Li Weiquan clapped his hands and drank fiercely: "OK! Then I'll wait for captain Zhou to do what he said! I'll contact the grass-roots police station today and go to the Nanjiao police station?"

If Li Weiquan wouldn't talk like this on weekdays, it would seem a little too much.

But now he doesn't know what's going on. He just doesn't like Zhou Chengxuan's confident appearance. Zhou Chengxuan's self-confidence makes him uncomfortable.

"Deputy Secretary Li, make it clear that our Zhou team's so-called doing what we say means that if we can solve the case, we can solve the case, not the problem at the grass-roots level." Su Qing suddenly retorted.

Li Weiquan snorted: "Su Qing, I know you have done a lot of meritorious deeds and have a strong ability, but this time the military order of your Zhou team has brought you with you."

Zhou Chengxuan looks at Su Qing. He has confidence in Su Qing. She is the future of the criminal police team.

"If you have time to regret now, this is your Zhou team's own guarantee after all." Li Weiquan continued: "I can not count you. If you really can't solve the case, you can still stay in the criminal police team. You don't have to go to the grass-roots level with your Zhou team."

Li Wei said wholeheartedly that this is to save Su Hewei's face. You'd better make it clear in your heart. Don't count so many!

Who ever thought Su Qing didn't eat this set at all: "I have nothing to regret. Team Zhou's decision is my decision. If such an excellent criminal policeman as team Zhou is not qualified to stay in the Criminal Police Brigade, I think everyone of the whole criminal police brigade should go to the grass-roots level and exercise again."

"Su Qing! Are you threatening the leadership?" Li Weiquan glared.

"I don't dare. Deputy Secretary Li must not splash dirty water on me." Su Qing said, "we don't have much time. We only have 48 hours. I hope Deputy Secretary Li won't disturb us anymore. We still have a lot of work to do."

Li Weiquan was blocked by Su Qing and couldn't say a word.

Zhou Chengxuan also deliberately stressed: "Su Qing, how do you talk to the leaders? The leaders come here to care about our cases. They come to help us."

"I'm so sorry for the leader. I can't speak well. I hope the leader doesn't mind." Su Qing added: "are the leaders more comfortable now? If they are more comfortable, please help yourself."

Li Weiquan shook hands and turned to leave. Li Secretary followed the leader and left quickly.

Zhou Chengxuan pointed to Su Qing outside the door and said, "Li Weiquan is the leader after all. You should really pay attention to what you say in the future. Don't always choke the leader."

"Who let him come to choke." Su Qing snorted: "I don't know what he thinks in his heart. At this time, he is still in the mood to fall into the well. Does he still look like a leader?"

"Well, don't say a word. Now you are really taken in by me." Zhou Chengxuan said helplessly, "I'd better go and ease my relationship with him first."

"There's nothing to ease." Su Qing said, "I'll go back to Chen Yuyue now. I don't believe it can't be solved in two days."

Zhou Chengxuan's eyes lit up: "are you serious? Are you kidding me? Are you really going to find Chen Yuyue for help?"

Su Qing nodded: "if he is willing to help, it will be fine. If he is not willing to help, I will solve it myself."

"You solve it yourself? What can you do?" Zhou Chengxuan frowned. "Su Qing, I tell you, don't mess around. If it's Chen Yuyue, it doesn't matter how he mess around, but you're different. You're not him, okay?"

"I know." Su Qing said impatiently, "I won't mess around. I'm not a fool."

Zhou Chengxuan thought, you are also very stupid when you are impulsive. A girl who doesn't know how to be afraid.

"Then I'll greet Deputy Secretary Li first, and the provincial people will give our team blind advice and advice." Zhou Chengxuan sighed.


Chen Yuyue's recovery in recent days can be said to be very perfect. Up to now, he can basically walk like a fly without internal injury. For Chen Yuyue, it is completely pediatrics.

After all, last time he suffered such a serious internal injury, many people thought he was hopeless. Even if he was alive, he was a vegetable. Isn't he fully recovered now? He even recovered his strength after coming to Tianhai.

Chen Yuyue did 200 Bobbie jumps in the yard at one breath. His muscles and bones that have been in a state of "recuperation" these days are slowly restored.

"Brother, I've been curious since I first met you. How can your injury recover so quickly." Du powu handed the towel to Chen Yuyue: "it's only three days. I can't see the skin injury. If I get the fist of Zuo Jiulong Er, I guess my face is still swollen like a pig's head."

"Who is our third brother? Can you compare it?" Zhao Xiaoyao said while controlling the remote control in his hand.

Chen Yuyue wiped the sweat off his head and threw the towel directly on Zhao Xiaoyao's head: "where did you fly the plane again? I told you to pay attention. Don't fly blindly."

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "my flying altitude will not affect other people's normal life."

"Don't fly blindly," said Chen Yuyue. "It's far beyond your sight."

"Elder brother, I spent a lot of time to transform it. You can't let me play in the yard like a toy?" Zhao Xiaoyao said: "I just take it to go out for inspection instead of us. It's good to have a bird's-eye view of the whole situation from above. You can see what's going on right away. It's more reliable than us."

Chen Yuyue walked over and looked at the real-time picture. It was really very good. Unexpectedly, the villa community was so beautiful when looking down from high altitude.

"Police car." Zhao Xiaoyao suddenly said.

Chen Yuyue also saw that a police car entered the aerial view of the UAV: "it's Su Qing."

Since Su Qing's car was crashed, she has been driving the criminal police team's car.

"I'll be back at this point. It's not like the style of a police officer of Su University." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "I doubt she's a person who will feel uncomfortable if she doesn't work overtime all day."

Chen Yuyue waved his hand and said, "OK, let the plane return quickly. Don't wait for officer Su to come back and give you ideological and political education."

"That's true." Zhao Xiaoyao immediately ordered to return and let the UAV return automatically. He didn't want to hear Su Qing talk about various management standards and systems of UAV to him.

Du Po Wu got up and went to the gate of the courtyard. He helped Su Qing open the door first.

Ye Xiaoyao, lying in the sun on the leisure chair, said: "you can hide beyond the first day of junior high school. You will be found flying illegally by sister Su Qing sooner or later. At that time, there will still be an ideological and political education class."

"Every day I can hide is a day, let alone the 15th day. Even if I can't hide on the third day of junior high school, I have to hide this first day." Zhao Xiaoyao's modified UAV is different from ordinary goods. The return speed is very fast, and the Kung Fu will come back in a twinkling of an eye.

Zhao Xiaoyao quickly put away the drone and pretended to be nothing. Su Qing's police car also stopped at the gate of the yard at this time.

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