Feng Xun goes straight to bi Ying's hiding place, while Chen Yuyue and the three of them go to the farthest corner from Bi Ying's room.

Huaishi restaurant is not small. There are more than 30 rooms in the front, back, left and right, but there are only a dozen Japanese in the store, so it's easy to get out of neutral.

Chen Yuyue's tactics are very clear, that is, they use the three of them to attract all the Japanese in Huaishi restaurant, that is, the fighting power, and give Feng Xun plenty of time to take Bi Ying away.

But what they do can't be particularly obvious. Once it is particularly obvious, the other party will be aware of their real purpose. In that case, as long as the other party transfers a few people to protect Bi Ying's room, it will be difficult for Feng Yu to act quickly. If the other party controls Bi Ying as a hostage, Chen Yuyue will really be helpless.

Smart people know that anyone who saves hostages must be of great value.

Therefore, hostages are often the most critical for both sides in wartime.

It's no use mastering anything, but as long as you master the hostages, you can firmly control the upper hand.

With the significant increase of Chinese outbound personnel, there is also a significant increase in international kidnappings involving Chinese people. Not only Chinese people, but also dragon groups have participated in many international rescue activities, so Chen Yuyue and them have very rich rescue experience.

In particular, in recent years, there have been some rapidly expanding extremist organizations. The first one is the extremist organizations that especially like to talk about kidnapping hostages. There are many evils. The dragon group has dealt with them.

Although the organization's main income is the illegal trading of crude oil, it forcibly occupies the smuggled crude oil.

However, they will still kidnap hostages and ask the host country to pay ransom. After all, hostage extortion is a very important economic source. War needs money. Extremist organizations burn too much money and have to buy a lot of weapons, which is much more expensive than other criminal activities.

Moreover, the organization's pertinence to hostages from different countries is also different.

Hostages to the US empire, individual European countries, Japan and other countries that have suffered serious blows. These extremists rarely consider economic factors. They will openly and high-profile ask for huge ransom. Obviously, they have political considerations.

For the hostages of some countries in northern Europe and Asia, this extremist organization will not make public and high-profile publicity, but ask for money. They will contact embassies of various countries through their own unique channels.

Chen Yuyue has more contacts with those grandchildren, so he has rich experience in hostage rescue.

When Feng Xun made all the preparations, Chen Yuyue and the three of them finally "accidentally" exposed their whereabouts and were found by two night watchmen in Huaishi cuisine!

"Who are you? How dare you break into a private house at night!"

An angry rebuke woke up the Japanese people in Huaishi restaurant. Sasukuma longer, who had just laid down, jumped up and rushed out of the door first.

Ishihara Jieyi, who stood beside Bi Ying, quickly locked his eyes on the dark shadow behind the sliding door.

The door was opened with a crash.

The figure of the wind flashed directly into the room.

Ishihara Jieyi realized the other party's plan to distract the tiger from the mountain, so he did not hesitate to open his hands up and down to protect Bi Ying's body.

Feng Yu even saw some familiar feeling in Shiyuan Jieyi's standing posture. Yes, it's the standing posture in the boxing emperor, his favorite game.

This karate stance seems to come from the founder of extremely true karate.

Feng Xun looked at the "flower fist and embroidered leg" in front of him. At present, he is not sure whether the other party is a real expert.

After all, the topic of women's self-protection is very hot these days. All kinds of gyms also take the opportunity to wantonly attract members to cheat money on the grounds of teaching women's self-defense skills. However, the so-called one shot and one kill skills taught by coaches, especially those that can quickly defeat the enemy, are farting.

After three or five days of practice, you fantasize about a move? Fools believe it.

If karate is separated from strength training, the cool moves are just fancy boxing and embroidered legs.

Feng Yu must now determine the strength of the woman in front of him.

In a twinkling, Feng Hui picked up a chair under his feet and kicked it out. Ishihara Jieyi did not hesitate to kick it, and the chair was split in half with a crack.

Obviously, Ishihara's Kung Fu of tying clothes is by no means flower boxing and embroidering legs.

Of course, Feng Yu also saw a feature in her hand. Her karate is not practiced in the karate hall, but a traditional karate with real expert guidance.

Extreme vacuum martial arts is out of tradition. In today's hot weapon era, traditional martial arts must get rid of killing moves in order to turn to competition and develop. This is the inevitable trend of martial arts in today's society all over the world.

Because many moves can't be used to protect players in competition.

Therefore, a lot of Chinese Kung Fu has no place in the fighting competition. Those who practice Yongchun can fight freely. If they can use the tricks of digging eyes, inserting their throat and kicking their crotch, people three times stronger than them will die. However, they can't use these in the fighting field and underground black boxing can't be used.

Traditional karate is far more ferocious than karate on the fighting field today. There are too many killing moves.

Just when Feng Yu tried to find out the basic situation of Shiyuan Jieyi, Shiyuan Jieyi took the initiative!

I saw Ishihara's knot clothes in kimono suddenly jump forward and hit the door of Fengyu directly!

In surprise, Feng Xun dodged Shiyuan Jieyi's foot. He knew his purpose very well in his heart. He was saving people and must not be dragged by the other party.

Ishihara Jieyi failed to hit, and then he took a cushion step to kick horizontally and continue to approach the wind.

It is obviously unexpected that a seemingly weak woman has such a powerful leg technique. Fortunately, Chen Yuyue gave him a "preventive injection" before, so that he must deal with it carefully. Otherwise, if he is careless, he may capsize in the gutter.

Shiyuan Jieyi saw that Feng Xun had not fought back so far. He thought the other party was weak. Then he kicked and kicked one after another to greet Feng Xun. After getting close, he hit the elbow and knee again. Each move ran to the key.

The steps are quite skillful, backward sliding, side flashing, dragging steps, cushion steps, falsehood, truth and falsehood. A word of disagreement is 360 degrees of whirlwind kick. Once the wind dodges, it will face the hand knife side attack or empty hand cutting attack.

Ishihara Jieyi didn't give Feng Yu a chance to breathe at all. After a dozen moves in a row, Ishihara Jieyi realized that he was wrong.

Feng Yu did nothing, but Ishihara Jieyi exhausted all his physical strength because he was too impulsive.

At this time, Feng Xun's face smiled: "you are really an expert, but you really don't have any experience."

Ishihara Jieyi's face changed dramatically.

The wind suddenly took off and spun 360 degrees with one leg. Ishihara Jieyi didn't even have a chance to react, so he was knocked unconscious in the room by the wind.

"It's still too high to see you." Feng Xun said and went forward to carry Bi Ying on his shoulder. His figure flashed and left Shiyuan Jieyi's room.

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