Zhao Xiaoyao's plan is very simple to implement. Chen Yuyue doesn't need to worry about staying in Shangjiang.

For the safety of Ye Xuefu and ye Xiaoyao, Chen Yuyue had to put aside his relationship with his two brothers for the time being.

They want to return to Tianhai in two ways. Chen Yuyue takes Ye Xuefu and ye Xiaoyao one step ahead, while Zhao Xiaoyao and Du powu want to stay and make some trouble.

Before leaving, Chen Yuyue told Bi Ying's address of renting a house in Tianhai city and asked them to go there directly after they arrived in Tianhai city. The room key is under the mat.

Since the two people are bait, they need a "Urn" to lead the turtle into the urn alone, and the house rented by Bi Ying has been idle for a long time and is just used as the urn to catch the turtle.

Although Chen Yuyue also knew that when he returned alone with the two sisters of the Ye family, he must be walking on thin ice and trembling all the way, but there was no way to change the current situation. At the moment, they can only do so. Otherwise, they will pull the two sisters into danger.

When the three got on the bus, some seemingly calm but hidden things happened.

When Chen Yuyue asked Ye Xiaoyao for the car key, ye Xiaoyao directly threw out a sentence: "I'm here to be a driver. How can I let you drive? The road back is not long. I'll be responsible for driving well, and you'll be responsible for flirting."

If this is a joke, ye Xiaoyao's expression doesn't mean a joke at all.

Chen Yuyue wanted to let it go and calm things down, but ye Xuefu came forward and took her sister's words: "you must be tired after driving so far in the morning. I'd better drive on the way back. I had a good rest and slept until noon."

"I don't know what it's like to sleep until noon for many years. Is it very comfortable?" Ye Xiaoyao smiled and looked at Ye Xuefu.

Ye Xuefu nodded and said calmly, "it's very comfortable. If you want to try, I can tell you a way."

"All ears." Ye Xiaoyao said.

"If you don't rest for two days and two nights, have been on a long-distance attack on the plane and high-speed rail, and then encounter some unimaginable and terrible things, you will certainly be able to lie in bed at sunrise and sleep until noon." Ye Xuefu's words obviously mean something else. It seems to explain, but it's not. When her strong side suddenly shows up, It always gives people a cold feeling.

Even for her own sister, her special strength is the same.

Ye Xiaoyao shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent look: "sister, you will underestimate me. If it's me, I can sleep until the afternoon. No, I can sleep until the evening."

"But if you don't have a person around you who can give you a sense of security, you can't sleep for a minute." Ye Xuefu's words were like a shock.

Everyone knows who this person with a sense of security refers to.

Ye Xiaoyao just provoked this obscure "war of words" with a little jealousy. Ye Xuefu would say so clearly.

Chen Yuyue went to the middle of the two and applied: "I'd better drive. I have a good spirit. I always sleep less and don't feel sleepy..."

"Shut up," Ye Xuefu and ye Xiaoyao said in unison.

The two sisters who were so harmonious at dinner just now somehow became this situation.

It's said that the submarine needle in a woman's heart is incomprehensible. Chen Yuyue finally understands the meaning of this sentence now. It's not just the submarine needle, it's the needle under the earth's heart!

Zhao Xiaoyao stood aside and didn't even dare to give out the atmosphere. He wasn't afraid, but worked hard for Chen Yuyue. He was nervous.

"If you can't make complaints about who will be the driver, we can all arrive at the sky sea sooner than you do." Du duwu could not help but Tucao.

Zhao Xiaoyao's spirit flashed: "well, I'll find a substitute driver for you, and I'll find a driver for you!"

"No!" the two sisters are the two sisters, saying the same voice again.

When they finished, their eyes collided.

Ye Xiaoyao suddenly took out the car key and threw it to Chen Yuyue: "drive well and use snacks. Don't think nonsense when driving, which will affect safety."

"Yes..." Chen Yuyue was really made into a cold sweat by them.


Ten minutes later, Du powu and Zhao Xiaoyao watched Chen Yuyue drive away slowly by the French window of the hotel room.

Zhao Xiaoyao sighed and shook his head: "I'm afraid the third brother doesn't want to stop all the way. The more close sisters are, the more humble they are. When they really fight, no one will let them go."

"The third brother asked for it." Du Po Wu said disapprovingly: "if he honestly thought of long Yueling and didn't flirt outside, he wouldn't have today's trouble."

"I said old five, are you a man?" Zhao Xiaoyao looked at Du Po Wu like a monster.

Du Po Wu frowned and stared at him: "call brother five! It's not big or small all day!"

"OK, you are my brother, you are my brother!" Zhao Xiaoyao waved impatiently: "brother, I ask you, do you have no impulse when you see beautiful women?"

"Do you think I'm you?" Du Po Wu despised Zhao Xiaoyao, who was full of emotions. "I'm not as bastard as you, amorous goods."

Zhao Xiaoyao doesn't think so: "I can tell you that I'm all true love and absolutely don't deceive anyone."

"Then your true love is really valuable!" Du Po Wu was too lazy to talk about love with him: "don't waste time. Do things early and go to Tianhai early."

Zhao Xiaoyao shook his wrist watch: "dear brother, can we use our brains when we do things? What time is it now? There are breaks and meals for employees in any company at noon? Even if we have to go, we'll wait a minute. You're full, but others..."

"If you don't shut up, I'll cut you." Du Po Wu directly lay on the sofa: "if you don't go now, I'll sleep for a while and call me when I leave."

Zhao Xiaoyao took a quilt and threw it to him: "don't worry, it's not for nothing if you don't go."

However, Du Po Wu only slept for more than ten minutes. Zhao Xiaoyao kicked the sofa and woke him up.

Du Po Wu almost broke his teeth. This bastard Zhao Xiaoyao likes to tease him. What's the point of starting more than ten minutes late?

But now is not the time to teach him a lesson. Du powu is ready to teach this bastard a lesson when this matter is solved.

According to the address searched by mobile phone, Zhao Xiaoyao came to the office building where the trading company is located. It happened that a car drove away in the position directly opposite to the camera. Zhao Xiaoyao immediately parked the car in the vacant parking space, which is a perfect parking position.

"Remember to show your face to the machine when you get off, but don't be too deliberate," Zhao Xiaoyao reminded.

Du Po Wu en said, "I see."

They opened the door at the same time. When Du Po Wu got off and closed the door sideways, he just showed his face to the camera facing the parking space.

Then, they walked into the office building one after another.

They soon found the trading company in the office building. They pushed the door and entered. The reception beauty at the door immediately greeted each other with a smile.

"I've made an appointment with your boss." Zhao Xiaoyao gave the beauty a teasing look, put his arm on the table, and revealed the valuable grand watch of jiangstanton attack series on his wrist, which is more than one million.

Not to mention that Zhao Xiaoyao looks pretty good. It's a standard little fresh meat, but such a watch is enough to fascinate girls.

"I'll take you to the office now." the girl didn't ask. She believed Zhao Xiaoyao's words without hesitation.

Du Po Wu was surprised to see what was happening in front of him. He knew in his heart that if he told the girl like this, the girl would certainly ask him who he was and what time he made an appointment, and then call their boss. Even if he didn't do so, he would let him find it by himself and couldn't take him personally.

Zhao Xiaoyao's treatment is completely different.

The girl walked out of the front desk, and the big long legs under the short skirt with hips up to the ditch were at a glance. She walked in front of Zhao Xiaoyao, twisting and showing off her figure.

Because she knows that this is her best performance opportunity all the way.

What is the way out for a woman to be a receptionist? Once she has such a good figure and such a marked face, it will be a turning point in her life if she is favored by a rich young rich second generation or a creative generation.

"Mr. Gou, your guest is here." the girl at the front desk knocked on the doorway of the office room.

In the office sat a man of about 35 years old. His name was Gou Xun. He met Zhao Xiaoyao and Du powu. After all, he was sent by the police for the first time yesterday.

The suite that happened in the hotel was rented by their company all year round.

"Jin." Gou Xun didn't have a good rest last night. He handled so many things this morning. Now he's very sleepy. He was disturbed just when he wanted to have a rest. His voice seemed a little impatient.

The girl gave Zhao Xiaoyao an ambiguous look before turning away. Zhao Xiaoyao also picked his eyebrows and put the electricity on.

If Du Po Wu hadn't pushed him into the room, it was estimated that he would have to flirt with the girl for a while. It was estimated that he could make a direct appointment even for dinner at night.

The sudden intrusion of the two frightened Gou Xun.

Gou Xun recognized them at a glance and said in surprise, "how are you... What are you going to do? When did I ask you out?"

"Make an appointment with your uncle." Zhao Xiaoyao changed his face as soon as he closed the door: "do you think we are so free? How can we make an appointment with you!"

"Now that we've found it, let's get straight to the point." Du Po Wu is still the Du Po Wu: "tell me, who checked in the hotel room under your company's annual contract yesterday and said everything that should be said. We'll let you go today."

Gou Xun slapped the table and stared: "I don't know what you're talking about! This is my office. I ask you to leave immediately, or I'll call the police!"

"Report! Report now!" Zhao Xiaoyao suddenly took out his dagger and put it directly into the desk in front of Gou Xun. The dagger was sharp and cut iron like mud. This time, he directly broke through the wood and went to the handle: "although you try, it's the police who come fast, or Lao Tze's knife."

Gou Xun obediently put down the phone he had picked up and looked at the two people with a blank and innocent face: "what exactly do you want to do? I told the police what I should say. I am also a victim. I don't know how the room set by my company can get in. You should go to the wine shop! There is a problem with their management!"

"Still fucking dress for me?" Zhao Xiaoyao pointed to himself: "am I telling you who I am, and you just give up?"

"I'm not pretending! What I said is true!" Gou Xun said seriously!

Zhao Xiaoyao glanced at Du Po Wu and said in a high voice, "execution!"

Du Po Wu rolled up his sleeves without saying a word, revealing the muscles of his arms!

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