Because of Zhao Xiaoyao's strength, the black shop didn't dare to continue the excessive fraud, and the waiters didn't have the momentum just now.

After all, they all work. It's the boss's idea. Business is the boss's business and making money is also the boss's money. Why should they.

The homestead man stood up as if he was confused, and glared at Zhao Xiaoyao and Feng Yu: "what are you two doing!"

"Brother, haven't you seen it yet? There are so many things that clearly pit you." Zhao Xiaoyao said silently.

The otaku was angry when he heard this: "pit me? I think you are pit me! I came here on a blind date. What's the matter with eating something when I met a girl for the first time? Shouldn't I show my economic strength! I'm really full and support, and it's bad for me!"

"Wocao, you don't really think you can get married for three or five thousand yuan for a meal?" Zhao Xiaoyao rolled his eyes angrily. The house man is really a dog biting LV Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart.

"Can it be all my own skills! Does it have anything to do with you! Sick!" the otaku got angry and ran after the girl: "honey, wait for me! These two psychopaths are really..."

Looking at the otaku who chased out of the western restaurant, Zhao Xiaoyao almost suffocated.

”Is that guy mentally disabled? He can't sleep even if he spends three or five thousand on a wine tray. He still wants to sleep all his life. Do you think he's sick? " Zhao Xiaoyao scolded.

"One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. We can't help it if we can't save it." Feng Yu looks very open. There are many such people in the world.

Being held in a wine pit is not the stupidest. At least 35000 people can eat together. If they do a good job, they can make a little cheap. They can have a lot of fun.

And those who have been cheated by the network anchor are mentally disabled. Those who have become a dog for a month earn 35000. After buying 500 yuan of instant noodles every month, the rest of the money will be rewarded to the anchor. Moreover, whenever they brush gifts for the anchor, they will proudly say goodbye to the people around them. Do you know what they call me? They call me old iron, they say I'm not wrong, old fellow!

Old fellow's voice is even more fragrant when he hears the anchors. He looks forward to paying his wages next month to enjoy an old iron problem.

"You're almost OK. Don't go too far." Zhao Xiaoyao warned the waiters before leaving: "tell your boss, maybe I'll call the relevant departments on a whim one day. If you cheat people when I come to check you, I'll wait to close the door."

The waiter in the western restaurant watched them leave respectfully.


Chen Yuyue had a good meal and made up a lot. He really felt strong.

"Have you seen today's international news?" Zhao Weitong suddenly chatted.

Ye Xuefu has been worried about Chen Yuyue today. She really doesn't have time to watch the news. Ye Xiaoyao has always been not interested in these things. After all, the headlines these days are not nutritious. They are online popular news such as unmarried pregnancy, which challenge the bottom line of the three outlooks.

"What's the big deal again? Is that brain cripple of Telangpu doing something again?" Ye Xiaoyao shrugged his shoulders. "Since the day he came to power, I knew that this goods must have something to do in these years."

I have to say, ya really has a cheap face of "many things".

"Don't take that guy who looks very mentally disabled as an idiot." Chen Yuyue said: "that guy can realize the bad of the US empire, see the rapid decline of the US empire, and know that the US empire dream is becoming a laughing stock of the people of the world. Just this shows that he is not so simple."

There are only two possibilities for a smart businessman with rich experience in reality TV but no political experience to become the president of the U.S. empire. The first is that he is a very, very chicken thief, and the second is that the people who support him are stupid.

Obviously, it can't be the second kind. If there were so many stupid forks in the American Empire, the country would have been destroyed long ago.

Ye Xiao's mouth shriveled: "what trade war is he still free to engage in?"

The news of Tianmao easy war is getting stronger and stronger. Many experts are shouting that the US empire is lifting a stone and hitting itself in the foot!

Since the US empire is lifting a stone and hitting itself in the foot, why should we protest and counter it? If the US empire lifts a stone and hits itself in the foot, let him hit it. Shouldn't it be happy to see its success?

Some experts say that the U.S. empire should seize the time to rein in on the precipice. Since the U.S. empire has really reached the precipice, why remind it to rein in?

It's nice to kick him and get him away. Why do you help them rein in their horses.

There are also a group of people who don't understand the bullshit economy, saying that it will hurt the interests of the US empire in the end. The US empire will suffer its own consequences. Why do you advise them? How good it is to let them suffer their own consequences.

All day long, since it's smashing the US empire's own feet and damaging the US empire's own interests, why should we smash his feet together... If we don't, how dare the US empire treat us?

So many people don't bother to watch such news. Many of them are experts with little culture who fart.

Some students who haven't graduated from primary school come out to do small editing to earn a few pocket money. There are more typos in 200 word small news than those grandchildren who write online novels. It's just how to cheat!

"I'm talking about an American imperial photographer who met a raccoon when he was playing outside. The raccoon would stand on two hind legs, open his teeth, and then fall back." Zhao Weitong said: "The man said that his dog found the raccoon first. He quickly took the dog back to the house, and then saw the raccoon lying on the glass door of his house. The dog and raccoon sat across the door."

Ye Xuefu frowned: "raccoons don't usually appear in broad daylight. Even if the people of the United States don't see what to eat and may eat them up, raccoons don't have the courage."

"That's right." Zhao Weitong continued, "when the man tried to drive the raccoon away, the raccoon stood up with two hind legs, showing sharp white teeth, pink gums and saliva dripping from his mouth. Suddenly, it fell back and fainted, but soon woke up and stood up again."

Ye Xiaoyao frowned: "so scary?"

"At present, the official explanation is that these animals may suffer from plague fever, which can cause cough, trembling and epilepsy, and cause animals to lose their fear of human beings." Zhao Weitong said: "but I think it may be that some people have studied terrible things and made terrible experiments."

Ye Xuefu took a cold breath.

This is not the first time humans have done such terrible experiments with animals. Zhao Weitong said that she would not be surprised and surprised at all.

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