Ye Xiaoyao got up and went to meet Su Qing. Before Su Qing closed the door, he asked, "sister Su Qing, what's the situation today? You came back so early."

Su Qing nodded and hurried forward: "I'll come back to find Chen Yuyue."

"Looking for me?" Chen Yuyue asked as he stretched his legs. "What's the matter again?"

"The golf villa case must be found out within two days." Su Qing said: "we must find those people as soon as possible and catch them."

Chen Yuyue was stunned: "didn't the three-day deadline given to you by the leaders above have arrived? Has it been postponed again? But it's no use giving more than two days. Since they have shrunk up, it's impossible to shrink only three or five days, at least ten days and a half months."

Su Qingxiu frowned: "I can't wait so many days. Li Weiquan always makes trouble for team Zhou because of this case. We have made a military order and closed the case in two days."

"You have nothing to do. What's the military order? Where to find someone in two days." Chen Yuyue shook his head: "it's impossible."

Su Qing didn't believe it: "you already know who those people are. Now you just need to find people and arrest them. Two days is enough."

"It's because we know who they are, so I said it's impossible. It's absolutely impossible to find them in two days." Chen Yuyue: "didn't I tell you before that you can't worry about it. Now you need to consume with them. When they have no patience, they will naturally show their feet."

"How long will it take?" Su Qing said, "if they can calm down and never show up, will they keep waiting?"

Chen Yuyue nodded: "yes, now is to see who has consumed who with each other. There will always be one side that can't hold his breath."

Ye Xiaoyao also said, "sister Su Qing, don't join in his business. Even if the police can't find the perpetrator of the case, isn't it enough as long as those bad guys are punished in the end? Why do you have to be so rigid."

"It's not a rigid problem, it's a principle." Su Qing said, "you can't abuse private behavior at any time."

"There's no need to rush for a while, sister Su Qing. We said that this matter will be solved." Zhao Xiaoyao also said: "don't worry. Don't waste your energy on this matter."

Su Qing was very helpless: "the problem is that now it's not that I want to waste energy on this matter, but that the top has been staring at this matter. We must find out a result as soon as possible. The military orders of team Zhou have been established, so we must..."

Du Po Wu suddenly snorted, "he's so confident that he can make a military order. Let him check it. He doesn't have the ability to make a military order."

"But now that the matter is over, there is no other choice." Su Qing said, "we can only solve the matter in two days."

"The person who made the military writ is your Zhou team. If he can't solve the problem, it's his headache." Ye Xiaoyao opened his eyes and said, "don't worry about it. Sister Su Qing, he's such a big official. Even if the leaders above keep an eye on him, they won't withdraw him because of this. It's certainly impossible."

Su Qing still insisted on shaking her head: "don't fight for steamed bread for breath. Li Weiquan is sure that our criminal police team can't solve this matter, so I must solve it for him."

Chen Yuyue can't laugh or cry. Su Qing is a strong girl. He knows that. He also knows her strong competitive heart, but he didn't expect her to be so willful.

Some things Chen Yuyue feels must be made clear. We can't destroy the big plan because of a little anger.

"Su Qing, listen to me. Now both we and the other side know the truth of late strike." Chen Yuyue said: "they have the reason for their inaction, and we also have the reason for our inaction. Now the situation is that if the enemy doesn't move, it depends on who can't calm down first."

"Then what?" Su Qing asked with a frown.

"If we change the plan because of your military order, everything will be destroyed. Things will be completely out of our control. What results will be caused at that time will be out of my control. Don't you understand this truth?" Chen Yuyue explained.

Of course Su Qing can understand such a simple truth, but now she can't control her inner impulse.

Chen Yuyue can also understand her idea: "what military order has team Zhou made?"

"If the case could not be closed within 48 hours, he and I were sent to the police station in the southern suburbs to start grass-roots work again." Su Qing said.

Chen Yuyue was speechless and said to himself: Zhou Chengxuan, you are deliberately forcing me.

"I don't care." Su Qing said, "originally, I was transferred to the criminal police team by the police station, but the identity of team Zhou can't afford to lose this person at all."

"If you can't afford to lose it, you have to lose it. Who let him make the military order? He asked for it." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "if he could see clearly, he wouldn't be so conceited."

Su Qing glared at him: "he was also forced by Li Weiquan. That's why he said so. Everyone is trying to fight for breath."

Zhao Xiaoyao stuck out his tongue and stopped talking.

"Steamed bread is easy to steam, but it's hard to compete." Chen Yuyue said helplessly, "Su Qing, I can only say I'm sorry about this. Go back and tell team Zhou that it's not that I don't want to help, but that I really can't help."

"Sister Su Qing, don't blame Chen Yuyue. He can't help it." Ye Xiaoyao said, "I believe he will help you if he can solve it."

Su Qing doesn't blame Chen Yuyue at all: "of course I won't blame him. This matter has nothing to do with him. It's our own opinion."

Ye Xiaoyao also comforted Su Qing and said, "you should be more open. There are some things... Oh, I suddenly remembered that the military order made by your team that week. He should go to the grass-roots level by himself. Why take you with him?"

Su Qing smiled bitterly and shook her head without explanation.

"Can't you see that?" Du Po Wu said, "it's all to force my brother."

Ye Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment and then wanted to understand: "your Zhou team is a little too much. In order to force Chen Yuyue to help you get in, this guy is really, too selfish. Has he always only himself in his mind?"

"Well, don't talk about him. Team Zhou also has his own forced place." Su Qing said: "if he could have a way, he wouldn't make such a bad decision."

"You know his' bad plan 'is to use you to force Chen Yuyue to help, so you promise him." Ye Xiaoyao is very helpless: "I think you really don't have a brain."

Su Qing doesn't have a brain. She will run back to Chen Yuyue immediately, not because she is stupid, but because she wants to fight for this tone.

She really can't stand Li Weiquan pointing at them in the brigade. Only by solving the problem can Li Weiquan shut up completely.

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