Chen Yuyue widened his eyes: "brother, are you kidding me? You want me to go... No, no, no, I won't go. If you pay attention, you go!"

"It's not appropriate for me to go." Chai Badou gave Zhao Xiaoyao a look: "vote and decide that we both agree with you to do it."

While talking, Chai Badou and Zhao Xiaoyao had raised their hands. At this time, Zhao Xiaoyao also understood Chai Badou's meaning.

It turned out that Chen Yuyue wanted to follow Fengfei to the women's dressing room. In this way, it can not only ensure that Fengfei's courtship will not interfere secretly, but also lead to confusion among the women tourists in the women's dressing room.

Just imagine, once a man is found in the women's dressing room, won't "pots and pans" be thrown all over the sky?

There is only one way for men to go to the women's dressing room, that is, metamorphosis. Therefore, although women who have changed their clothes are not afraid to see it, they will rush out desperately. No one will like to share a space with metamorphosis, and those who have not changed their clothes will run around. It doesn't matter what exit and entrance. It's the most important thing to avoid the peeping of "Metamorphosis" first.

In this way, chaos will naturally become an uncontrollable situation.

Chai Badou wants this uncontrollable chaos. Only in this way can they leave this place without being found by the Vietnamese search team.

Mud bath is originally a place where there are more female guests than male guests. As long as it is chaotic, this place will become a pot of porridge. At that time, men will turn against Vietnamese people who check their certificates in order to protect themselves.

This place is full of perverts. Who cares about those who don't check? Go to his uncle. It's the best thing to go first!

Even if these tourists really make trouble here, even if they do make trouble with the official people of Vietnam, how dare those people treat these tourists?

Ninety percent of these tourists are Chinese. Whether they have formal visas or sneak in, how dare the Vietnamese? At most, they are temporarily detained. They will never really do anything to them.

After all, they are Chinese tourists. If a country has strength, its citizens will be respected when playing in foreign countries.

Perhaps China is not the richest country in the world, but China has military strength. China is a country that wants to rescue its overseas compatriots at all costs. Therefore, no one in foreign countries dares to do anything to the Chinese people. The more official institutions are, the more they dare not.

If it's an unofficial extremist organization, it's another matter. After all, those extremists don't care about anything, have no humanity, and even aim to annoy a country.

However, all foreign official institutions will not disrespect the Chinese people. This is a manifestation of a strong country. If there is no such a strong country as the backing, how can the waist be so straight.

"The overall situation is important." Zhao Xiaoyao pretended to deeply pat Chen Yuyue on the shoulder: "brother, I know you are honest, but now the overall situation needs you to do some 'dirty' things. You can finish it as a task."

"How do I think your boy is a little schadenfreude?" Chen Yuyue reluctantly glanced at Zhao Xiaoyao.

Fengfei asked for her mate, but she snorted coldly: "I know what hypocrisy is today. It's obviously a matter of making money, but it's like what a disaster. Gloating? Hehe, if it's a disaster to let your men enter the women's dressing room, I guess these men on the scene today are willing to fall on themselves."

"Don't think everyone is so dirty." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "not everyone is so unbearable, but there are too many unbearable people around you."

"Don't you want to look at my figure more?" Feng Fei asked her husband coldly: "just, you hypocritical people won't tell the truth."

"To tell you the truth, what's wrong? Of course I'll look at it more." Chen Yuyue stared at Feng Fei's courtship: "if you take off Biji and change your coat in the dressing room, I'll see it. Although your heart is black, your body... You can still compliment."

Feng Fei turned her head in disdain: "I said, you men are the same, all bastards."

"A gentleman is lecherous but not lewd." Chen Yuyue said.

"Forget it, all the men in the world are big pig hooves." Feng Fei said sarcastically, "if you are a man, you should know your men better."

"What you say is what you say." Chen Yuyue is too lazy to argue with her: "make chaos early while there are many people. Don't wait for no one. I'm afraid there's no such bad policy at that time."

After making such a decision, Chai Badou and Zhao Xiaoyao stared at Ye Lei and Ma Bo and went to the men's dressing room. They just need to change their clothes and wait for chaos. They don't need to worry about other things.

Chen Yuyue is a little difficult. It's not easy to find out after sneaking into the women's dressing room under the condition of so many people.

After all, so many eyes are staring.

But now there is no way. Chen Yuyue can only carefully sneak into the women's dressing room with the help of Fengfei's cover.

After entering the women's dressing room, Chen Yuyue's eyes can only fall on Feng Fei's quest for a mate. This matter has already used all the women on the scene. It's good for him to look at it.

In this way, Chen Yuyue can only stare at Feng Fei for his mate.

After Fengfei QiuHuang entered the dressing room, she was ready to change her clothes. She had no time to wait. If she waited until someone found Chen Yuyue and the scene was chaotic, it would be too late for her to start changing her clothes.

Although Chen Yuyue has dodged as much as possible, he will be found soon after he really enters the women's dressing room.

After all, he is a man. Even if he bends his legs, lowers his head and contains his chest, and tries his best not to look so outstanding, his strong muscles still have a completely different body from women.

Therefore, Chen Yuyue was soon discovered.

It's a woman who was just about to change her swimsuit. She saw Chen Yuyue's amazing abdominal muscles. If a woman practices like this, she must be a world-class bodybuilder, right?

So the woman was stupid at once.

Although Chen Yuyue never looked up or peeped around, he was also a living man after all!

Some men sneaked into the dressing room, but most of the women who changed clothes didn't pay attention. Maybe it was because of the sudden inspection today. Some people came here to experience the "stimulation of smuggling" with their friends, so they must be very regretful and helpless now.

In this way, it really gave Chen Yuyue enough space, so that even if some people looked over Chen Yuyue, they didn't have the heart to think about other problems. This is also the reason why Chen Yuyue was found immediately when he didn't enter the dressing room.

"There's a pervert --!"

With a scream, all eyes in the dressing room hit and followed in the direction of the finger.

Chen Yuyue is helpless and has no love. Now even if someone kicks him, he can only bear it.

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