Gou ten day was scared and quickly hid two steps back. He was forced into a corner with a cold sweat: "don't mess around! This is a public place! If you dare to hurt me, don't want to leave unharmed!"

"You don't need to think about whether we can leave." Du Po Wu didn't have much patience. He came forward and hugged Gou Xun's head and smashed it heavily on his own desk!

The solid wood desk was very hard, Gou Xun's head was hit dizzy, his knees were soft, and he almost knelt on the ground.

Du Po Wu pulled him up again and patted him on the wall. His big fist was raised without hesitation.

Gou Xun was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes!

"Life is your own. It's not worth losing it for others." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled and grabbed Du Po Wu's wrist. He was afraid that Du Po Wu would really punch down and kill this guy.

Gou Xun secretly opened his frightened eyes and looked at Du Po Wu's fierce fist. The bottom of his heart couldn't help shivering.

But he dare not say. If he did, it would not be as simple as being beaten.

Today, as long as he clenched his teeth, he was beaten half to death at most. In such a public place, they certainly dare not kill. Many people have seen them coming to the company.

But if he betrays the people behind him, there will be only a dead end, and even his own family will be involved.

Gou Xun knew which was more important, clenched his back teeth and said again, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"You're so hard!" Du Po Wu became angry with shame. He broke free from Zhao Xiaoyao's control and hit Gou Xun's head heavily!

The collision sound of fist and wall stunned the employees of the whole foreign trade company.

But no one dared to go to the boss's office.

It's reasonable to say that the boss's office makes such a huge noise. As an employee, I'm sure I'll care about it? If the boss is beaten, rush in to help him.

But none of the employees came in.

Zhao Xiaoyao's mind moved quickly, and no one came in, indicating that these employees have not experienced such a thing for the first time.

He looked at the poor guy in front of him. He must be forced and helpless, so even if he was killed, he didn't dare to betray the controller behind him.

Now their goal has been achieved, and Zhao Xiaoyao doesn't have to force this poor bastard anymore.

"Don't you say? Ok... When I find out, it won't be as simple as today!" Zhao Xiaoyao threw down a sentence and gave Du powu a look to leave.

Du powu threw Gou Xun to the ground and turned around to leave with Zhao Xiaoyao.

As soon as they walked out of the office, Gou Xun got up and touched the mobile phone on the table. At the moment, ignoring the sharp pain in his head, he quickly dialed a number he remembered: "Mr. Cheng! They found the door!"


Soon after, a silver business car stopped under the office building.

Soon, Gou Xun took a laptop and ran downstairs to the parking lot. The silver business door opened, and Gou Xun bowed into the car.

In the car sat a middle-aged man less than 40, with short gray hair and sharp eyes, looking at Gou ten days.

Gou Xun could not help shivering and said cautiously, "Mr. Cheng, I have brought the surveillance videos of the office and office buildings."

With that, Gou Xun opened his laptop and quickly found the monitoring pictures of Zhao Xiaoyao and Du powu on the computer.

In an hour, Cheng Bu repeatedly watched the monitoring several times, but he couldn't see Du powu's face. He couldn't be sure who Zhao Xiaoyao came with.

The wily Cheng Bu turned his eyes to the window and suddenly said, "can you get the monitoring in the parking lot?"

"Yes." Gou ten day dare not say no. even if he steals and grabs, he will get it.

"That's hard for you." Cheng Bu said faintly, "as long as you do your best for the organization, the organization will certainly not treat you badly. If you need anything, just ask."

"Thank you for Mr. Cheng's promotion." Gou Xun bowed his head and said, "I don't need anything, just... I just hope my family can live well."

Cheng Bu smiled: "don't worry. As long as you do your best, no one will disturb your family."

"Thank you, Mr. Cheng. I'll find the monitor now!" Gou Xun left the car in fear.

Finally, an hour later, Cheng Bu saw the front of the man next to Zhao Xiaoyao on the monitoring screen of a parking lot.

"Poor strange..." Cheng Bu's eyes twinkled with excitement: "it's you..."

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him!

Chaos and poverty, if he can take these two people in one fell swoop, it will definitely be a miracle!

Now he has mastered all the cars and brands of the two prey, and it is easy to track them.

After Cheng Bu asked Gou Xun to leave, he directly ordered his opponent to track the car.

However, Xiao Li, the most powerful left and right hand around Cheng Bu, put forward a very suspicious point: "don't you think it's a little strange?"

"Strange?" Cheng Bu frowned and nodded to Xiao Li to continue.

Xiao Li said bluntly: "in the past six months, we have been tracking the whereabouts of chaos, but he will escape every time. It seems that we are only a little close every time, but in fact, it is because the opponent is too cunning to escape us. But this time..."

At this point, Cheng Bu understood very clearly: "you mean, this is the other party's game?"

"Mr. Cheng made a clear decision." Xiao Li said.

Cheng Bu shook his head in disdain: "if chaos were the only one, I would doubt that it was a situation. But now he is not alone. There is another person around him. When a person who has been temporarily in the upper hand has a capable helper around him, he will be careless!"

Xiao Li was stunned: "what Mr. Cheng meant was that they met and met, so..."

"That's right." Cheng Bu didn't wait for Xiao Li to finish saying, "besides, they also hurt the 'Wolf' last night. It's normal to be proud and careless."

Although Xiao Li still wanted to say something, seeing that Cheng Bu was so sure, he didn't dare to speak again.

At this moment, Cheng Bu's cell phone suddenly rings.

He took a look at his mobile phone and sneered. Unexpectedly, the "wolf" who was beaten as a homeless dog had the good intention to call him.

However, Cheng Bu politely connected the phone, because he knew that panglang was still a "wolf" despite the sneak attack and heavy damage yesterday.

Now his opponent is not only "chaos", but also a "poor strange". Now is the time of lack of manpower.

So panglang is still a guy worthy of his use.

Soon, Cheng Bu happily made an appointment with Pang Lang on the phone.


From Shangjiang city to Tianhai city is definitely the longest road Chen Yuyue has traveled in his life.

At first, he thought that as long as they set foot on the way back, everything would be better. Even if they were still angry with each other, they would fade as they were closer to home.

To Chen Yuyue's surprise, ye Xuefu and ye Xiaoyao fell into the cold war from the moment the car drove out of the hotel.

The sisters didn't talk to anyone all the way.

Chen Yuyue wanted to open the atmosphere several times, but they were all hurt by their cold attitude.

Until the car drove into Tianhai City, Chen Yuyue didn't want to understand why they were so cold.

It's not because of each other.

In this world, ye Xiaoyao's two favorite people are his mother and sister Ye Xuefu, and ye Xiaoyao is also the one who loves Ye Xuefu most.

Some emotional things ye Xiaoyao can make concessions. At the moment, the things that make her unhappy seem to be because of Chen Yuyue, but it is not because of Chen Yuyue.

The current cold war is actually because they are angry with themselves.

Ye Xiaoyao was angry that she should clearly tell herself when she first met Chen Yuyue that she must not like him.

The reason is very simple. My sister has never appreciated a boy like Chen Yuyue. She should know that my sister will like Chen Yuyue.

But even so, she couldn't control her feelings. She didn't even remember at which moment she jumped to Chen Yu.

If she didn't know the feeling in her heart after Chen Yuyue and her sister rested in a room today, she wouldn't even know her feelings for Chen Yuyue.

This makes Ye Xiaoyao blame herself. She hates why she has such feelings for Chen Yuyue.

Like Ye Xiaoyao, ye Xuefu is questioning herself all the way.

In fact, before she impulsively kissed Chen Yuyue that day, she already felt Ye Xiaoyao's feelings for Chen Yuyue.

Ye Xiaoyao is her own sister. She knows Ye Xiaoyao too well. She knows what kind of psychology Ye Xiaoyao's every move represents.

Since Chen Yuyue accompanied Ye Xiaoyao to participate in the Tiansheng Tianlai competition, ye Xiaoyao's emotion towards Chen Yuyue has changed.

All this was seen in Ye Xuefu's eyes.

But ye Xuefu refused to admit this fact. At the moment when her inner feelings erupted, she did not choose to control, but chose selfish possession.

So now she blames herself.

If it hadn't been for the impulse after the emotional outbreak, she wouldn't feel so uncomfortable as now.

Emotion is originally tangled.

She even felt that everything was her fault. Ye Xiaoyao would feel for Chen Yuyue. In fact, it was her own fault.

Before meeting Chen Yuyue, ye Xuefu told ye Xiaoyao more than once that she would not fall in love within five years. She wanted to put her best time on her career.

Ye Xiaoyao said she would not do this. She said the best time should be used to find her love.

When an excellent boy appeared in front of them, a boy worthy of their love, ye Xiaoyao should have wanton love, but ye Xiaoyao didn't wantonly be himself due to his sister.

Ye Xuefu did not consider her five-year plan. What she had said to Ye Xiaoyao became vulnerable after Chen Yuyue appeared.

Those words were completely shattered on the day Chen Yuyue rescued Ye Xuefu.

Ye Xuefu realized that she had been wrong before. She was completely wrong.

Love is not what she thinks. Feelings that can be controlled by human reason are not called feelings at all. When love strikes, it is not what reason can control at all.

That's why Ye Xuefu has the struggle at the moment.

: it's updated normally today. If you don't make it up, you'll make it up tomorrow.

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