God Takes The Place Of Blind Date, And Boss Yang Regrets It To Death

Chapter 85: Xu Dongdong Wants To Drag Dilraba Into The Water!


Not long after Xiang Zuo left, while everyone was complaining, Feng Xiaogang's cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Zhang Yimou.

"Director Zhang." Feng Xiaogang showed Lin Xiao the screen of his mobile phone and said.

Obviously, he had received a complaint from Xiang Zuo, but he also knew what these second-generation stars were like, so he did not call Lin Xiao directly, but first called Feng Xiaogang to find out the situation.

Lin Xiao nodded and Feng Xiaogang answered the phone.

"I said, Lao Zhang, you are really good. Boss Lin gave you that role just to save your face. How many actors called Boss Lin to ask for roles and were rejected. You are good, you dare to go to the set for anything." Come on, you really don’t regard our boss Lin as a human being, do you?”

As soon as the call was connected, Feng Xiaogang cursed at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yimou was not angry, knowing that Feng Xiaogang was doing it for his own good, and Lin Xiao must be nearby. He scolded him in full, and Lin Xiao was embarrassed to blame him again.

At the same time, I also told him not to be fooled by Xiang Zuo's one-sided words. Lin Xiao has already given me a lot of face. The key is that the Xiang Zuo you recommended is too unsatisfactory and is not a thing.

Fortunately, he called Feng Xiaogang first. It would have been embarrassing if he had called Lin Xiao directly.

Zhang Yimou thought to himself, and then said: "Director Feng, what you are trying to teach me is that there is nothing I can do about it. No matter how little he is, the key is that his father is great. Can I not give him some face?"

"By the way, why was he fired by Boss Lin?"

"You have the nerve to ask." Listening to Zhang Yimou's question, Feng Xiaogang suddenly became angry:

"We agreed to meet at noon on May 25th, but he was a whole week late. He didn't even admit his mistake and interrupted everyone's filming as soon as he arrived."

"To make a war movie, I asked him to put some mud or charcoal on his face, but he didn't even want to. It turned out to be shiny. It didn't look like he was going to make a war movie. For those who didn't know, he thought he was going on a date with some girl. "

08 "Also, my skin was slightly torn by the glass, so much so that I couldn't even see the flesh. I was screaming and crying for my father and my mother. I don't know, I thought my arm was really broken off by the explosion. He hurt his leg and shocked us all."

"Tell me, can Boss Lin not get angry when looking at a person like this? Let alone Boss Lin, who among the crew is willing to stay with him forever?"

"Really, next time you have an actor like this, keep it for yourself and digest it slowly. We really can't digest it."

Listening to Feng Xiaogang's description, Zhang Yimou's face suddenly turned dark.

At first, when Xiang Zuo cried, it was a grievance. He thought he had been wronged in some way, but now he realized that he had done so many bad things, and even he was a little embarrassed to see Lin Xiao.

"By the way, is Boss Lin here? Please give Boss Lin the phone." Zhang Yimou sighed and said.

"Boss Lin, Director Zhang is looking for you." Feng Xiaogang said, and then handed the phone to Lin Xiao.

"Hello." Lin Xiao.

"Boss Lin, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble. I did this very badly. I really didn't expect him to be this kind of person. In this way, when you finish filming the movie and return to Kyoto, I'll treat you to dinner to apologize." After hearing Lin Xiao's voice, Zhang Yimou quickly apologized.

Lin Xiao naturally knew that Zhang Yi did not do this on purpose, and there was no need to sour the relationship between them because of Xiang Zuo.

"Eating is free." Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head: "But Director Zhang, I'm not talking about you. You must never recommend an actor like Xiang Zuo to me again in the future."

"Definitely, definitely." Zhang Yimou quickly agreed: "If I had known he was such a person, I wouldn't have recommended him to you."

"Okay." Lin Xiao nodded.

After the two exchanged a few polite words, Lin Xiao hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, shooting continued.

As for the role originally given to Xiang Zuo, Lin Xiao quickly found a new actor to replace it.

In the movie "Eight Hundred", the actresses didn't have many roles. The day after Xiang Zuo was fired, Yang Zi finished filming. On the third day, Liu Yifei also finished filming.

Although she really wanted to stay by Lin Xiao's side, she also didn't want to be a vase. She knew that the charm of a woman was not just a beautiful face, but also her personality and subjectivity.

heart of.

Therefore, after filming was completed, she only stayed on the set for one more day before leaving with Qin Ruoruo.

Lin Xiao escorted Liu Yifei out of the set.

"Big bad guy, remember to miss me!" Liu Yifei hugged Lin Xiao with a look of reluctance.

"Since you can't bear to leave, then don't leave." Lin Xiao pinched Liu Yifei's face and said with a smile.

"I don't want to." Liu Yifei shook her head with an arrogant look, looked into Lin Xiao's eyes, and said with a pout, "When I'm not around, take care of yourself!"

As he said that, he looked at Lin Xiao's lower body.

"You can't control it at all." Lin Xiao joked, making Liu Yifei so angry that she immediately pinched his waist again.

"If you can't control it, I'll cut it for you!" Liu Yifei threatened.


The two were reluctant to leave for a long time, and Liu Yifei finally left in the car.

After seeing off Liu Yifei, Lin Xiao also went back to the hotel to rest.

"did you miss me?"

Opening the door with the room card, Lin Xiao just walked in and before closing the door, someone suddenly hugged her from behind and asked with a tender face.

A fragrance unique to women came over her, and Lin Xiao knew without looking back that it must be Xu Dongdong.

"Why did you come in?" Lin Xiao looked back at Xu Dongdong and asked with a smile.

"I told the cleaning aunt that the key card was left in the room, and she opened it for me." Xu Dongdong looked at Lin Xiao and smiled happily: "Hehe, how about [Am I very smart?"

When Lin Xiao saw Liu Yifei off, she sneaked in and hid behind the door, just to give Lin Xiao a surprise. Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

"Smart." Lin Xiao scratched Xu Dongdong's nose and said with a smile.

"How about it? Do you want me to give you a bath?" Xu Dongdong asked with a smile.

Since the opening party, she hasn't been alone with Lin Xiao for more than a week. Now that Liu Yifei is gone, she can no longer control the longing in her heart.

"Let me give you a bath." Lin Xiao said, carrying Xu Dongdong into the bathroom.

Soon, the sound of two people laughing could be heard in the bathroom.

Next door, Dilireba was getting ready to sleep. After hearing the sound, her ears immediately stood up and her eyes widened.

Oh my god, isn't it? These two are too bold, right?

Dilireba never thought that Xu Dongdong and Lin Xiao would live together just after Liu Yifei left. She was so awesome and she was not afraid of being found out by Sister Yifei.

Perhaps Xu Dongdong and Lin Xiao are not in a serious relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, and they feel like they are having an affair, so Dilireba felt more and more stimulating and excited when she listened to it, and couldn't help but click on the short video to watch it.

I was so entranced that I didn't even realize that the next door was quiet.

Listening to the small video sound coming from next door, Lin Xiao and Xu Dongdong stared at each other. They quickly realized something. The sound insulation of the hotel was not good, and their affairs had been exposed!

It's over, it's so embarrassing. The secret between her and Lin Xiao will definitely not be kept now. What should I do? Lin Xiao won't draw a clear line with herself because of this, right? Xu Dongdong looked at Lin Xiao with a look of anxiety on his face.

She was afraid that Lin Xiao would be concerned about the influence and draw a clear line with her. She didn't want to leave Lin Xiao.

There are only two ways to deal with such a person who holds secrets, either bribe her or drag her into trouble.

Xu Dongdong thought about it, and couldn't help but conceive of Ladi Lireba's plan to go into the water. There was no way, she really didn't want to leave Lin Xiao after the secret was exposed.

As for Lin Xiao, she had completely different ideas.

It's over, now her image in Dilireba's heart is completely shattered.

From the incident of touching things under the table at the last work banquet to this incident, you don't need to think about it to know that in Dilireba's heart, he must be a complete scumbag.

Dilraba was so beautiful. He had originally thought about when he would have the opportunity to discuss the ups and downs of life with her, but now it seemed that there was no chance.

Dilraba belatedly realized that the volume on her cell phone was a bit loud, and the neighbors might hear her, and her face would turn red with embarrassment.

It's over, it's over, I'm so embarrassed. How will I face Little Brother Lin in the future?

No matter what she was afraid of, early the next morning, as soon as Dilireba opened the door, she saw Lin Xiao who was also about to go out.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere instantly became awkward.

Dilireba looked at Lin Xiao and immediately retracted her head shyly. It wasn't until she heard the footsteps that she had gone away that she opened the door again and walked out.

However, as soon as he walked to the cafeteria, he met Lin Xiao who had just finished breakfast.

Dilireba's pretty face turned red instantly, and she had the urge to turn around and run away. She looked at Lin Xiao and was embarrassed for a while before saying hello:

"Hello, Brother Lin."

Lin Xiao was also very embarrassed at first, but seeing that Dilire Bar was even more embarrassed than herself, she felt a lot better.

"Let's go eat." Lin Xiao nodded and then headed to the shooting scene.

At the shooting scene, Feng Xiaogang was working hard to direct everyone to set up the scene.

"Come, dig in the west of Qinyu here."

"Here, set up a shooting point and put sandbags and machine guns on it.

"Photographer No. 1 is standing too far forward. Take three steps back, yes, take another step. Okay, just stand there."

"Photographer No. 2, move ten centimeters to the right, okay, not bad."

Seeing Lin Xiao walking over, Feng Xiaogang stopped and said hello with a smile: "Boss Lin, things are not going well. Didn't you sleep well last night?"

"A bit." Lin Xiao nodded.

After the two briefly greeted each other, Lin Xiao said: "Director Feng, you are busy first, I'm going to put on makeup."

"Okay." Feng Xiaogang nodded.

Lin Xiao had just finished putting on makeup when a staff member came in with a white horse: "Director Feng, Brother Lin, I'm here.

Looking at the snow-white Hummer, the actors gathered around one after another.

Feng Xiaogang looked at Lin Xiao and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Boss Lin, what role does your white horse play in the movie?"

Hearing this, the actors also turned to look at Lin Xiao. Everyone felt that there must be a reason for this white horse to appear several times in the movie, but they couldn't think of a reason.

"Director Feng, what do you think?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile. He really didn't know what the white horse did, so he simply turned the topic to Feng Xiaogang.

Hearing this, the actors also looked at Feng Xiaogang.

Feng Xiaogang happened to have some insights and thought that Lin Xiao was deliberately giving him a chance to show off. He couldn't help but glance at Lin Xiao gratefully, then cleared his throat and said:

"I don't know if what I said is right. Since Boss Lin 173 asked, I will tell you my opinion."

"If you want to know the function of the white horse, you must first know when the white horse appeared and how many times it appeared in total.

Hearing this, the actors nodded in agreement with their faces.

"I remember this white horse appeared three times in total." Zhang Yiming said.

"Not bad." Feng Xiaogang nodded approvingly, looked at Zhang Yiming and continued to ask: "Then do you know when it appeared?


"This, this, I forgot." Zhang Yiming said a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Feng Xiaogang smiled slightly and took over the conversation: "The first time the white horse appeared was when the cell door was opened for it. It ran around in the warehouse until someone whistled.

It soothed me. "

"When was this? It was when everyone just escaped into Sihang Warehouse."

"As for this second time, the Japanese attacked fiercely, and everyone thought the Sihang Warehouse was about to be captured. It ran out of the warehouse and ran wildly on the street.

"The last time was when the leader was riding it and negotiating with the little devil."

"When I say this, everyone must have understood that just like we used to write essays, they are the beginning, the climax and the end."

"Bah bang bang!"

After Feng Xiaogang finished speaking, everyone applauded, obviously agreeing with Feng Xiaogang's statement.

Lin Xiao also nodded silently, whether it was necessary to say something or not, if Feng Xiaogang was to do reading comprehension, his score would definitely be high.

"Okay, don't watch anymore. Since the white horse was borrowed, let's shoot the scene with the white horse first." Lin Xiao said, looking at the actors.

Upon hearing this, the actors immediately dispersed.

Feng Xiaogang also picked up the loudspeaker again and began to work.

After everyone was in place, Feng Xiaogang asked the staff to check the equipment, and then said:

"Countdown to three numbers, 3, 2, 1. Action!"

The sound of slapping the board sounded.

The 59th scene of the movie "Eight Hundred" officially started shooting for the first time!

In front of the camera.

Zhang Ze turned around the "dog hole" and saw the locked white horse.

"Big white horse." Zhang Ze had a look of shock and emotion on his face, and then opened the cage.

As soon as I touched the horse's head, when I saw the cage being opened, the white horse immediately neighed and started running in the corridor.

Lin Xiao looked at the running white horse and couldn't help but nodded secretly. As expected of a trained white horse, his acting skills are much better than those of those little fresh meat.

Lin Xiao looked at the white horse, while Xu Dongdong looked at Lin Xiao.

At this time, she had no intention of watching the white horse. All she could think about was, what should she do to drag Dilraba into trouble?

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