Everyone in the mud bath was wrapped in mud, and his face was dirty. He couldn't see clearly, but it was different when he left the mud bath and washed it with clean water to go to the hot spring bath. Everyone was as smooth as jade.

A few pretty girls with good figure were wrapped in mud just now and washed clean to show their proud figure.

However, after washing, it reveals another thing.

In order not to be investigated by the people who came to Vietnam, Chen Yuyue quickly and naturally entered the hot spring area like other tourists, but what happened after entering the hot spring area was what Chen Yuyue never expected.

Chen Yuyue calmly stepped into the hot spring pool, but a stranger beside him turned around warily.

At this moment, the two people looked at each other. The expression on Chen Yuyue's face was frozen, and the face of the person looking at him was also stiff.

This person is Chen Yuyue. The three of them have no place to find Fengfei's mate. Chen Yuyue really didn't expect to meet Fengfei's mate in this hot spring.

Fengfei's refreshing bathing suit shows her proud figure, and her eyes focus on Chen Yuyue like an electric light. At this moment, her mind is completely blank. If Chen Yuyue is surprised to meet here, Fengfei's courtship doesn't understand why this happened.

After all, the reason why Chen Yuyue left Weidao with Chai Badou in a hurry was to go to the inland hospital as soon as possible.

Fengfei sought her mate because the coastline of Weidao close to the mainland was blocked. She had no choice but to land in Vietnam and sneak back home.

But why is Chen Yuyue here? After Feng Fei's mind went blank, she finally got an answer - catch her!


Since Chen Yuyue and his wife left the monsoon hotel in Weidao, Fengfei immediately gave up their love and ordered Ma Bo to detonate the * buried in the hotel since they bought it.

The whole hotel building collapsed in the blink of an eye.

Then Feng Fei asks for his wife. They meet Ye Lei and others who are robbing the ship at the wharf.

Ye Lei is quite embarrassed. There are only two men around him. The rest have scattered. Some have been sent away by him to attract the attention of the police, and some have been caught.

His only goal is to escape.

It's not that Fengfei asks for a mate. In addition to Ma Bo, there are still a pair of twins holding ranya. The rest have become abandoned children, throwing and using. In a word, they are extremely embarrassed.

But for one thing, Feng Fei and ye Lei have the same idea. They both know that if they want to get rid of things here, they must first escape to Vietnam.

In this way, the two will not investigate the previous events for the time being, and jointly get on the ship and escape into Vietnam by sea.

They were already very careful. When they reached the Vietnamese coastline, they directly destroyed the ferry and sank it to the bottom of the sea. Then they quietly approached the Vietnamese coast with the small kayak on the ferry.

But even if they were so careful, they were still perceived by the Vietnamese maritime police.

Originally, this matter was not so big, but what people didn't expect was that they hurt the people on the Vietnam coastal defense line in the process of resistance. Ye Lei vented his resentment. He also robbed a Vietnam patrol ship and used the other party's patrol ship to dock and sneak in.

This completely angered the relevant departments of Vietnam. Such a bad thing can never be tolerated, so it mobilized almost all the forces that can be mobilized to arrest them.

It is for this reason that Chen Yuyue and others have been affected and have a headache because of this situation.

Whenever there are tourists, the relevant departments of Vietnam should strictly check their certificates. As long as they have no certificates, they should catch them. At first glance, they would rather catch a thousand by mistake than let one go.

After this threat, Fengfei QiuHuang and ye Lei had to hide everywhere. Like Chen Yuyue, they rushed over without hesitation when they found this magnificent place.

Because they all have a common sense, the boss who can own this entertainment industry in any country is not an ordinary role.

Ordinary people do not have the ability to make money by relying on natural resources, which requires not only a certain economic strength to invest, but also a certain social status to stand.

These days, even in a country with such a stable rule of law in China, there are still some "black" things.

There is no way. There has been a kind of "bandit" in the world since ancient times, which is the existence and development of a gang.

Of course, in the past, the ancient business sect should not be regarded as black. The beggars' sect is more like today's black forces. Of course, today's black forces are not as sloppy as the beggars' sect in the past. They eat and drink hot and spicy food one by one. They all look very different.

Nowadays, people who can do big business and have certain power are very much like the business gang in ancient times.

Is a group of people who form a team to do business together.

In ancient times, people lived and worked in peace and contentment in traditional society and did not advocate migration. However, the prosperity and development of today's society are inseparable from commodity circulation. Therefore, at any time in ancient times, there were merchants who sold commodities for a living.

Under the condition of inconvenient transportation, long-distance trafficking and trekking are at great risk. Therefore, since there are businessmen, there are fewer fools to do individual acts.

Especially when the number of trafficking is huge, or the routes with poor security are mostly in groups, so as to form a "business Gang".

From the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the national centers of all dynasties had to rely on the material supply dominated by grain in the south. From the south to the north, most of these huge quantities of government materials needed to be transported by water. This is how the Cao Gang was formed.

The reason why various business gangs have become the predecessor of similar "black" organizations is probably because these people engaged in business gangs have completely left the land.

The guild tradition dominated by water transport has become authentic.

For example, when talking about the "black" organizations in China, everyone can think of those gangs in Shanghai beach that have a serious impact on the history of China. In fact, the predecessor of the famous gangs is the Cao Gang and the salt gang.

Waterway trafficking can range from tens of miles to thousands of miles. How to protect themselves and deal with local forces and other peers is a common challenge faced by all boatmans engaged in waterway transportation. Only together can we get benefits and ensure safety to the greatest extent.

The salt gang is engaged in smuggling business, and this demand is naturally stronger. Under this premise, the guild will naturally emerge from the times.

At that time, the guild could not be called a triad, but rather a high-level trade association.

So it's bullshit to see gang members bullying dock workers and businesses in TV dramas. In fact, eight out of ten dock workers before liberation were bottom members of the guild. These people paid a certain proportion of the fees to the guild. When they encountered difficulties, the guild would come forward to seek justice for them.

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