At about the same time, the three took a taxi to the high-speed railway station to wait for ticket check-in. For the next more than ten hours, they had to stay on the train. There was no way to book tickets temporarily.

Fortunately, the train is not boring. A man and a woman who are separated from Chen Yuyue and them in the aisle hardly stopped talking all the way.

By the aisle was a man in his thirties, with a full beard. By the window was a young girl in her early twenties, with a pointed chin, big eyes and a standard net red face.

They seem to have just met, but they talk very speculative.

The beard should be the kind of person who is good at picking up girls. Obviously, his words and actions are exaggerated, but in front of a girl with little social experience, it is a social temperament of "knowing astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom".

Chen Yuyue was also interested in the topics they talked about.

"Do you believe there are werewolves in this world?" Chen Yuyue and Du powu were immediately attracted as soon as the beard began to talk, and ye Xuefu looked at them with great interest.

Chen Yuyue and Du powu looked at each other. They both understood what was in each other's mind.

As early as two years ago, they met a special creature in a mission. According to what they saw, the creature was the legendary "werewolf". It was a pity that they didn't catch the creature to confirm their doubts. When it attacked with four limbs, it escaped too fast and it was almost impossible to catch up.

So when the beard said werewolf, Chen Yuyue and Du powu couldn't help wondering what this guy would say next.

"Have you seen too many movies? Ha ha, werewolf? Wolverine." the girl smiled brightly.

"Have you ever wondered why there are legends of werewolves, but there are no legends of tigers or leopards?" asked the beard.

The girl was stunned and shook her head to show that she didn't know.

The beard said proudly, "so you believe it now?"

The girl opened her eyes in surprise: "true or false... I still don't believe it."

Chen Yuyue also looked at Ye Xuefu: "do you believe it?"

"Of course not." Ye Xuefu denied it without thinking about it: "The legend of werewolf originated in Europe. From the perspective of biogeography, after the end of the recent ice age, there have been almost no large cats on the European continent since the human ancestor Homo sapiens entered the European continent, so they have not been hurt by tigers and leopards. The large beasts in Europe are bears and wolves, and only wolves can harm ancient Europe Animal husbandry and personal safety pose a threat, so they are afraid of wolves, so there is a werewolf in the legend. "

Du Po Wu looked surprised: "there are no tigers in Europe? No?"

"I ask you this, you boys like to watch the song of ice and fire Right? Although the story is purely fictional, the setting of Westeros is the historical background of medieval Europe. Look at the family emblems of nine families there. The stark family is the ice running wolf, the baratheon family is the black treasure deer, the Lannister family is the roaring lion, the Erin family is the crescent Falcon, the greyjoy family is the golden sea monster, the Tully family is the silver trout and the fish It's all used. There's no such beast as tiger. Why do you think it is? "

Du Po Wu suddenly realized, I see!

Chen Yuyue looked at Ye Xuefu in surprise. He didn't expect that girls would also like to watch the song of ice and fire. He could also analyze the historical background of the story and relate to the influence of biogeography on ancient Europeans.

"From today's eating habits, we can see that animal husbandry was far more important than agriculture in the eyes of ancient Europeans. As a pest that destroyed the source of local people's livelihood, it can be imagined how much wolves were hated by Europeans." Ye Xuefu continued: "one of the psychological characteristics of human beings is to demonize their enemies."

At this time, ye Xuefu's words had attracted the attention of the beard and the girl.

The expression of the beard is disdainful.

"If we analyze it biologically, wolves are social animals, and it really happens that wolves adopt abandoned human babies. Wolf children are raised by wolves, and their behavior and Howling are like wolves. Therefore, these abandoned children will be recognized as werewolves when they return to human society. To some extent, this provides a realistic basis for the imagination of 'werewolves'." Ye Xuefu's analysis is in place.

At this time, the beard couldn't help: "then I ask you, why does the legendary werewolf change only happen on the night of the full moon?"

"I've read some books about this." Ye Xuefu responded freely: "as the brightest celestial body in the night sky, the moon is undoubtedly the most eye-catching at any time. The moon has a great impact on the environment and organisms on the earth, such as tidal phenomena and girls' biological cycle, so the changes of lunar phase also affect animals."

Du Po Wu nodded frequently. He became more knowledgeable again. No wonder the girl's physiological cycle is called menstruation. It turns out that it has something to do with the moon!

"The bright moonlight on the full moon night will make many animals go out of the darkness and have a date." Ye Xuefu used a nice word. In fact, the full moon will stimulate the desire of some animals, and animals will be excited at the full moon.

Many animals will be active at the full moon, not only wolves, but also monkeys.

The beard retorted, "what I said is not the same as what you said."

Chen Yuyue also smiled and said to Ye Xuefu, "biology top students are different, but what others say is not an academic problem."

Ye Xuefu was a little embarrassed. She finally realized that what she said affected her beard to show off her conversation in front of the girl.

"You talk, you go on." Chen Yuyue said to his beard with a smile: "what he said is very good, and what he said before is also very good."

Seeing that ye Xuefu stopped talking, the beard turned to continue talking about werewolves with the girl.

It is said that the real werewolf doesn't need a full moon to change his body as in novels and movies. If the real werewolf wants to change his body, he only needs to stare at the moon for a few seconds. If they don't want to change their body, they don't need to change their body.

The beard also said that some powerful werewolves don't even need to borrow the stimulation of moonlight, but they can change if they want to change.

Although these words sounded particularly outrageous and had no scientific basis at all, Chen Yuyue and Du powu did not show any disdain.

After all, some things have really happened in front of you, so it's hard for you to disbelieve.

Although many things need to be emphasized, seeing is not necessarily true, but what you see with your own eyes is real after all, and it is difficult for people to take the initiative to doubt.

Ye Xuefu didn't listen to the nonsense of beard, but Chen Yuyue was different from Du powu.

Some of the things this beard made up were so similar to what they had seen with their own eyes.

When her cheeks talked freely, the girl was surprised and couldn't close her mouth: "are you writing online novels?"

"Network novel?" his beard was stunned: "of course not. Do you think people who write network novels can afford this kind of watch?"

With that, his beard showed off the Rolex water ghost on his wrist.

This quality is good at first sight. At least it is the kind of high-quality super goods sold on wechat.

The girl took a look and didn't believe that those who can wear a real watch still need to make high-speed rail. If they are so rich, they must drive a luxury car to pick up girls. How can they pick up girls on the train.

But this beard is not a loser whose pocket is cleaner than his face. It also has some capital.

Even if he wears goods, he is worth tens of thousands of yuan. After all, are they luxury imitations? They must be much more expensive than adinike imitations.

"In other words, it's really a waste of talents if you don't write online novels." Chen Yuyue couldn't help saying, "with your imagination, writing online novels will certainly become a great God author."

His beard glanced at Chen Yuyue: "do you think what I said is made up?"

"Isn't it?" Du Po Wu said quickly and couldn't help asking.

His beard snorted, ignored them and continued to "attack" the girls around him. This reaction really made Chen Yuyue and Du powu feel a little confused.

"You two are not childish. Do you still need to ask? Of course he made it up." Ye Xuefu whispered, "no wonder they all say that men are young children. Do you really believe him?"

Du powu wanted to say that he had to believe it, but Chen Yuyue stopped him.

"I just think what he said is very good." Chen Yuyue changed the topic: "it's like listening to a novel story."

"I tell you, even if there are werewolves, they are definitely not the legendary werewolves he said." Ye Xuefu said seriously: "there is only one possibility, that is, to transfer the powerful genes of wolves to people, so that people can have the characteristics of wolves."

When ye Xuefu said this, the bearded body across the aisle was obviously stiff.

"But now genetics is not so advanced. This kind of experiment is quite dangerous and forbidden," Ye Xuefu continued. "If the experiment fails, people's lives will be in danger."

Du paowu looked at Chen Yuyue and couldn't help saying, "what's the use of prohibition? As long as there is a little theoretical possibility, there will be madmen to do it."

Ye Xuefu expressed appalling: "if so, there is simply no human rights and humanity."

"Not all experts and scholars in the field of biogenesis are good people." Du Po Wu snorted, "there are always evil people, and it's not a small number."

"Cough." Chen Yuyue coughed softly and motioned Du powu not to say so many useless words. Du powu was obedient and shut up.

Ye Xuefu was depressed by this: "yes, there are always people with evil intentions in the world, but there is no way..."

She knew that some gifted biologists had gone astray. If those people focused on the right way, they would have made great achievements.

But as long as people take the wrong step, it is difficult to come back. Once the detour begins, it is a road of no return.

There are too many things worth exploring in biogenesis, but all things worth exploring involve taboos.

This knowledge is far from as easy to learn as expected.

Many times, ye Xuefu will ask herself if she can't help it if she has some opportunities to get some amazing research results through prohibited experiments? Will there be impulse?

The answer is yes.

She will also be attracted by some unknown achievements. She will also have impulses and ideas. If she can't control herself, she will fall.

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