On Chen Yuyue's way to the car shop, he suddenly received a phone call from Shen Li, telling Chen Yuyue that the giant dragon had changed hands for him and asked him to come to the garage to get the money.

Chen Yuyue thought that Shen Li was familiar with people in the car business in Tianhai City, so he went to the garage first.

After Chen Yuyue came to the garage, Shen Lima took the 80000 yuan for the car to Chen Yuyue: "it's hard to do business these days. The price has been worn for a long time. Don't be too little."

Chen Yuyue took the money and left only 50000, of which 30000 was directly put back to Shen Li's desk.

"Brother, this means a little too much." Shen Li smiled and said, "just leave ten thousand."

But Chen Yuyue didn't talk nonsense about this matter. Although the rule is to draw 20%, the car is Duan Teng's car after all. Shen Li bears a great risk. It's also right to pay more hard work.

"Do you know the owner of a small car shop called XingKong car rental shop?" Chen Yuyue handed Shen Li a cigarette and changed the topic.

Shen Li took the cigarette and said, "Meng Lao Tao."

"What character is this man?" Chen Yuyue asked again.

"It's stingy. I feel like I'm losing money if I don't make a profit." Shen Li doesn't seem to have a good impression on the guy: "running the train with his mouth full is basically not the truth. As long as it involves money, people who are familiar with him are also in trouble. No one in Tianhai is willing to do business with him."

Chen Yuyue nodded after listening.

"Why did you ask him?" Shen Li said, "did the grandson pit you? If so, I'll take you to him."

Chen Yuyue smiled: "he didn't pit me, but I want to ask him about something. I'm afraid he won't tell the truth."

"He certainly won't tell the truth about his bad things." Shen Li didn't think about it. "Otherwise, I'll go with you and see if he can give me some face."

"What if he doesn't give it?" Chen Yuyue asked.

Shen Li slapped the table. Chen Yuyue left 30000 for him. He must support him to the end: "although the grandson can pretend, he is actually a counselor. If he doesn't give me this face, I'll give him some color to see."

"Forget it, I'll go myself." Chen Yuyue roughly understood the man, so there was no need to involve Shen Li: "you're busy with you first."

Shen Li grinned: "then I'll take the money?"

"Take it." Chen Yuyue waved his hand.

Shen Li was a little embarrassed. In fact, the car sold 85000 and he had secretly kept 5000. Unexpectedly, Chen Yuyue was so generous and much brighter than he thought.

Then Chen Yuyue rushed to the XingKong car rental shop.

This car rental shop is really small in Tianhai City, and there are no very good cars. BMW and Audi are the top. There are several business cars, most of which are more than 100000 and 200000 cars, which are used for civilian consumption.

Chen Yuyue came to the gate of the XingKong rental car store, stuffed 10000 yuan into his pocket and got off. At this time, Meng laotiao was playing mahjong with three brothers in the car store.

Seeing someone coming, the four stopped one after another.

"Rent a car?" the youngest young man on the mahjong table got up and walked over to Chen Yuyue: "what price do you want to rent a car?"

"High end," said Chen Yuyue.

Meng laotuo heard a big customer and waved to the other two to greet him. They immediately went to prepare tea for Chen Yuyue.

"How about a five series BMW?" Meng laotiao stood up with a smile and stepped forward with his big belly.

"Your Brilliance car here is high-end?" Chen Yuyue glanced at Meng Lao.

Meng Lao was stunned. This level in his car shop is even high-end goods. Brilliance BMW is also a BMW! Of course, it's not that he doesn't have a better one here. There's also a Mercedes Benz of the previous generation. Although it's an old model, it's at least class.

"What high-end do you want?" Meng Lao teased at Chen Yuyue and asked.

"The most high-end." Chen Yuyue said.

Meng laotuo said: "is Mercedes Benz high-end? Brother, if you want to find any Bentley Ferrari, I really don't have it here."

"Let me see the car first." Chen Yuyue looked around.

"Old." Meng laotuo didn't immediately take Chen Yuyue to the garage.

"This is not the most high-end?" Chen Yuyue only cares about this.

"That's necessary." Meng laotiao said: "no matter how bad the camel is, it's also a million class luxury car."

"OK, that's it." Chen Yuyue nodded.

"Two thousand one days?" Meng laotuo tentatively offered the price: "is the money acceptable?"

"As long as the car is OK, money is nothing." Chen Yuyue waved.

"Let's go!" Meng Lao picked up the money, waved his hand and took Chen Yu to the parking garage.

Several people came in with Chen Yuyue and soon walked to the Mercedes Benz. Chen Yuyue opened the door and looked at it: "the style is old, and it's quite new."

"That's necessary." old Meng patted the roof and said, "how about renting it for a few days?"

"Is there a Mazda?" Chen Yuyue said.

Meng Lao was stunned, and the brains of the three men didn't turn around. Isn't it a little too big to jump? I was looking for high-end goods just now. Now I suddenly change my mind?

"Are you going to rent two more?" Meng laotuo asked tentatively.

Chen Yuyue shook his head: "no, just one."

"Well... Don't you want high-end?" Meng Lao pulled his face and forced him.

"I suddenly want to rent an old horse six again." Chen Yuyue smiled: "how, is there? Is that two hundred and one day enough?"

Meng laotuo's face was a little unhappy. He pressed his anger and asked, "are you coming to find fault?"

"I come to rent a car. What are you looking for? How can I have time to play and find fault." Chen Yuyue still smiled: "just say whether there is."

"No!" Meng laotuo raised his voice and said, "you'd better fuck off when I'm in a good mood."

Chen Yuyue stroked the bonnet of the Mercedes Benz and said, "what if I don't roll?"

"Fuck!" Meng laotuo is now very sure. The grandson is here to find fault: "brothers, give the grandson some color today."

The three young people in the car rental shop are all ready to fight.

Chen Yuyue raised his hand and suddenly hit the hood of the big Mercedes Benz! The original round and plump hood was sunken in an instant!

Meng Lao Tuo's Distressed face was deformed. He shouted and scolded at Chen Yuyue: "I must peel you alive today!"

The three young men didn't hesitate and jumped at Chen Yuyue together. They didn't think Chen Yuyue would turn around and fly one whip leg, hook another fist in the face, but the last one came up with a fist but froze. Without a helper around, he didn't dare to go on again.

Meng laotiao was stunned. He didn't expect that the boy was so fierce.

"Is there an old horse six?" Chen Yuyue said. Another punch hit the Mercedes Benz hood, another deep pit!

Meng laotiao's heart is bleeding, but he is really the same as Shen Li's. He counsels one! Chen Yuyue hated him in his heart, but he didn't dare to scold when he saw his men put down for fear of being beaten.

"Have something to say, don't smash again..." the picky goods was very distressed. He looked at Chen Yuyue with a hard face: "brother, we don't have to do such a kind thing..."

Bang -! A loud noise!

This time Chen Yuyue didn't use his fist, but directly jumped high and jumped heavily on the front of the Mercedes Benz!

The two feet stomped so hard that the bonnet collapsed! Meng laotao's Distressed face turned white and quickly shouted, "yes, yes! Come down and talk about it!"

"Who the fuck?" Chen Yuyue stepped onto the roof!

"I! I scold myself! I'm fucking!" Meng laotuo quickly begged: "I mean my mother!"

Chen Yuyue didn't come down and still stood on the roof: "the police came to you this afternoon and asked you what you know. Don't I talk nonsense?"

"Cheng, I understand. I know everything you want to ask!" Meng laotuo said without concealment: "Find that Mazda, right? I really don't have the information of the car renter. People say I didn't bring my ID card and gave me 30000 yuan as a deposit to drive away. It's a fucking old horse six. There was a major accident. Selling second-hand is not worth 20000 yuan. He gave me 30000 yuan as a deposit! I don't agree with it if I'm sick!"

Chen Yuyue asked, "he didn't leave you any contact information?"

"Brother, unless he is ill, he only spends 30000 on me to buy an old car that has been driving for more than ten years and has had an accident." Meng laotao said: "I don't care if he doesn't leave contact information. Just have a deposit."

"Do you really think this 30000 yuan is worth?" Chen Yuyue said.

Meng laotiao nodded: "of course it's worth it."

"I'll tell you, now this car is suspected of a crime." Chen Yuyue said, "just wait for trouble to come to the door."

Meng laotuo shook his head: "I rented the car. What the man did after he rented it has nothing to do with me. I have made it clear to the police that even if he killed someone, he can't rely on me."

"Then I'll tell you he'll come back." Chen Yuyue said, "I'll rent a car for you and give you a high deposit to remove the location."

Meng laotao said in his heart that he is a bastard if he doesn't make money. As long as the deposit exceeds the value of the car, he will sell it.

"However, the person who came must not be the same." Chen Yuyue said, "you just need to promise everything, but don't really remove the car location and pretend to remove it. When he drives away, call me immediately."

Meng Lao is stingy. Why!

Then Chen Yuyue seemed to see through his mind. Suddenly he jumped up on the roof and stamped on the windshield of Mercedes Benz!

The whole piece of glass was spent in an instant!

"Lying in the trough --!" Meng laotiao wanted to scold, but as soon as he spit out two words, he was stared back by Chen Yuyue!

This grade windshield is very expensive!

Chen Yuyue crushed the car glass and smiled at Meng laotao: "if you don't cooperate, I will smash all the cars in your car store."

Meng laotao's face is green.

"You can call the police, but as long as the police can't catch me, your business won't go on." Chen Yuyue's threat made Meng Lao clench his fist tightly.

When Meng laotiao was on the verge of an explosion, Chen Yuyue took out 10000 yuan in his pocket and threw it on the car hood that he stepped on.

"I know, this money is not enough to compensate." Chen Yuyue smiled: "however, as long as you listen to me and do as I say, I will not let you lose."

With that, Chen Yuyue jumped out of the Mercedes Benz.

Meng laotao looked at Chen Yuyue with an ignorant face. After seeing the money, his attitude was obviously different from that just now: "you... Can you really compensate me for the money for repairing the car?"

"I'm looking for a car renter." Chen Yuyue said, "we don't have any enemies."

Meng laotiao nodded quickly.

"But if you don't help me, you're helping the car renter. Then we'll even get married." Chen Yuyue added: "it's unwise if you're willing to get married with me for someone the police are catching."

Meng laotuo's head shook like a rattle: "I will cooperate! I will cooperate with you with all my strength!"

Chen Yuyue smiled: "come on, write down my phone..."

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