Several people cooked a simple dinner at home. Everyone except ye Xiaoyao ate a few mouthfuls and put down their chopsticks.

To be honest, it's hard for them to have an appetite now.

"What's the matter with people?" Su Qing has been restraining herself from asking this question. She doesn't want to add pressure to Chen Yuyue for no reason, but now the sky has completely darkened, and the darkness is more suitable for people to hide, so Su Qing is worried that she won't get anything tonight.

Now Chen Yuyue has never received any news, which makes Su Qing have to start worrying.

After all, she knew that the order given above was to catch people within 48 hours, so Chen Yuyue didn't have much time for them.

In fact, the ability of Tianhai police is not poor. When the pressure of the task is applied, the power of everyone to unite is still very strong. Charles won't hide for too long.

Chen Yuyue smiled. No matter Chai Badou or Feng Yu, any one alone is enough to give him 100% trust, not to mention the two together?

So he never worried about it.

"Don't worry, if there is no accident, there will be news before the end of today." Chen Yuyue looked at the time. There were four hours before 12 a.m. he didn't worry about any mistakes.

Su Qing is not as optimistic as Chen Yuyue: "if you can't catch people tonight, the police will send several times more people tomorrow. If you dig three feet, you will catch people within 48 hours. What can't be completed will affect the future of your career."

Chen Yuyue nodded. That's why he asked the military division to do it. If things are not so urgent, it's enough to let Feng Yu do it.

It is because time is too tight that Chen Yuyue will let Chai Badou do it. Only this burning thing can stimulate Chai Badou's fighting spirit and interest. If there is no challenging thing, they will not be interested.

It is now when Su Qing is extremely worried that Chai Badou and Feng Yu have come to a special area outside Chunshen river.

This place is very special, especially because there are many dans living here. As we all know, the dans are residents of the water fishing village in Datang town on the other side of Guangshen province. They are an ancient nation once distributed all over South China. Few people know that there are also a small number of dans in Shangjiang.

This has to be said to be a very magical thing. Since ancient times, the dans have made a living on the coastal waterways and lived on the edge of society. However, with the development of urban manufacturing and cities, they have slowly swallowed up this culture of water life, so the lifestyle of the dans is slowly disappearing.

There are people of this race in places like Shangjiang, which is indeed a special existence.

After all, Datang Town, where the dans gather today, is difficult to protect itself. Just opposite the town, there is a cement factory on the bank, with thick smoke rolling, and apartment buildings rising up along the river. You know, the river rises and falls regularly, and the salty river is the lifeline of those people. However, the river has been dredged and polluted, has been completely overfished, and is crowded with boats

So many young people no longer live this kind of life and no longer fish. No young people want to inherit that kind of life.

Slowly, many dans who have landed don't let their children know that they used to be dans. Water life has slowly disappeared, and a culture has been buried bit by bit.

Now there are fewer and fewer people living this kind of life. You can see it in Shangjiang. It can be said to be a miracle.

When Chai Badou and Feng Xun came here, they saw fishing boats docked in twos and threes and some large family boat houses for more than four people.

The dans here have formed a small life circle covering the river and the bank. Fishing nets, poultry cages and simple sheds are scattered disorderly on the Bank of the river. It is obvious that some people feed chickens and ducks to get extra food, and people here seem to keep one or even more dogs.

After all, this kind of place is not like a community with complete security. No one can guarantee safety, so dogs are needed to guard the yard and remind strangers at night.

When Chai Badou and Feng Xun appeared, there were indeed two barks, but the barking soon calmed down. I don't know whether it was the murderous spirit of Chai Badou or Feng Xun that frightened these humane beasts. They all curled up next to their kennels, and those without kennels quickly found a corner to shrink up.

They went outside a boat house and looked at each other.

Yes, it's here. They have confirmed with the Dan family they just met. The people in the boat house gave them thousands of dollars and asked them to help cover up the fact that he lived here.

Chai Badou didn't use any force threat or emotional method to deal with it. He just took out 10000 yuan and immediately learned what he wanted to know.

"Bang bang."

The knock on the door didn't panic Charles in the boat house, because he had just passed through the ditch with the owner of the boat house and needed some hot water.

So Charles thought it was hot water, so he took out a 100 yuan tip in his pocket and walked to the door. He opened the door slowly and handed out the money. Without raising his head, he said, "just put the hot water at the door."

However, the man at the door didn't go or bring the hot water he needed, but walked in directly.

Charles was stunned on the spot. In the face of aggressive firewood and wind, he could only step back and retreat to the corner of the room. There was no way to retreat anymore. He hardened his head and asked, "what do you want to do..."

"Charles." Feng Yu said faintly, "you really can find a place to hide. I'm afraid the whole Tianhai can't find a more unexpected hiding place than you."

Charles looked nervously at Feng Yu and Chai Badou. He realized that the silent person might have more say: "who are you?"

"You know what you've done." Chai Badou said straight to the point: "Tianhai police have given a wanted notice. There's a lot of reward for catching you. The little money you gave the owner of the boat house is not enough to let him keep it secret for you."

Charles swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but he couldn't smell the police on the two men, so he was sure that the two guys were definitely not from the police: "do you want a reward? If so, we can sit down and discuss it. As long as it's money, it's nothing."

Feng Shuo shook his head: "my elder brother teaches you to tell the person who helps you hide when you encounter this situation in the future. You can give him a certain amount of money every day. Only in this way can you not be betrayed so easily."

Charles took a cold breath and scolded in his heart, but he still had to squeeze out a smile on his face: "thank you for reminding..."

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