Chen Yuyue is helpless to Du Po Wu, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that this is really Du Po Wu's best choice.

"A week ago, I logged in to the web page where I contacted Xiaoyao and asked him about his current situation with the longzu password, but so far I haven't received his reply." Chen Yuyue took out his mobile phone and logged in to the web page that only he and Zhao Xiaoyao knew.

Du powu stretched out his head and looked at it. The page was also very simple. There were dragon group passwords for dialogue. No one could understand it except their brothers. It didn't matter even if someone invaded the network.

"I'm a little worried about his current situation." Chen Yuyue said his concerns: "I'm afraid he's in trouble."

Du Po Wu frowned: "he's so clever. Should he be all right?"

"If so, he should give me a reply immediately." Chen Yuyue said faintly.

"Brother, don't think too much. I'm used to it now. I was worried when we lost contact at the beginning, but I didn't worry after a long time." Du powu was very optimistic: "as the saying goes, no news is good news."

Chen Yuyue thought, that's true. They've always been like this. They've always lived a life where no news is good news.

"Forget it, don't think more." Chen Yuyue shook his head.

"I've booked the high-speed rail ticket. I'll start at more than seven o'clock before I get to Tianhai. I'll go to Shangjiang at about eight o'clock in the evening. If I buy Tianhai, I'll start later and go home at midnight. In this way, I'll let the goblin drive to pick us up." although Ye Xuefu was listening to the conversation between the two people just now, she was not idle and did everything she could do well.

"Don't let her go. It's too late and it's not safe. Let's take a taxi back." Chen Yuyue mocked himself: "if the leaders know that you do all these things for me, will they directly fire me?"

"You are not an assistant." Ye Xuefu doesn't mind at all.

Du powu looked at the time. Three hours later, he would go to Tianhai with him: "President ye, since my brother works in your company, let me work in your company."

Ye Xuefu was stunned and asked Chen Yuyue with her eyes.

"Forget it." Chen Yuyue refused Du powu before ye Xuefu spoke. "You'd better stay in the barbecue shop. There are many rules in the company. You can't stand it when you go."

Du Po Wu frowned: "I can do what you can do."

"Can you look at people's faces?" Chen Yuyue didn't dare to take Du powu to the company. After all, he was only a security guard. Sometimes senior leaders would show his face because of his bad mood. These Chen Yuyue could pretend that there was nothing because of Ye Xuefu's face, but Du powu could never do it.

"If you can, I can." Du Po Wu is quite serious.

Ye Xuefu wanted to promise him. After all, if Chen Yuyue had such a capable general around him, he wouldn't fight alone when there was something troublesome.

"Otherwise, you let him try?" yexuefu let go.

Chen Yuyue still didn't promise: "no, just let him work with brother Yong."

"I don't care whether you are brave or not. I certainly won't work under others." Du Po Wu has a temper.

"You've been fighting with the boss of the black fist ring. Now you're not willing to go back and do things well with others." Chen Yuyue asked.

Has the final say, "I don't care. I'll follow you anyway. I don't want to be complied with." duer insisted: "Ye Zong has promised, why don't you agree with me? The company is not what you have opened. Your official is not big."

Ye Xuefu pursed her lips and smiled.

Du Po Wu followed up the victory and said, "President ye, as long as you can let me work in your company, I will tell you everything you want to know about him. I must know everything and say everything."

Ye Xuefu nodded: "if you really want to go, I will introduce you, but you have to pass the probation period first. Chen Yuyue also passed the probation period to stay."

"Don't worry about that. I won't embarrass president Ye." Du Po Wu patted his chest and promised.

"You're really a bastard. You're iron with a weight?" Chen Yuyue really can't help him: "I tell you, if you get into trouble during the probation period, don't blame us. No one can keep you."

Du Po Wu cut with disapproval: "I keep myself in line and do what I should do. What can I do?"

"Yes, you are watching him." Ye Xuefu smiled at Chen Yuyue: "I think it's safer for him to follow you."

"Really?" Chen Yuyue turned his head and looked at Du Po Wu: "did you hear that? President Ye has so much confidence in you. You'd better restrain yourself."

Du Po Wu replied impatiently, "can I be your deputy? If you are the Minister of security, I will be the Deputy Minister?"

"Don't think about it. There aren't so many free places. You'll get through the probation period first!" Chen Yuyue said and asked the noodle shop owner, "boss, another bowl of wonton Longxu noodles, large!"

Du Po Wu licked his lips: "I also want another one."

"It's for you." Chen Yuyue shook his head and sighed: "if it can't block your mouth, I have to consider whether I need to buy tape."

Du Po Wu sat in his seat and giggled.

At this time, Chen Yuyue's mobile phone flickered. He looked down and gave him a new reply on the web page!

Seeing Chen Yuyue's eyes brighten, Du powu immediately put his head out.

Ye Xuefu was also curious to know what was written on it, but ye Xuefu couldn't understand it. For her, the dragon group password was a pile of numbers, letters and symbols, which was more difficult to understand than the heavenly book.

"He's going up the river!" Du Po Wu exclaimed after reading it. "Then don't we just go!"

Chen Yuyue stared at him and motioned him to keep his voice down. Du Po Wu calmed down and shut up.

Subsequently, Chen Yuyue quickly replied to Zhao Xiaoyao with the dragon group password, telling him that he would also go to Shangjiang at about 8:00 this evening and let him meet somewhere!

Ye Xuefu still couldn't understand it. She asked Du powu curiously, "how do you understand it? Where can you see that it's Shangjiang?"

"You don't understand. Look at this, ↓↓↓↓↓, this is the word 'Shang'." Du Po Wu said proudly: "↓↓↓↓↓↓ is the word 'Jiang'."

Ye Xuefu still listens to the heavenly book and shakes her head blankly. It sounds really complicated.

Chen Yuyue glared at Du powu again and motioned him not to say. Even ye Xuefu, their dragon group password can't talk nonsense.

But Du Po Wu has regarded Ye Xuefu as his own person, and even suspects that he may call his sister-in-law in the future. If his sister-in-law doesn't answer any questions, it will be too impolite.

Anyway, he knew Ye Xuefu didn't understand.

But Chen Yuyue knows that with Ye Xuefu's intelligence, if you put a keyboard in front of Ye Xuefu, and then explain it again, with Ye Xuefu's intelligence, you will want to understand.

Take the word "Shang" for example, ↓ represents the letter in the second row below the Arabic numerals on the keyboard, ↓ is the letter in the second row below the Arabic numerals. Similarly, ↓ is the letter in the second row below the Arabic numerals, and ↓ is the letter in the second row below the Arabic numerals.

In this way, you can spell "Jiang", which is a word of "Shang". In the same way, you can spell a word of "Jiang" with ↓↓↓↓↓↓!

This kind of random code must be a mess in the eyes of people who see it for the first time. They don't understand what it means.

But Chen Yuyue and his team have been using this special secret he invented for many years, so even without comparing the keyboard, they can know what kind of number combination represents what word at a glance.

Similarly, the way the dragon group password represents time is represented by letters. It is at 8 p.m. and translated into the dragon group password is ↑↑↓↑↑↑.

Smart people can see at a glance that there are numbers in the middle of the keyboard letters, and numbers in the middle of the letters and the upper line in the middle. As for the lower side of the child and mother is ":", the latter two ↑ naturally represent: Yes.

The dragon group password is the simplest and most difficult.

It sounds as if it is very simple. Anyone can learn the password by reciting the order of the keyboard.

However, if you really use the dragon group password to say a word, it will test the brain's reaction speed. If you are not smart enough, you can't use it at all.

Moreover, some people who are slow in thinking are very hard to understand.

But after they really learn to use this password, even if they communicate openly, they will not be found.

If two students learn the dragon group password, write down the string of dragon family passwords "↓↓, ↓↓, ↓↓, ↓↓" on the blackboard directly with the dragon group password, and the teacher must not understand the words "teacher fool".

When Chen Yuyue and Zhao Xiaoyao agreed on a time, Zhao Xiaoyao returned a "↓, ↓". At this time, ye Xuefu, who was studying the word "going to the river" just now, suddenly pointed to "↓, ↓" and asked, "can't this mean?"

Chen Yuyue and Du powu were shocked by Ye Xuefu's IQ in an instant.

They didn't tell her the principle of the dragon group code! Ye Xuefu cracked it herself!

Du Po Wu was stunned for a long time. He looked at Chen Yuyue with a shocked face and shook his head. He wanted to prove that it had nothing to do with him because ye Xuefu was too smart. He didn't say the word keyboard to her.

Ye Xuefu didn't need Chen Yuyue and Du powu to explain. She quickly determined that her judgment was correct. This is a password structure based on the keyboard.

"Who is so smart that he can think of the use of this password structure..." Ye Xuefu couldn't help exclaiming.

Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly.

Du powu pointed to Chen Yuyue: "this is the password designed by my brother."

Ye Xuefu looked at Chen Yuyue with admiration: "how can you be so smart? Who inspired you?"

"You are still smart, which can be associated with." Chen Yuyue has begun to think about how to improve the dragon group password.

Although he knows that there are not many people with an IQ of at least 160 or even 170, ye Xuefu exists after all. There must be others who can crack the password he designed, but he has never met such people.

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