Chen Yuyue left the car rental shop directly after he finished. Meng laotiao was relieved when he watched him drive away. The sudden fierce man really made him tremble.

However, Meng laotuo never thought that he was destined to have an unsettled evening today. Just after Chen Yuyue left for more than ten minutes, another ferocious guy came!

About 30 years old, with a small flat head and a black sportswear, it's almost dark and a pair of sunglasses.

As soon as the man entered the door, Meng Lao recognized him at a glance!

This is the guy who gave him 30000 yuan to drive away the old horse six. I didn't expect this guy to appear so soon! If he had come more than ten minutes earlier, he might not have been angry and could watch a good play of dog biting dog for free!

However, the master completely controls Chen Yuyue's every move. He will delay more than ten minutes to appear, just to make sure that Chen Yuyue really leaves and won't kill another shot.

So before Meng laotao began to talk, the sunglasses man directly opened the skylight: "what did that boy ask you to do just now?"

Meng Lao was stunned, but thinking that he would earn money to repair Mercedes Benz, he gritted his teeth and pretended to be silly: "brother, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? You... Are you here to return the car?"

If it wasn't for the dark glasses that covered the cold eyes, the other party's eyes could really scare Meng laotao to pee: "return the car? The police have come to check this afternoon, and you don't know anything with me?"

"Then... Then you... What else do you want to do? You all know that the police are catching you... And... Dare to come back?" Meng laotuo advised some criminals: "go quickly. Maybe the police are squatting nearby."

The sunglasses man was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Suddenly he took out his gun and put it directly on Meng laotao's forehead.

Meng laotao was so frightened that he flopped down on the ground on the spot. All three of his men were so frightened that they squatted down with their heads in their hands. They didn't threaten him with sunglasses at all.

"He said if you rent a car again, tell him, and then pretend to remove the location on the car. He wants to find you, brother. It's really not me. I absolutely don't mean that!" Meng laotuo's forehead was full of cold sweat: "brother, don't worry, I'll never tell him anything about you! I'll delete his phone now!"

"No." Sunglasses man slowly put the gun away: "which car can I drive away?"

Meng Lao was stunned: "brother... Do you want to rent a car?"

The sunglasses man ignored him, looked at several cars around him, and pointed to Camry, one of which was more than ten years old: "this one."

"Go find the key for brother." Meng laotao dares not to obey. He is a man with a gun and can't provoke him.

The sunglasses man was also very particular about it. He took out 30000 yuan in his bulging trouser pocket and threw it to Meng laotuo: "this time, there is no need to dismantle the positioning. Two hours later, he called the boy and said that I came to rent a car again."

Meng laotiao didn't know which song this guy was singing. He didn't dare to promise or refuse.

"The money is not lost to you. Do as I say." the sunglasses man continued: "if you want to play tricks on me, think about your son in the big class of Sunshine Kindergarten."

This is like a sharp blade, which directly pierced Meng laotao's heart!

This son of a bitch can even touch where his son goes to school! This is to eat him!

In fact, there is no need for sunglasses men to do this. Since Zhao Yangwu asked this person to rent a car in Meng laotao's store, it is because he knew that Meng laotao was a greedy and timid counsellor, and any threat could break his liver and intestines.

It was Zhao Yangwu who found a younger brother and found out that his son was in the big class of Sunshine Kindergarten. Then Zhao Yangwu told the sunglasses man the news.

As long as the sunglasses man master this, he can make Meng laotiao obey him.

"Brother... You can do whatever you want me to do! I'll listen to you! Take back the money and I'll refund you the deposit of the horse six!" Meng laotuo suddenly tore off the label of the Iron Rooster: "Please don't hurt my son! You can drive any car here! You can let me say anything to the boy, you can let me say anything to the police! I just beg you not to touch my son!"

The sunglasses man's voice was cold: "do as I say."

"OK! Do as you say! I promise not a word is bad!" Meng laotiao nodded his head. "Call the boy two hours later and tell him you're renting a car again."

"Well." the sunglasses man nodded, "he asked you to check the location, you check it."

Meng Lao was stunned. At first, he didn't understand the meaning of sunglasses man, but he understood it when he thought about it. Sunglasses man wanted to use positioning to lead the boy over, and then ambush and sneak attack!

Thinking that the sunglasses man had a gun in his hand, Meng laotao couldn't help clicking. If the sunglasses man really killed the boy by this means, wouldn't he become an accomplice?

At this time, the sunglasses man took the Camry key handed to him by his younger brother: "remember the time, remember what to say and what not to say, and cooperate with all the boy's requirements."

"I know... I know!" Meng Lao Tiao nodded his head hard.

The sunglasses man took the car key and drove away the Camry, leaving three panicked men around Meng laotao.

"Boss, let's call the police!"

"There's a location on the car. We'll inform the police and we can bring him to justice!"

"Yes, brother Meng, who are these people? They all have guns!"

Meng laotiao glared at the three: "don't you have long ears? Didn't you hear that bastard know my son's kindergarten! Can you have a brain! What can be more important than my son's life!"

The three nodded one after another when they heard the speech, and dared not say anything more.

"I'll fucking remember it. Don't talk nonsense for a while! Just do what he says! Do you understand!" said Meng, gritting his teeth.

"I see!"

The next two hours were a kind of torture for Meng laotuo. He understood what it was like to live like a year. These two hours really seemed like two months.

Finally, Meng laotuo couldn't wait to dial the phone number Chen Yuyue left him.

At this moment, he only hopes to complete the task assigned to him by the sunglasses man as soon as possible, first let his son get rid of the threat, and go to the school drop out formalities immediately tomorrow. The kindergarten must not go.

At least he will never let his son go out for a while.

Chen Yuyue was helping Wang Yong barbecue. When he answered the phone, he heard that it was Meng laotuo. He immediately put down his work and found a quiet place: "where has he gone?"

"I've driven away a Camry in my store." Meng laotuo tried to calm himself: "I didn't dismantle it. Now I can keep track of his movements at any time."

"OK." Chen Yuyue nodded, "wait for me in the store."

"Well... Will you bring the money for repairing the car?" Meng laotuo is very uneasy now. Once the sunglasses man kills the boy with a gun, who will he ask for the money for repairing the car? If Mercedes Benz tosses around like that, ten thousand yuan can't be repaired well.

"I can't do without you." Chen Yuyue didn't bother to pay attention to him. The 40000 left today, together with the 50000 left in the drawer that day, he handed it to bi Ying today. Bi Ying was surprised for a long time. She didn't notice these two days. There was 50000 yuan in the newspaper in the drawer.

Meng laotuo hung up with a lot of worries and waited for Chen Yuyue to come to the store to send money.

Half an hour later, Chen Yuyue came to the car rental shop empty handed and asked him to check the location immediately.

Meng laotuo didn't dare to disobey, so he checked Chen Yuyue's position first.

The positioning shows that the Camry is driving in the direction of Kondo mountain, a tourist area under development, but the project has just begun. Now it can be said to be a remote place of barren mountains.

When Meng laotuo looked at the place, he realized that it was a good place to kill people and steal goods. The cold sweat on his forehead burst out in an instant.

"You're very hot?" Chen Yuyue glanced at him, making him even more guilty. He quickly took out a cigarette and lit it.

More than ten minutes later, the Camry finally stopped at a place in Kondo mountain and stopped moving.

Chen Yuyue looked at the map, and his thoughtful eyes fell on Meng laotuo: "why did he go to such a biased place?"

"I... I don't know..." Meng laotao couldn't say anything with guilty heart: "this is him... He went, not me."

"Under what circumstances do you think people will run to such a remote place?" Chen Yuyue asked again.

Meng Lao's head shook like a bell.

"Then I tell you that people hide in such a remote place only when they have committed a serious crime, which can hide people's ears and eyes," Chen Yuyue explained.

Meng laotuo nodded his head again. Now Chen Yuyue made sense. He just asked the plague God to leave money quickly. Whether he died or lived has nothing to do with him!

"There is another situation." Chen Yuyue smiled: "when people want to do something killing people and stealing goods, they will also choose a remote place, so as to avoid redundant ears and eyes."

Meng laotiao's cold sweat began again.

Chen Yuyue looked at him and asked, "as far as I know, he just has the motive to commit a crime. He hasn't really committed a felony. Won't he hide in that place?"

"I... I don't know... Well, you should ask him." Meng laotiao said, "I've done everything you asked me to do. You... Give me the money for repairing the car quickly."

"I'm afraid that once I go to that place, I'll die and come back to give you money?" Chen Yuyue grinned.

Meng laotao's face suddenly changed.

"There are some questions I should ask, I won't ask." Chen Yuyue patted Meng laotao on the shoulder: "that's it. If I have my life back, I'll consider your money for repairing the car. If I die back, you'll be unlucky."

"No! Why?" Meng laotuo panicked at that time: "it's agreed. I'll do what you say. You'll compensate for the car repair money!"

Chen Yuyue can make an accurate judgment on Meng laotuo's response: "it's a pity that you didn't do it according to me, but according to him."

With that, Chen Yuyue pointed to the positioning point on the screen.

Meng laotiao was speechless.

"I find that you really don't have any love." Chen Yuyue said faintly, "you know it's a dead end that leads me to the past, and you encourage me to go?"

The exposed Meng laotuo completely vented his anger and begged Chen Yuyue with a sad face: "brother, I beg you. You can solve your gratitude and resentment. Don't bother me. The grandson even found my son's kindergarten. What else can I do now?"

"Now you know you're afraid? When you meet such people in the future, stay alert. Don't just make money. There's no principle." Chen Yuyue glared at Meng Lao: "if you asked him to keep his identity at the beginning, he wouldn't ask you to rent a car."

Meng laotiao threw his head down on the table and said, "who says no!"!

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