The three people cautiously came to the brightly lit and resplendent place with curiosity. They found that two buses full of passengers stopped slowly, and hundreds of Chinese people spoke Chinese came down.

"Now we can find the organization." Zhao Xiaoyao was happy and turned to look at Chai Badou and Chen Yuyue.

When the two brothers nodded, Zhao Xiaoyao was the first to mix into the crowd, followed by Chen Yuyue and Chai Badou.

"This is our last stop today, a very popular mud bath in Vietnam!"

With the introduction of the tour guide, people talked about it one after another.

Because these tourists are not familiar with each other, there are more than one hundred and ten people. Chen Yuyue and the three of them will not be noticed at all. They exchanged greetings with each other. Some expressed their expectations for the mud bath and others expressed their disgust for the mud bath. Anyway, there are people with all kinds of mentality who come here.

"What we enjoy in Vietnam is fun. What we enjoy is low consumption and high enjoyment. In recent days, we have experienced the beach, diving, seafood and fruit fishing. We have also seen zhanpo tower live in a villa, but we have not experienced this mud bath. Today we will bring different enjoyment to everyone."

The tour guide was very excited and seemed to be looking forward to the mud bath.

People who don't know may really feel sick, but those who have heard of it will certainly like it. Even if they don't eat seafood or dive in Vietnam, they will take a mud bath.

The mud in this place comes from the foot of the mountain. It is said that the mud is rich in a lot of mineral elements, especially for cleaning the skin.

This mud bath can be called hot mineral mud bath if it is tall. It uses mud substances as mediators at their own inherent temperature or after heating to spread on some parts of the human body to transfer heat to the body and work together with its chemical components and microorganisms to achieve the effect of fitness and disease prevention.

The mask is muddy, and this hot mud is practically the same.

Chai Badou felt a little dirty when he heard about the mud bath: "I don't know what these people think. They even spend money to wash the mud... If you want to feel the taste of the mud, you'd better go to our training ground in the suburb of Yanjing. There are artificial muddy swamps to experience, huh..."

Chai Badou obviously disdains this.

"Brother, this mud bath is completely different from our training experience." Zhao Xiaoyao waved his hand.

As a rich sixth generation, I experienced this kind of hot ore mud bath when I was very young.

"Do you know again?" Chen Yuyue said. Although he had not experienced this kind of hot ore mud bath, he did hear of it.

"You'll know when you feel it." Zhao Xiaoyao sold it.

Soon they followed the tourists into the mud bath leisure center, but they took a mud bath.

Chai Badou really changed his previous view.

He originally thought that the feeling of mud bath would be very uncomfortable when they were training and some tasks. His body was sticky and smelly, but after really feeling it, he found that it was completely different from what he thought!

This is simply a leisure enjoyment suitable for all people, old, middle-aged, young and young!

In addition to the Chinese tourists, some locals and other European and American tourists also come to enjoy the bubble mud. The business is quite hot.

The guide explained the rules to them before they came in.

There is a time limit for soaking mud. Everyone can only soak for half an hour, and then they have to go to the hot spring area. They can only stay there for half an hour. After half an hour, they have to go to the leisure area in the back, swim in the swimming pool there, and lie down on those reclining chairs.

"In fact, this mud bath feels good." Chen Yuyue is also quite satisfied with this experience. He feels really good.

It's really good that their faces can be covered with mud.

Because more than ten minutes after they came in, people from the Vietnamese police came to search and observed here for several minutes.

"After you wash it, you will feel your skin become very delicate and smooth!" Zhao Xiaoyao said: "it's very comfortable. It's definitely better to maintain your skin than what milk bath. If you wash it here for a period of time, our old skin will be smooth and tender."

"Why should we be so smooth and tender? We're not small fresh meat that eats on our faces." Chai Badou said, "if a man has thin skin and tender meat, he looks very uncomfortable."

"Don't wear colored glasses to treat men with good skin." Zhao Xiaoyao pretended to be angry and said, "men with good skin like me are not as Niang as those little fresh meat. I'm very masculine, brother. People with good skin are not Niang, nor are all small fresh meat Niang, and there are some who are not Niang."

"There are not women, but there are few." Chen Yuyue said: "this is a common and individual relationship. Even if the water is dirty and disgusting, there are clean actors in the entertainment circle. Even if many small fresh meat and female stars are held out by big bosses who eat all men and women, there are still a few who do not accept the hidden rules and rely on their own strength."

Zhao Xiaoyao stuck out his tongue: "I just said it casually. Seriously, one of the small fresh meat is counted as one. It's all soft eggs to drag it to the divine sword army for two days."

"Don't be so full of words. You don't necessarily have a hard bone." Chai Badou smiled: "even if you have a hard bone, you can't look down on other people's occupations."

"Brother, if you say something ugly, I really despise them." Chen Yuyue said bluntly: "since ancient times, men should be masculine and feminine. That's what women should reflect. It's not up to boys to replace them."

Chai Badou took a handful of mud and patted it on Chen Yuyue's face. He laughed and said, "even those tough men who are not Niang can't carry our treatment. Don't be difficult for other people's small fresh meat. We have different division of labor. What we have to do is to protect the country and the people, and what they have to do is to entertain the public."

"There's no problem entertaining the public. What I'm afraid of is not only entertaining the public, but also fooling the public." Chen Yuyue wiped the mud off his face and directly wiped it on Chai Badou's face: "It's really a bit of a fool to fool the public when they set up 'people's devices' one by one. If they really make money and pay more taxes to the state, they can also evade taxes and transfer assets abroad. This is not entertainment for the public."

Zhao Xiaoyao picked up a handful of mud and smeared it on Chen Yuyue: "third brother, I support you. This belongs to digging a corner of socialism. We should catch them and severely criticize them! The actors are harming the country."

"Aren't you afraid of being scolded? Now that people's living standards are better, they naturally want to pursue their inner needs, cultural needs, spiritual needs and entertainment needs. They can't do without them." Chai Badou still has a more neutral view.

"The actor I'm talking about is not the 'artists' who enrich our spiritual life. I'm talking about the kind of garbage that can only set up people to circle money and return pornography, gambling and drugs. These three customs are contaminated." Zhao Xiaoyao said: "of course, there are also fake artists who don't hang an artist's sign and cheat money everywhere."

Suddenly someone reminded them that it was time. Chen Yuyue and they realized that the mud bath was too fast.

Soon, the half-hour mud bath was over, and a group of guests came right away. It seems that people now have really learned to enjoy it.

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