Feng Yu tilted his head and smiled: "there's no need to be so polite. Your thanks are not worth much to us."

"You can make an offer." Charles responded very quickly this time: "no matter how much money you want, I can promise you. Believe me, I have this economic strength."

"You have been wanted in China. How much money can you have in your fake wine industry?" Feng despised: "don't waste your tongue."

Charles did not mean to give up: "I also have assets abroad!"

Chai Badou nodded: "it's interesting to say so, but you know, if we give you to the police, we can not only get a bonus, but also get a good reputation. If we don't give you to the police, you can't escape the pursuit of the police. If you are caught by the police, how much money you promised us today is a daydream."

Charles frowned. "Don't worry, I'll be able to escape the police."

"You haven't even escaped our investigation. Why do you make us believe that you can escape the investigation of the police?" Feng said: "once the owner of the boat house sees the wanted notice, he will sell you immediately. At that time, we will have nothing."

"I... then I..." Charles looked in a trance: "if you are willing to help me, I can pay enough price!"

"Can you afford your overseas assets?" Chai Badou pretended to feel excited: "what we want is not a bit. It's not easy to cover you up."

"As long as you are willing to help me, I am willing to pay... 500000! 500000 is enough?" Charles's eyes kept wandering around the two people.

Chai Badou's face sank, and Feng Yu sneered: "when we are beggars? The reward offered by the public security has been 300000. Will we take risks for only 200000 more? We're not so stupid."

Charles's eyes widened in surprise and offered a reward of 300000? Are you kidding? The amount of the reward is too large.

However, it was understandable that he had made such a serious incident during the strike hard period, so Charles responded quite quickly and changed his mouth immediately.

"I'm talking about dollars, half a million dollars!" Charles gritted his teeth. Now it's impossible to impress people unless he gives a high price.

"One million." Chai Badou doubled it directly: "dollars."

Charles is so dull. Where did he get so much money, a million? Dollars? Not to mention that he has no assets abroad, even if he has assets, he can't have so many.

If he can be so rich, does he still need to come to China? Do you still need to make fake wine in China and put goods in various bars and KTVs... In European and American developed countries, it is really a super rich to take advantage of millions of dollars. After all, most people have no savings.

"If you can afford it, we will cooperate." Chai Badou is worthy of Chai Badou. He did not threaten Charles to cooperate according to Chen Yuyue's method, but used this method to make Charles cooperate with them willingly.

Now Charles really thinks they're for money.

Chai Badou knows that only Charles believes that they help him for money, can he trust them without doubt, so as to better let Charles cooperate with them.

"Here, I'll give it." although Charles can't get so much money at all, he has no choice but to promise at this time, otherwise he will be sent to the public security bureau to get the 300000 reward. Promise first and then think about a way. Anyway, Charles only needs their help to avoid the police's pursuit, and then find a way to get rid of them.

After all, once caught by the police, it is a heavy sentence. The fool of Da Cha is dead. In this case, Charles is likely to be sentenced to life imprisonment and other heavy sentences.

If he is really sentenced to life imprisonment, what is the meaning of his life? Charles would rather risk offending these two fierce looking guys than put himself in prison for the rest of his life.

Feng Xun couldn't help admiring Chai Badou. Speaking of playing tricks on people, the military division still has a way. A few words of play fooled the bastard.

"If you can't afford it, don't blame me for taking your life." Chai Badou suddenly took his hand and grabbed Charles by the neck and patted him on the wall. Charles felt suffocation in an instant!

This sudden move was a warning to Charles to realize that he should not make small moves.

"I can find you the first time, and I can find you the second time." Chai Badou reminded Charles in the process of suffocation: "in China, no matter where you escape, I will find you. Not to mention the police are looking for you now. If you want to play tricks, you should think about it."

Charles slapped firewood wildly and grabbed his hand around his neck.

Chai Badou loosened his grip on Charles when Charles was almost suffocating.

Charles breathed the air, and the feeling that he almost went to hell made his whole life creepy.

"I won't play tricks... Absolutely... Absolutely not!" Charles gasped and promised, but he thought again that if you want money, you should send me abroad. After I leave the country, you won't be arrogant. Then I will find a perfect hiding place!

In fact, Charles's fancy intestines are all in Chai Badou's calculation.

"Now we can't send you out. Tianhai's investigation is too tight." Feng Yu said faintly, "but we'll arrange a safer place for you. For that money, we won't let the police find you."

Charles rubbed his neck and was secretly happy as long as he could avoid the police!

At this time, the sound of a siren came from a distance. Charles's eyes widened in an instant and looked nervously at Xiangfeng and Badou.

"As I said, Tianhai police are not fools. You will be caught sooner or later if you stay here. So many bounties will make many people crazy to inquire about you." Chai Badou said, "we must leave immediately."

"Go! Go! Go now!" Charles was trembling. He didn't know that Chai Badou called the police after he found here. Of course, he didn't call the police and said Charles was there. He just lied casually. In this way, it won't attract too many police, but only let the police station transfer a few people.

Chai Badou only needs the sound of the police siren, because the sound of the police siren will make Charles lose his judgment and enter the role of cooperating with their actions faster.

Obviously, all this was just like Chai Badou's wish. Charles was completely flustered when he heard the sound of the police siren. No matter what they said, they cooperated and implemented without consideration. They soon took him to a safe hiding place.

In fact, this place is the garage of Zhao Xiaoyao's villa.

But in the process of bringing Charles, Feng Yu covered Charles's eyes with an eye mask on the grounds that it could make them more assured of cooperation. Charles had no complaints in order to avoid the police.

When Charles was locked in the garage, everything was finally done.

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