Aso xiaowulang now just wants to leave as soon as possible: "Sakuma Jun, I must leave as soon as possible. If I am caught by the Chinese police, everything will be over."

Sasukuma longer looked up and said, "are you threatening me?"

"No, how dare I threaten you." Aso xiaowulang desperately shook his head: "but there are too many secrets on me. If the Chinese police do everything, I'm afraid I can't carry it at all. Sasaki Jun, you must help me. Now only you can help me."

"Do you mean that if you are caught, you will give everything away? You will tell the Chinese police everything shimagawa will do in China?" sasukuma longer ignored Aso's meaning and continued to ask, "does that mean?"

Aso Kogoro shook his head: "no, actually I don't mean that. I just don't want things to develop to that point."

Sasukuma longer looked at Aso xiaowulang with disdainful eyes: "you're from Daochuan society. Can't you even bear this? When the eighth generation asked me to come to China, he asked me to bring it by name. If he knew that you were so cowardly, he would be very disappointed."

Aso was a little impatient: "it's not difficult for you to arrange me to leave. Can't you arrange me to leave if you can arrange Nagano Ningji to leave?"

"Xiaowulang, do you know who can keep a secret best?"

"What do you mean? Zuo Jiujian Jun, don't mess around..." when Aso xiaowulang heard Zuo Jiujian longer's words, a cold sweat burst out on his forehead.

But sasukuma longer didn't mean to stop.

"If you don't know, I can tell you that dead people can keep secrets most. There is no one, no criminal law, no way... To let the dead speak." sasukuma longer hates others threatening him most.

Aso Kogoro dares to threaten sasukuma longer with the method of divulging secrets. How can sasukuma longer tolerate it?

"Zuo Jiujian Jun, I beg you to help me. I've been working around you for so many years, and every time I'm perfect. You can help Nagano Ningji. Am I not as good as him?" ASO asked in a low voice.

"Do you know where Nagano Ningji is now?" sasukuma longer asked.

Aso xiaowulang was stunned: "after the last accident, the whole Tianhai City wanted him. Of course, he has left here to go back to Japan."

"He brought all the troubles to Huaishi restaurant, and his own task has not been completed. Do you think he has the face to go back? Even if he has the face to go back, do you think the eighth generation will forgive him?" sasukuma longer continued.

"Hard... Don't you say..." Aso's heart suddenly burst into a chill.

Sakuma longer didn't need him to finish talking, so he nodded, because ASO Kogoro had guessed.

Aso's trembling lips didn't speak for a long time.

Sakuma longer looked at him quietly: "now you don't have to compare with him? Everything I do to you should be better than him."

"Zuo Jiujian Jun, how can you do this? After all, Nagano Ningci is sent by the eighth generation mu... How can you do this to him? You really did it... When you did it, did you think about how to go back and explain to the eighth generation mu?" Aso xiaowulang was afraid, because he was also a direct photographer of the eighth generation mu.

Although all his actions in China should follow the arrangement of Zuo Jiujian longer, because he was directly arranged by the eighth generation, he always felt that Zuo Jiujian longer could not move him.

But now everything is different.

Aso xiaowulang is only arranged by the eighth generation to assist Jiujian longer, but Nagano Ningci is arranged to work alone.

A person who was arranged by the eighth generation to come to China to perform tasks alone was abandoned by Sakuma longer. That Aso xiaowulang is nothing in Sakuma longer's eyes.

Maybe sasukuma longer never regarded him as the confidant of the eighth generation.

"Since bataimu handed over the whole Chinese market to me, it shows that he has enough confidence in me. If he has enough confidence in me, I should have more confidence in myself. If any of my actions need his approval, then all my work in China will not be able to proceed smoothly." sasukuma longer said faintly: "So I believe that BA Daimu can understand what I have done in China."

"Zuo Jiujian longer!" Aso xiaowulang suddenly raised his voice: "do you think you are the eighth generation in China?"

"I don't think I'm the eighth generation in China." Zuo Jiujian longer shook his head: "it's the eighth generation that arranged me to replace him in China."

"How dare you say such a thing! You and I know very well what the eighth generation is like. Do you know what he will think if he hears you?" ASO Kogoro lowered his voice: "he will think you want to rebel!"

Sasukuma longer smiled: "it's a pity that he couldn't hear everything I said in China in Japan."

Aso Kogoro shook his head in horror: "I finally know why badaimu arranged for you to come to China, because you really have... Have..."

Sakuma longer stared at ASO Kogoro: "what's the matter?"

"In the words of Chinese people, it's called anti bone!" Aso xiaowulang glared.

"Anti bone?" sasukuma longer sneered: "it's really the first time I've heard others say that about me."

Aso Kogoro took a cold breath: "if you don't believe it, you can touch the back of your head..."

Sakuma ryuno didn't do that: "Don't tell me these superstitious things. Anti bone is just occipital bone. Since I came to China, I have a lot of knowledge of Chinese culture. The three kingdoms are also very popular in Japan. Of course, I know how anti bone came from. In the ancient Chinese society, it refers to those Heretics with rebellious spirit and unfaithful people. Originally, I was in xiaowulang Is there such a person in your eyes? "

Aso xiaowulang shook his head in fear: "no, I absolutely don't mean that!"

"What exactly does Xiao Wulang mean? Saying I have a bad bone means I want to rebel." sasukuma longer said, "I can understand your meaning. You mean, the eighth generation Mu arranged me to come to China because he was worried about my rebellion in Japan."

Aso Kogoro was so frightened that he didn't dare to go out.

However, everyone at the shimakawa society knew that this was what the eight generations were worried about.

Because sasukuma longer's prestige and status in the shimakawa society had been quite high, he really meant to make great achievements at that time.

Therefore, badaimu had to transfer Zuo Jiujian longer to China. Although he could not fully develop his talents in China, badaimu felt that it was more reassuring to do so.

"Good, very good, very good." sasukuma longer smiled: "you finally said what you want to say in your heart."

"No, I didn't say anything!" Aso said.

Zuo Jiujian's Dragon two killed, and at this time, Ishihara Jieyi finally came back. Her safe return let Zuo Jiujian's killing slowly subside.

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