled him away just now, and now he is still yelling in front of him, and he really can't stand it anymore.

When the agent saw this, he sighed, but in the end he didn't dare to refute. After all, he didn't want to be like Lin Xiao and others, but he still wanted to return to Xiangjiang.

With great difficulty, Xiang Zuo was finally willing to accompany his agent into the dressing room. However, as soon as he entered the dressing room, something happened again.

"Here, how do you wear these clothes? They're so dirty!"

Holding the costume in the dressing room, Xiang Zuo said with a look of disgust.

When he thought of those dirty clothes sticking to his body, he got goosebumps all over his body and his face was full of resistance.

When the manager saw this, he couldn't help complaining in his heart: Why don't you just be your second-generation celebrity? Why do you have to come out to disgust people?

Seeing Xiang Zuo acting like this, he was really disgusted.

"Young Master Xiang, I haven't worn these clothes before. They are a bit ugly and not dirty." The manager quickly tried to comfort him while enduring the feeling of being disgusted.

Damn it Lin Xiao, you actually let me suffer this kind of thing, why don’t I ask my dad to teach you a lesson! Xiang Zuo thought it was Lin Xiao who was deliberately teasing him, so he complained about Lin Xiao in his heart, and had already planned to get there immediately after the movie. Complain to dad and ask dad to ban Lin Xiao.

It took a long time of persuasion from the manager before Xiang Zuowen agreed to change into costume.

As soon as he put on his costume and put on his makeup, he got into trouble again.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Seeing that the makeup artist was actually trying to smear mud on his face, he stepped back to the left.

Seeing Xiang Zuo retreating continuously, the makeup artist was stunned. No, this guy is not mentally ill, right? He just touched a piece of mud and he is not a daddy, so why is he hiding? How come he is more like a little girl than a little girl?

Ancestor, can you stop torturing me?

The manager looked at Xiang Zuo and was very sure and sure. If he continues to work for Xiang Zuo, his life will definitely be shortened. This guy is really disgusting. 0

Xiang Zuo did not agree with the application of mud and charcoal, so the agent had no choice but to let Xiang Zuo go to the filming location.

Looking at Xiang Zuo, who had a fair face but had nothing to do with handsomeness, Lin Xiao couldn't help but frown. This guy stayed inside for so long, he thought he had already finished putting on makeup, but he didn't expect that he only changed clothes in so much time.

Although Feng Xiaogang was also speechless, knowing Lin Xiao's bad temper, he still pulled Lin Xiao away. He took a step forward and asked: "Master Xiang, what's wrong? Isn't the makeup artist here?"

"Director Feng, what kind of makeup artist do you think he is? How can he put mud and charcoal on people's faces?" Xiang Zuo looked at Feng Xiaogang and complained quickly.

The agent also gave Feng Xiaogang a helpless look, as if to say, Director Feng, I'm sorry, I've tried my best.

"Okay, okay, this is fine." Feng Xiaogang said with a smile: "Xiang Shao, please clear your position."

Lin Xiao thought about Zhang Yimou, then looked at Feng Xiaogang, but still suppressed his words.

"Okay! Attention, everyone, the countdown is three numbers, 3, 2, 1. Action!" Seeing that everyone had taken their positions, Feng Xiaogang shouted.

The sound of slapping the board sounded.

The thirty-eighth scene of the movie "Eight Hundred", the first time, is Kai Mo.

In front of the camera.

Lin Xiao was looking out the window nervously, watching the enemy situation, when a scream suddenly came from behind him.

"Ouch! It hurts so much! Oh, it hurts me to death!"


When Feng Xiaogang saw this, he shouted decisively and ran over nervously.

Lin Xiao and the nearby actors also gathered around. Everyone's faces were worried, fearing that something had happened to someone.

Taking a closer look, my dear, it turned out that my left calf was accidentally scratched by scattered glass while walking. There was a small cut and a little blood flowed.

How serious it is, the wound will heal automatically within a few minutes.

It was just such a minor skin injury. Not to mention the boys, most of the girls were too embarrassed to scream, but they kept screaming like they were about to die.

Seeing Xiang Zuo holding his calf and screaming like he was dying, Lin Xiao was really speechless. Not only him, but Wu Jing, Zhang Yiming and others were all dumbfounded.

Xiang Zuo really opened their eyes today. If it hadn't been for Xiang Zuo, they wouldn't have believed that a man would cry for his father and mother because of such a minor skin injury [isn't it a shame?

"Shut up!" Lin Xiao said coldly, looking at Xiang Zuo.

He was really fed up. He had nothing but a good life. Even if Zhang Yimou came to plead in person, he didn't want to keep Xiang Zuo, otherwise he would be pissed to death by this living treasure sooner or later.

"You, you, you are cruel to me!"

Looking at Lin Xiao to the left, he felt even more aggrieved and cried even harder.

He never expected that he was injured, and Lin Xiao not only refused to comfort him, but actually attacked him, which was really too much!

After the movie is over, I must call my dad and ask him to ban Lin Xiao. Think to the left.

"Am I hurting you 4.1?" Lin Xiao never expected that this was the focus of this weird attention. He was really going to laugh out loud.

"Get out of here now! Get out of here as far away as you can! You are officially fired, don't let me see you again!" Lin Xiao looked at Xiang Zuo and said without mercy.

"You, you actually dare to attack me!" Looking at Lin Xiao to the left, he was really furious. If his calf hadn't been injured, he would have hammered Lin Xiao to death with his small fist.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Xiang Zuo's manager apologized to Lin Xiao and the others sheepishly, then helped Xiang Zuo and left.

"Boss Lin, after all Xiangzuo's father is, should we give him another chance?" Feng Xiaogang looked at Lin Xiao and asked.

"What, Director Feng, do you really want him to stay?" Lin Xiao looked at Feng Xiaogang and asked with a smile.

Feng Xiaogang thought for a while, but still didn't say anything after all. He really didn't want Xiang Zuo to stay on the crew anymore. It was too uncomfortable.

When Xiang Zuo and his agent left, the entire crew immediately laughed and cheered, as if the movie was finished, and they were happy and happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Lin Xiao was not afraid of offending Xiang Huaqiang, but they were still afraid, so they kept restraining themselves. When Xiang Zuo left, they no longer wanted to restrain themselves.

"Brother Lin, you were so handsome just now!" Zhang Yiming looked at Lin Xiao and said with a smile.

"So handsome! But I didn't expect that a tiger father has no son, and a man as powerful as Xiang Huaqiang would actually give birth to such a son." Chang Yuan also sighed.

"Needless to say, she must be so spoiled by her mother that she acts like a girl." Wei Xiang also complained.

Dilireba, Yangzi Xu Dongdong and the others looked at Lin Xiao with admiration.

Xiang Huaqiang’s son was expelled immediately because of his teacher!

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