Almost all people who study biology have done experiments with animals.

The most famous nature is the mouse.

If this problem is considered from the philosophy of life, every life created by Nuwa or other creators must have its reason to exist in this world.

All animals, including white mice and frogs, should have their own natural processes.

Of course... It is also a natural process for human beings to make progress by all means, and it is also a necessary step in the evolution of human life.

But when humans do this, they have never thought about why they should base human progress on the use of other life.

It is true to say that human beings are the most cruel in the world. After all, human beings can even use the same kind to test the terrible life in some cases.

However, all this is because human beings have the power of life and death in the whole biological world!

Any creature that gets the dominant position in the continuous fighting among all things in the world will be as cruel and terrible as human beings.

What is the supremacy of life and the equality of all things is just a view of moral supremacy. This is called the law of nature. On a large level, it is the law of the jungle.

As the old saying goes, if you don't do it for yourself, heaven will kill you.

This seems to be a very selfish sentence, but it tells a very clear fact that it is natural selection and the survival of the fittest.

At this point, there is no point in extending morality to other species. If a man is locked up with a beast with his bare hands, the beast will eat because of the need for survival, and human beings will resist because of survival.

When human beings did not evolve to what they are today, countless ancestors became one of the animal food chains.

Finally climbed to the top, how can you not firmly grasp your rule.

Of course, the creatures at the top of the food chain will die sooner or later.

For ye Xuefu, she felt very cruel when she did the animal experiment for the first time. She didn't even dare to start.

But think about the text "we must strive for success" in the Chinese textbook when we were young. It tells us two things that Mr. Tong studies hard and studies hard to strive for success for the motherland.

There is a clip that has a deep impact on Ye Xuefu.

A professor has been doing an experiment to peel off the outer membrane of frog eggs.

This kind of operation is very difficult. It requires skilled skills, patience and care.

The professor did it himself for several years without success, and none of the students dared to try.

But Mr. Tong quietly studied hard. He was not afraid of failure. He did it again and again and finally succeeded

Ye Xuefu's first experiment was not to peel off the outer membrane of green frog eggs, but to destroy the frog's brain... When she grabbed the frog, she was confused. It's no exaggeration to say that her brain was really blank and had nothing!

She was an excellent student. For the first time, she was faced with such an unacceptable experiment. In the end, ye Xuefu still failed to start. In the end, she asked a classmate to help her solve it.

For the next two days, ye Xuefu was in a trance. She began to wonder why she wanted to study this major and why she wanted to do these things.

At that time, she also fell into a "misunderstanding" that life should be equal. Of course, it can't be said to be a misunderstanding, but she began to doubt her decision.

Later, she finally figured out why she chose this major under the guidance of her teacher, because she is a member of mankind. She wants to learn for the progress of mankind, and everything she does must reflect her values.

If she can't be a useful person to society, life will be meaningless.

Later, ye Xuefu asked the teacher why she had to destroy the frog's brain first. She thought it was somewhat difficult for her to accept. The teacher replied that it was to make the frog less struggling and facilitate the operation of all the experiments.

In order to make ye Xuefu feel relieved, the teacher said that this can reduce the pain of the frog, so that its nervous system does not perceive, and the frog will not be so painful.

This is quite a humane answer, which makes Ye Xuefu feel relieved.

Later, when ye Xuefu experimented with rabbits, she would first give anesthetics to the rabbits. When the experiment was over and the anesthetics disappeared, she would directly kill the rabbits with an air needle.

Slowly, ye Xuefu no longer hesitated, because she knew that the sharper the action, the less the animal's pain would be.

Every time, ye Xuefu felt very uncomfortable.

And there will always be people who stand on the moral high ground and accuse them of cruelty to animals, saying that her pain and suffering are hypocrisy!

Ye Xuefu never refuted, because she really can't find a complete alternative to animal experiments. People can never experiment with living people. The guy in the army in Japan who only experiments with living people is not human at all.

Now ye Xuefu is fully mature. She won't feel guilty and blame herself for these. She has realized that cruelty is originally a part of nature.

When humans eat meat, isn't the treatment of animals cruel? Even if you don't eat meat, you should replace it with vegetarian food. There will also be plant protectors who stand up and shout that plants are also life and life is equal.

If so, everything on earth that can't live by photosynthesis will starve to death.

Too many virgin bitches will not only enjoy the health and safety brought by medical and biological research, but also criticize the cruelty and ruthlessness of medical and biological research from the perspective of the virgin. This is a very irrational and unreasonable provocation.

Of course, if all the sentences of criminal human beings are changed to live experiments in the future, perhaps the crime rate in the world will be reduced a lot.

For small crimes, do some small experiments. At most, there are some adverse reactions of vomiting and diarrhea. For larger crimes, do some bigger experiments. You really deserve the sequelae. For serious homicide, abduction, trafficking, strong corruption and so on, you can directly do experiments and die... Come on, this involves human rights problems again.

To put it bluntly, biological research experiment is a kind of saving small evil with great good.

After all, today's society is a human society, so everything should be based on human interests. Even if other small animals are used in the experiment, criminals will not be used, because they are lucky to approve a "human skin".

Now what ye Xuefu can't accept is the madmen who do experiments with other lives.

Those lunatics don't care what the test object in their hands is, whether it's human or other animals. As long as it's a creature that can let those lunatics get the test results, those lunatics dare to use it!

It is because of the existence of those lunatics that there are so many strange creatures.

Those things are often created by human beings, and human beings will sooner or later destroy themselves and die in the hands of those things they create.

The process of life is a process of choice, and the understanding of ethics is also a process of choice.

There is a kind of thing that absolutely does not exist in this world, that is, the perfect thing. All thoughts that want to lead mankind to the perfect will eventually cause mankind to suffer a devastating disaster.

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