Half an hour later, Chen Yuyue and the four of them came to the Huaishi restaurant. At the moment, the Huaishi restaurant had just calmed down.

Zuo Jiujian longer had arranged everything properly.

Ishihara Jieyi takes Bi Ying, who is still unconscious, to her room. The seemingly weak Ishihara Jieyi is by no means a woman as simple as it seems.

Although she has gone astray since childhood due to family influence, she is a true karate master.

This highly lethal Kung Fu is by no means a good kind. It is simple and powerful. The skill of killing with one blow is no small matter.

Now it seems that Taekwondo has already blossomed everywhere in the boxing halls in major cities all over the world, but later people found that this flower boxing embroidered leg Kung Fu, like traditional martial arts, lost more and won less in heterogeneous fighting skills, so they turned to fighting skills with higher lethality.

Now Muay Thai and karate are springing up, but the Chinese martial arts hall, known as the ancestor of Kung Fu, is becoming more and more depressed

Apart from international promotion, cultural positioning, packaging publicity and rule making, there is a huge disadvantage in China's lethal Kung Fu, that is, it can't be done quickly.

Compared with the fierce Muay Thai, the terrible extreme vacuum hand, the Gracie jujitsu with rich ground technology, the best military combat skill Sangbo, and the simplest and effective fighting technique of unarmed fighting, Mongolian wrestling is far easier to practice than Chinese Kung Fu.

Maybe Mongolian wrestling doesn't look so beautiful and gorgeous, but in the real battlefield of flesh and blood, the most direct and effective way is to fall quickly and kill the enemy directly with a knife! This is the original intention of Mongolian wrestling!

Known as the strongest military combat skills, Russian Sangbo was deeply influenced by Mongolian wrestling.

It is not difficult to see that as long as you have a strong enough body and hard work for three or five years, you can basically achieve small success. If you are gifted, you can achieve great success in ten or eight years.

But Chinese Kung Fu is not like this. Chinese Kung Fu is all about grinding a sword in ten years. People with talent can achieve little success in ten years. It is impossible to achieve anything after thirty years of hard training without talent.

For example, the legendary thirteen layer dragon elephant Prajna skill takes two years to practice the first layer. After that, it takes twice as long to practice each layer. It takes 64 years to practice the sixth layer. Even a martial arts genius starts to practice at the age of five or six, and 70 little old men break through less than half. If he wants to practice the thirteenth layer, he must first live for thousands of years.

Of course, this is an exaggerated legend, but I have to admit that it takes too much time for many Chinese Kung Fu to practice lethality.

There are many masters in China.

But it's impossible for the master to show in any fighting arena.

Not only in China, but also abroad. Real experts will not appear in the challenge arena because they disdain it.

A person from competing to practice martial arts, and then to see through the meaning of martial arts, until he reaches the moment of awakening the truth, and finally can achieve the realm of tolerance and self-restraint.

As the saying goes, there is another mountain high. There are days outside the sky and people outside the people.

The more top-level masters, the less they feel how powerful they are, and the less they casually claim that they are "the strongest ground fighting" or "the strongest standing fighting".

Those fighters who claim to be the strongest in the American Empire, the strongest in Japan, the strongest in Europe, the strongest in China, and even the strongest on earth are not worth mentioning in front of the real top experts, even in front of Chen Yuyue's three-tier experts of dark strength level.

Chen Yuyue will have so many scruples about Sakuma longer because Sakuma longer is a sumo wrestler who lives in the circle of ordinary people.

He didn't live where he should live like those ordinary sumo wrestlers, which shows that he is definitely not those ordinary sumo wrestlers.

Just as those terrible fighting masters don't appear in the fighting circle, they disdain to treat those people as opponents.

Those who are known as masters may dare to play Muay Thai, free fighting and unrestricted fighting.

Indeed, the rate of these games is indeed high, but it is nothing compared with the real underground black boxing.

The world's top underground black boxing competition has an absolute 100% rate. What needs to be calculated in this place is the mortality! So those fighters standing on the bright table won't come to this place.

These fighters refused to recognize the existence of underground black boxing, believing that the existence of underground black boxing is a disgrace for fighting.

But this form of competition, which is free from the orthodox fighting morality, has a history almost as long as the fighting itself. From the United States to Asia, Europe and Africa, underground black boxing appears in almost every corner of the world.

Chen Yuyue knew all this because he had been to Siberia, where he met a five-year-old Russian boy with a cold light in his eyes.

The little boy said that his dream is to rule the underground black fist. He makes a lot of money by fist. Even if he can't become the world-known champion of Mayweather, no one dares to provoke him!

Indeed, if he could really rule the underground black boxing, even if the so-called boxers lined up, no one would dare to provoke him!

The Russian boy said that his idol was a Chinese. His surname was Zhang. He created a myth of complete victory in 470 games in underground black boxing, of which 240 opponents were killed by him, with a mortality rate of more than 50%.

Although the legendary figure withdrew from underground black boxing decades ago and is now dead, he is a super idol in the hearts of all children in the training camp in Siberia.

They despise Mayweather's champion who makes a lot of money. They call him mayrun. No one wants to watch mayrun.

They like those legendary figures in the past, such as the Chinese known as the axe. In the murderous underground black fist world, he played 97 games, won 96 games and killed 95 opponents. The only game he lost was at the feet of his opponents.

The guy who defeated him used Mei's running tactics to hide and hide. He used up all his strength before he kicked a flying leg directly at the head of the axe and killed him.

Those famous titles of underground black boxing such as "hell demon", "meat grinder", "beast", "madman", "vampire" are their idols


When Feng Xun sneaked into Huaishi cuisine to determine Bi Ying's room, he came out to report to Chen Yuyue at the first time.

"There is only one Japanese woman in Biying's room." Feng Xun didn't do it directly because he didn't know what strength the woman was.

"If they dare to give Bi Ying to this woman alone, it means that this woman is not simple." Chen Yuyue seriously reminded him: "don't be careless. If they dare to give Bi Ying to her alone, it means that she is not an ordinary role..."

Feng Yu nodded: "I will be careful. I will only save people and not fight as much as possible."

Chen Yuyue nodded: "OK, do it!"

At the command, the four figures quickly turned into Huaishi restaurant

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