In this world, many people will be like Fengfei QiuHuang and ye Lei, saying hypocritical words.

"We are our own people, so we should help each other." how can Fengfei QiuHuang not know ye Lei's thoughts, but now she can only temporarily become a real ally with Ye Lei. After all, once they leave here, their common enemy is the people of the dragon group.

Ye Lei nodded: "I have always been taken care of by Miss Fengfei. You have helped me so many times, I remember."

"You don't blame me for not helping you with some things?" Feng Fei asked her husband faintly: "I really didn't help you with some things, but it's because you didn't tell me. I don't know you need help at all."

"Ha ha." Ye Lei's smile looks fake, and he doesn't hide his fake smile at all. Whether it's disdain or irony, I'm afraid only Ye Lei knows his smile in his heart.

Chen Yuyue wanted to expose them when he saw them like this. There was no way. He really couldn't help the clumsy hypocrisy of such people in front of him.

"By the way, let me tell you a story." Chen Yuyue glanced at Feng Fei's courtship.

Fengfei QiuHuang thinks that her charm has attracted Chen Yuyue's eyes, so she deliberately straightens her chest, but Chen Yuyue's eyes fall on Ye Lei one second before she straightens her chest.

"One evening, a goat went to play on the hillside when he was full of food. Suddenly, a wolf came out behind him. The wolf wanted to eat the goat, so the goat jumped up and resisted desperately, resisted with his horns on his head, and shouted for help." Chen Yuyue's eyes didn't leave Ye Lei.

But ye Lei obviously has no interest in this "children's story".

Chen Yuyue continued: "The cow looked in this direction from the trees and found that it was the wolf, so he hurried away. The horse looked up in the grass and found that the wolf ran away immediately, and the donkey slipped away quietly. The pig was so frightened that he rolled down the hillside directly, and the rabbit went into the cave. Only the dog heard the call from a far place, rushed to catch up with the hillside and helped the goat It was only by biting the hungry wolf that the goat was saved. "

"I'm afraid this is not a kindergarten." Ye Lei disdained in his nose.

But Chen Yuyue did not stop his story because of his disdain.

"When the goat got home, all his friends came. The cow said why didn't you tell me? If I knew the wolf was biting you, I would stab out the wolf's intestines with my horns. The horse said that if I knew this, I could break the wolf's head with a hoof. The donkey said that if you asked me to help, I could scare the wolf's courage with a donkey's cry. The pig said that if I met the wolf and bullied you, I would bite Can arch the wolf down the hillside, and the rabbit complains that the goat didn't tell it that he can tell his friends if he runs fast. "

When Chen Yuyue said this, ye Lei's face was no longer bored.

"Among the noisy friends, only the dog who didn't really save the goat." Chen Yuyue smiled: "I felt very deeply when I heard this story."

At this moment, Chen Yuyue's feeling is far less profound than that of Ye Lei and Feng Fei.

Even Ma Bo behind Feng Fei's courtship fell into meditation.

Those who laugh around and tell you what they can do are not real friends. A real friend is someone who can help you when you are in danger. That person may not have rhetoric, but will do the most practical things.

Many times people are like this.

Those who seem to be far away may actually pay attention to you all the time. They won't flatter you when you are happy, but they will be willing to take risks when you need it.

Those who care silently are true friends.

"I really envy you. There are friends around who are willing to give and help you silently." Chen Yuyue's smiling eyes swept Ye Lei's and Feng Fei's eyes. A trace of resentment flashed in their eyes.

They didn't expect that Chen Yuyue would expose the window paper between them in front of them, but he could maintain the friendship.

Now everyone is completely transparent and hypocritical. They use each other. Where can they be regarded as friends.

"You're right. The friendship between us is so deep that we will think of each other." Ma Bo can see the embarrassment of Fengfei's courtship and ye Lei, so he can only stand up and be a peacemaker.

However, Chai Badou gave him eight words at the right time: "Wei magpie has a nest and Wei dove lives in it."

"What do you mean by your weird?" Ma Bo was angry and ashamed that he couldn't kill Chai Badou. Now Chai Badou's poison has been detoxified and he has done the best treatment in the hospital, and his tiger claw has been lost. If the two fight again, Ma Bo has no confidence to win, so he hates Chai Badou!

Chai Badou ignores Ma Bo and smiles at Ye Lei: "All birds have a common skill, that is, they use their mouths to hold mud and grass to build nests on branches to live. Ghost axes can build very beautiful nests, but only doves are exceptions. Doves can't build their own nests, but they can bully other birds by force and occupy the nests built by other birds with strong physical strength..."

Ye Lei's heart is inexplicably tight.

Chai Badou's hint is very clear, which is to Tell ye Lei a very simple truth.

Now, ye Lei has a "bird's nest" in their organization, and his "bird's nest" is accumulated by him through so many years of work for the organization.

His "bird's nest" in the organization is his capital in the organization.

However, now there are super experimenters like Ma Bo, who can hurt Chai Badou on their own. Even if it wasn't for Fengfei's command error, they could take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Chai Badou.

Ma Bo is the dove in Chai Badou's mouth. He is a bird that can directly occupy the nest of other birds with his own strength.

The "bird's nest" that ye Lei has worked hard for so many years in the organization may soon be occupied by Ma Bo, but ye Lei has nothing to do about it.

occupy some place, belonging to another!

"There's no way. The disadvantage of the species has to make the magpie's nest occupied by the dove, which is doomed in all things. No one can change the fact that the magpie's nest is occupied by the dove." Chai Badou laughed: "now it's our turn to go to the dressing room to change clothes and check our certificates. We need to create a little confusion."

Ye Lei now choked his resentment: "chaos? Isn't it enough chaos now."

"It's not enough for us to leave calmly." Chai Badou glanced at Chen Yuyue lightly: "it's up to you. It's more natural for women to create some confusion. Moreover, you need to be a partner with Miss Feng, otherwise she will leave after changing clothes. It doesn't make much sense for us to kill these two people."

"What do you mean?" Feng Fei's courtship glared at Chai Badou. Could she go to change clothes and ask Chen Yuyue to stare?

Chai Badou ignored Fengfei's request for a mate and continued to say to Chen Yuyue, "we'll take out your clothes for you. We'll gather 500 meters away from ten o'clock. Let's get rid of the search and arrest in Vietnam first, and then make other plans."

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