So far, many people with economic means who seem to dominate the country are definitely not ordinary hooligans. This is the case in China and in Vietnam.

People who can create such a splendid entertainment and leisure place in Vietnam must also be high-level people. They have different concepts from hooligans and local ruffians. Those who can cause bloody fights if they don't agree with each other can't get on the table at all.

Of course, now many successful business families have also relied on force coercion to obtain benefits. Indeed, many economic entities are made by hooligans and local ruffians. The original intention is to raise brothers for benefits. This process needs to seek an umbrella. When the gang becomes larger, someone bleaches himself and gradually becomes a real serious boss.

In the final analysis, the initial stage of capital accumulation is not very clean, relying on plunder.

Of course, there is no real black organization in Huaxia. At best, it is just a gang.

Serious black organizations are really formed only when the country is weak. Only Z government's control ability is not strong. How can China's control be so strong to tolerate the existence of black things?

A society ruled by law can't tolerate sand. Although those clowns exist, they can't become a big climate. Sooner or later, they will pay the price for their mistakes.

Some Chinese clowns may think they are the powerful role of the "black" society, but they don't know what a "black" society is because they have no culture.

A society that can be called "black" must be able to compete with a national management organization to some extent. Does China have it? At best, it's just organized criminal gangs.

Look at the Mafia in the US empire. The Mafia in Sicily can't be destroyed if the mainstream society wants to fight. Any "black" gangs in China can be eradicated by the state at any time!

Of course, those black gangs do make money by means of force and violence, and they are not free to move.

In fact, the magnificent place of Yue must not be opened by those hooligans, and it must have a certain strength. At least the police force in Yue can't move freely. The boss must be a "businessman" with a certain face and strength, so they have a sense of security and can be sheltered.

This is why Fengfei will come to hide in the mud bath.

After all, like Chen Yuyue, they also want to avoid the pursuit of relevant departments in Vietnam. It is obviously the first choice to come here.

What they didn't expect was that they met by chance. What they didn't expect was that they became the target of pursuit in Vietnam. Although Chen Yuyue didn't do anything, they will be arrested and investigated as long as they are found to have no legal entry certificate.

Anyway, they don't have visas. The degree of suspicion is the same.

Chen Yuyue was really depressed about this. In a blink of an eye, they turned into a grasshopper on a rope.

The personnel of relevant departments in Vietnam were surprised to enter the mud bath for investigation. Although those who came to investigate are still very polite, it is estimated that they will be taken to the dressing room and storage room to get their valid certificates as soon as they leave the hot spring.

Indeed, the entrance and exit of the dressing room are guarded. As long as there is no valid certificate, it will be investigated.

When Chen Yuyue and Feng Fei looked at each other silently, a Chinese roar came from the dressing room!

"It's the people in your fucking country who said I could come here! They brought me here on the border! I don't want to be dragged here. If the consumption is not enough, I won't send me back! I didn't intend to come, just want them to take me across the river with bamboo rafts and stand there! Where can I get you a visa? I'm a stowaway!"

But those Vietnamese don't listen to this.

Obviously, it was a Chinese tourist who wanted to experience the feeling of "smuggling" on the border. He was fooled by the Vietnamese.

This flicker brought him here.

Originally, if you send him back after playing, it would be a more affordable trip, but if you don't have a valid certificate, you will fail when you encounter this kind of thing, so don't experience the excitement that the so-called smuggling can bring for a moment of curiosity.

Once something happens, it will be very troublesome. It is not so easy to solve.

When one person had an accident, several people immediately became uneasy.

Even in the hot spring pool, some people protested and clamored to find people to bring them. It can be seen that they all came to Vietnam through the border in the same way. This pit has many people.

It has to be said that the loopholes at the border between the two countries are too big to facilitate so many people to experience this so-called "smuggling" tour.

Agitation lasted for a long time, but it was only the power of a small number of people after all.

Ye Lei made things too big, so the Vietnamese side did not stop the investigation because of the agitation of these people.

This incident soon alerted the boss of the mud hot spring bath. Unfortunately, the boss couldn't change the situation after he arrived at the scene. The relevant departments of Vietnam obviously gave the boss enough face and remained polite to all the guests. They were absolutely not forced. Even if they found that they didn't have a visa, they didn't turn over.

Obviously, they know very well that many Chinese people come to Vietnam to spend money. Therefore, Vietnam also turns a blind eye. After all, China is rich and the people are strong. Most of them come here to "send" money to them.

As long as they "give" money, they are their parents. Even those who sneak in are welcome. If it weren't for today's special situation, they wouldn't mess around.

Therefore, the people above must have ordered to check here politely. Even the Chinese smuggled guests here should be polite. They must not be angry until their identity is determined.

Even if these people lose their temper.

Especially after the boss of the show came, he kept explaining to the guests here in poor Chinese that it was just a small misunderstanding. It was a routine inspection. There was no problem. Even the smuggled guests would not have any trouble. He would certainly help solve the problem.

But his words were still not convinced by everyone. After all, people without legal certificates were taken aside for disposal, and no one received any additional care.

Although those people in Vietnam are polite on the surface, they are still rigid in action. In the face of unknown waiting, everyone is still full of panic.

After all, this kind of illegal immigration without formalities was a wrong behavior from the beginning, so these people had no foundation in their hearts.

If you hadn't sneaked into the country to find excitement, it wouldn't have happened today, so it's fair to ask for hardship today.

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