After Chen Yu jumped into the water, he swam fiercely and came to Zhao Xiaoyao's stop with his fastest speed.

Seeing that Chen Yuyue had arrived, Du Po Wu rushed forward to meet him, reached out and grabbed Chen Yuyue in the sea, and suddenly pulled Chen Yuyue into the boat.

Chen Yuyue took off his wet coat: "I knew I should have brought a change of clothes."

"The ship is burning beautifully." Zhao Xiaoyao also came forward: "brother, we sank the sea transfer station of smuggling and trafficking in human beings in the Japanese island Chuan society directly. Will those Japanese go crazy? Do they dare to turn around from the high seas to build such a transfer station in the future?"

"We'll come back later to see if everything around us has stopped." Chen Yuyue twisted his clothes dry and put them on again: "if they dare to continue, we'll accompany them to the end."

Suddenly, an explosion came, and the burning whaling boat was completely destroyed, slowly sinking into the sea from the bow.

It is estimated that the ship will sink completely in a short time.

"It's really gratifying!" Du Po Wu roared: "brother, if you do such a vote every three or five times in the future, it's really comforting!"

"I don't want to come here once in a while." Chen Yuyue shook his head. "I hope the Japanese can learn a lesson, especially those bastards of Daochuan society. Don't think about Chinese girls anymore."

Zhao Xiaoyao looked back at the trembling girls in the yacht: "I hope they can learn a lesson and stop daydreaming."

It's not worth living a good life because of your material desires and laziness.

If they don't like daydreaming too much and don't want to get their perfect life through efforts, how can they be seduced by the people of the Japan island Sichuan association?

"It's not just them who want to learn a lesson." Chen Yuyue shook his head reluctantly: "I hope all girls in China don't encounter this kind of thing again."

Du Po Wu hates these girls more than iron: "they are all beautiful. With a little effort, they can get more returns than those who are not beautiful, but they are not satisfied. They also fantasize about unreliable things and get more for nothing... It's really annoying."

"Their parents must hate them more than you." Zhao Xiaoyao said faintly: "don't worry about them. Let them go back and think about it. If they can figure out now, the next road of life is still very long. They fall so hard. If they can get up, they will be more beautiful than those who haven't fallen."

Du Po Wu was stunned: "what you said seems quite reasonable."

"The problem is that the fall is so fierce, how many people can really stand up?" Chen Yuyue also turned his eyes to those poor and hateful girls.

Few people can bear this devastating blow. Even now they have been saved, but it can be seen from their expressions that they are still afraid and still have no sense of trust and security.

Life often ups and downs, encounter ups and downs are normal, general suffering can always survive.

But this devastating disaster is not necessarily.

In this world, 90% of the people hit by devastating disasters have rushed to the streets, and not all of the remaining 10% can fully stand up. Perhaps less than 1% can rise again under the devastating blow.

This is not that Chen Yuyue is not optimistic, but that there is no way to make him optimistic.

If these rescued girls can still live like normal people after they go back, they will be thankful.

"Brother, don't think too much." Zhao Xiaoyao said lightly: "no matter how painful the scars are, they will always be healed by time. As long as they can open up a little, it's no big deal... After all, there are more pitiful and pathetic people in the world than them."

Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly and nodded.

They are all people who have experienced real wars. How many more pitiful people are there in those war-torn places?

Those people are not like these girls. The pain of these girls is self inflicted, and the children in war-torn countries are really involuntarily.

In the war-torn areas, poor children live in fear every day. Children who have experienced bombing will always have a pair of fear and confused eyes. All kinds of radiation and pollution make those lucky children who have not been hurt by bombing and bullets suffer.

In those war-torn areas, in order to limit the eyesight of enemy pilots and avoid leaving oil to the enemy, they will directly burn oil wells! The toxic gas produced by combustion can even cause cancer!

However, children living in the war have no choice. Their faces and hands are covered with soot and dust. The oil wells next to them are still burning. The flame will still rise into the sky with black smoke and will not stop because of their prayers.

The reality is so cruel and the world is so unfair. It is lucky enough to be born in a peaceful China.

Moreover, these girls are often born in well-off families in peaceful China.

This is more fortunate than many people?

But why aren't they satisfied

How many people are far less happy than them, and how many people envy and yearn for everything they have now?

Contentment leads to happiness. If people are not satisfied, everything is empty talk.

"It's enough to make an unfortunate life beautiful. The righteousness of life is not material, nor how long to live." Chen Yuyue shook his head: "you should all understand what the meaning of life is."

Du Po Wu and Zhao Xiao Yao nodded one after another.

Of course they understand the meaning of life.

For them, their life depends on how much they have paid for their country and their people. That is their value. Only when they reflect their own value can their life become valuable.

"They are all ordinary people, different from us." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "brother, we will enter the territorial sea soon. I think you'd better contact the police quickly and let them take care of it to save our own trouble."

Du Po Wu also nodded vigorously: "it's best to arrange several ambulances. I think several girls there are seriously injured. One of them can't stand. It's estimated that several ribs are broken. It's better to help them as soon as possible."

Chen Yuyue has already made preparations. The rest of the work must be handled by the police. They don't have so much energy.

It is estimated that the news that they rescued these girls will soon be known by the guys in Huaishi restaurant. Once Zuo Jiujian longer knows this, he can immediately infer the fact of the accident at their maritime transfer station.

Chen Yuyue needs to get ready as soon as possible to meet the challenge of sasukuma longer.

The ship is getting closer and closer to the territorial sea. Chen Yuyue has contacted the Tianhai police and simply told what happened

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