When Chen Yuyue's yacht returned to the yacht club under the escort of the marine police, Zhou Chengxuan and Su Qing had already led the team to wait at the yacht club.

Three ambulances were on standby in the parking lot. As soon as the ship landed, Zhou Chengxuan ordered his men to cooperate with the hospital staff to send all the rescued girls to the hospital for examination.

These girls are not the people of Tianhai missing case, but they are all from surrounding cities, including Shangjiang missing girls and Gusu missing girls. All of them are missing girls in more developed cities in Jiangnan province.

After Chen Yuyue handed over all these girls to Zhou Chengxuan, he was relieved.

When he came back to the sea, Chen Yuyue was always worried about whether there would be any accidents on the way, especially those girls whose hearts and bodies had been seriously damaged.

Although Chen Yuyue will say that these dead girls will find themselves today, he still hopes that they can get help in time.

Can save a person's life, but it's a very meaningful thing. Chen Yuyue doesn't know whether their girls' lives can be saved, but he tried his best, which is enough. At least he won't feel remorse because he didn't try his best. This remorse will follow him all his life.

After arranging everything, Zhou Chengxuan patted Chen Yuyue on the shoulder: "it's really hard for you, that... That..."

"If team Zhou has anything to say, just say it." Chen Yuyue smiled. He already knew what Zhou Chengxuan wanted to say.

"Seeing you working so hard, I'm a little embarrassed to ask more." Zhou Chengxuan smiled awkwardly.

Zhao Xiaoyao came straight to the point: "team Zhou, if you ask us where the Japanese who escaped and where the Japanese who kidnapped and controlled these girls have gone, don't bother."

Zhou Chengxuan sighed: "brother, I can't help it. I have to find out about it. I want to write a report to it."

"Team Zhou, these girls were rescued by us on the high seas. Don't you understand the rules on the high seas?" Du Po Wu said: "we have no right to catch people on ships of other nationalities."

Zhou Chengxuan absolutely didn't believe a word of what they said.

If you really behave like that, you won't be able to save people on ships of other nationalities.

And with Chen Yuyue's temper, how can you easily let go of the bastards who kidnapped Chinese girls? This is obviously illogical

"Team Zhou, don't guess." Chen Yuyue said, "if we want to save people, we will do it. Those bastards jumped into the sea and got their due punishment."

Zhou Chengxuan frowned: "just let them go?"

It's just that the punishment for jumping into the sea is too light! Zhou Chengxuan felt a little unhappy. If so, it would be too cheap for those Japanese bastards.

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled and saw Zhou Chengxuan's mind: "team Zhou, if I say that there are sharks in that sea area, would you still think it's cheap for them?"

Zhou Chengxuan was stunned: "are you kidding? Or are you serious..."

"Of course it's a joke." Zhao Xiaoyao shook his head and said, "there's no such coincidence in the world. When you can meet sharks, let them jump into the sea. Hey, hey... Team Zhou, don't think about it. I just say it casually."

At this moment, Zhou Chengxuan had his own judgment. He believed that Zhao Xiaoyao was definitely not talking casually.

"I'm relieved to have you say that. Those bastards should get this lesson." Zhou Chengxuan said bitterly, "we can't punish them on the high seas. This is definitely the best way."

"Team Zhou, I didn't say anything. I'm just kidding. Don't take it seriously." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "you'd better pretend I didn't say anything."

Zhou Chengxuan made a gesture: "no problem. You really didn't say anything. There's no way to deal with things on the high seas. It's a great thing to be able to save these girls."

"Team Zhou, can you cover it and don't report it?" Chen Yuyue suddenly said.

Zhou Chengxuan shook his head reluctantly: "I don't object. To tell the truth, I also hate those news reports. Especially when you are very busy, there will be unintelligent reporters to ask East and West, and solemnly take the reporter's certificate and tell you that you must cooperate with their news workers. Sometimes it's really fucked."

Chen Yuyue sighed: "if only you could hold it down."

"I'll try my best." Zhou Cheng declared, "but if the leaders above are happy, it's difficult to do it."

Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly. He also met the Deputy Secretary of the political and legal commission. He knew who he was. Chen Yuyue knew very well. He was typically the kind of guy who made great achievements.

Chen Yuyue took credit for saving so many people this time. How can the leader be unhappy?

How could he not show off such a feat? This time, he did not only show his face in Tianhai City, but also in the whole Jiangnan province!

This kind of time is the time to rise.

I'm afraid a leader who likes to make great achievements will make a lot of noise about this matter. If he doesn't make it known all over the city, he will be a leader in vain.

Moreover, these great leaders will highlight a key point, that is, the train runs fast and depends on the front belt. The police can make such miracles because he plays an important leading role as a leader, so this thing is done beautifully.

These things are beyond Zhou Chengxuan's control, and Chen Yuyue naturally has no way to control them. You can't intimidate the leaders and don't make trouble for yourself?

"Forget it, reporters can report as much as they like." Chen Yuyue waved his hand. Units without news publicity will offend the leaders. As long as the leaders let the report, it is definitely the beginning of publicity at a large length.

It's impossible to hide it from Nagasaka longer for a while.

But it doesn't matter to think about it. Even if Sakuma longer knows now, it's too late to contact the Japanese side to go to the transfer station disguised as a whaling boat on the high sea. At most, it's just to salvage a burned ship shelf.

Aso Kogoro fled, but everything in Huaishi restaurant was normal and had not been affected at all.

Chen Yuyue specially called Su Qing aside to ask about the situation. Su Qing must know everything about him.

But everything Su Qing knows now has no specific meaning. Sasukuma longer in Huaishi restaurant has never appeared again. Everything seems as if nothing has happened.

This is the last result Chen Yuyue wants to hear. Is Zuo Jiujian longer too calm?

Chen Yuyue has met all kinds of powerful opponents, but he really hasn't met an opponent who can be as determined as Sakuma longer.

But it really aroused Chen Yuyue's fighting spirit. Chen Yuyue really wanted to see how long this guy could sink this tone.

He didn't believe that sasukuma longer's determination could always be so firm.

A fox is always coquettish.

Chen Yuyue believes that sasukuma longer will lose his breath sooner or later. All he has to do is wait and see what kind of reaction sasukuma longer will make.

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