At this time, the girl suddenly fainted. Su Qing originally wanted to participate in the search, but now it seems that she doesn't have the time. She must ensure the girl's safety first. No one is sure whether the Japanese will suddenly kill back to find the girl.

Of course, Zhou Chengxuan can't arrange Su Qing to guard the girl alone. Su Qing is in danger.

Su Qing checked this place all the way. It is estimated that the Japanese involved must hate Su Qing.

Zhou Chengxuan doesn't want anything to happen to Su Qing at this juncture.

Tianhai criminal police team is destined to be another busy night tonight.

And ASO Kogoro became a street mouse. I'm afraid there is no hiding place for him in any corner of Tianhai city.

After Zhou Chengxuan arranged all the wanted tasks, Su Qing called him aside: "if the Japanese is forced to be desperate, he has only one place to hide."

"I know what you want to say? Chen Yuyue asked me to check that place last time." Zhou Chengxuan shook his head: "if that guy can really avoid all our wanted arrests and hide in Huaishi restaurant, I'm afraid we're really a little tricky..."

Su Qing said, "why? Can he hide there? Can't we check it? If someone in Huaishi restaurant colludes with him, it means they are birds of a feather. We should catch them all and never tolerate them."

Zhou Chengxuan had a headache when he mentioned this.

Some leaders made a special call this afternoon because they didn't get any results from the search in Huaishi restaurant.

It seems that the Japanese in Huaishi restaurant immediately contacted their consulate in China, and then asked the people in the consulate to communicate with the city leaders, saying that Tianhai police station had acts of external discrimination and prejudice against Huaishi restaurant.

City leaders do not want to be put on such a hat.

They hoped to find out, but it backfired. Huaishi restaurant didn't find any effective clues.

In this way, the leaders will lose face, so now if they are not 100% sure that they can catch people, they will not issue a search warrant for Huaishi restaurant.

This is a headache for Zhou Chengxuan.

If you check again and find nothing, the Japanese in Huaishi restaurant will really win a big victory.

Zhou Chengxuan can't take this risk. He will never fight a battle without certainty.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange this matter. If Huaishi restaurant does have problems, even if I try my best, I must uproot them and get rid of them in a nest! I will never let them continue to stay behind." Zhou Cheng preached.

"Team Zhou, can't you be 100% sure that there is something wrong with Huaishi restaurant? Think about what Chen Yuyue said to you. If he doesn't have 100% confidence, he will never talk nonsense to you. Huaishi restaurant has a problem, 100% has a problem." Su Qing said anxiously: "You must find out. No matter who stops you, you must find out! You must find out!"

Zhou Chengxuan nodded: "OK. Protect the girl, don't let her get hurt again, take her back to the criminal police team and ask her what else she knows. Everything she said is evidence in court."

Su Qing said, "I will."


Aso was annoyed after he fled the bar.

Now he is completely a defeated general. It is because Ishihara Jieyi came to her store to find trouble. As a result, he exposed his identity in advance.

Even if the police can't find out the evidence of something over there, his behavior is suspicious enough.

No matter what happens later, Aso Kogoro can't go back to the bar to do what he usually does. It's all over.

To put it bluntly, Ishihara's clothes ruined his good life in China.

Aso Kogoro really likes the city of Tianhai. Although the city is not as prosperous as their Japanese capital, he still falls in love with this place, because no city in his country can be compared with here except the capital.

Moreover, he really has a natural and unrestrained life in China. He can do whatever he wants. He doesn't need to care about other people's eyes when he can talk. He can play with Chinese people's feelings at will, whether men or women.

And now it's all broken.

Everything is gone, nothing.

Now he even has nowhere to escape. The streets are full of the sound of police cars.

Damn Shiyuan Jieyi! Masheng xiaowulang scolded in his heart. All women are unreliable!

If it hadn't been for Sakuma ryuno's favoritism towards Ishihara Jieyi, Aso would have ignored her words, so there would be no accident today.

Thinking of this, Aso Kogoro decided that he could only go to Huaishi restaurant to find Sakuma longer. No one could solve his problem.

He wants to make things clear to sasukuma longer and tell sasukuma longer that it was Ishihara's clothes that led to the big failure tonight.

He said he would go. ASO ran frantically to Huaishi restaurant. He had to hide in Huaishi restaurant before the police caught him. Only in that way could he escape. If he wanted to leave China safely, Aso needed Sakuma's shelter and escort, otherwise he couldn't go.


The pouring rain finally stopped.

But Zuo Jiujian longer's mood was suddenly full of haze with the stop of the rainstorm. I don't know why. He had a very ominous hunch. He felt that something would happen tonight, and it was still a headache for him.

Soon, sasukuma longer knew the answer. What happened tonight really surprised him.

When Aso's breath appeared, Sakuma longer determined his inner thoughts.

”Sakuma Jun! "ASO Kogoro jumped over the wall and entered. He dared not go through the front door for fear of being found by the police and leaving evidence.

Zuo Jiujian longer looked at the panting Aso xiaowulang, and asked vaguely uneasily, "where's Ishihara's knot?"

"Hasn't she come back yet?" Aso xiaowulang suddenly brightened his eyes when he heard that Ishihara's clothes hadn't come back: "Sasaki, I'm really hurt by Miss Ishihara today! She even provoked the police. Now everything is in a mess. I really don't know why it's like this!"

When Sakuma longer heard ASO shirk his responsibility, he turned his face on the spot: "Ishihara won't go to your side for no reason."

Aso xiaowulang was stunned: "what do you mean, Sakuma Jun? Can I lie? Miss Ishihara really went to the bar today! She asked me to help her deal with things, so I helped her deal with things. As a result, she provoked two criminal policemen. In a twinkling of an eye, the police came, and I had no time to deal with it..."

"Don't explain." sasukuma longer can figure out what happened: "your only task now is to think about how to leave."

Aso xiaowulang was stunned: "Sasaki Jun, where else can I go in Tianhai? The only place I can go is you. The only person who can protect me is you."

Zuo Jiujian longer reluctantly closed his eyes, which really gave him a headache!

What a mess!

Why did things develop into such chaos? Why could he only be tired of dealing with it and have no way to change the situation!

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