Before long, the wind rushed home with the sunset.

In recent days, he has found out the general situation of Tianya group, and is ready to report the situation with Chen Yuyue and plan the next step together.

As soon as he came back, he was greeted by Chen Yuyue to the study.

It's not that Chen Yuyue doesn't want Feng's words to be heard by everyone. He just doesn't want Feng's judgment to be affected by others. He wants to listen to Feng's decision.

"I want to act in advance." Chen Yuyue is very direct and straight to the point.

Feng Shuo was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Yuyue with some confusion. He didn't speak, just hoping that Chen Yuyue could give him a reason.

If there is no reason to change a thing's plan, it is obviously inappropriate.

"The pressure on the police side is too great," Chen Yuyue said. "If we can solve the problem as soon as possible, we can relieve their pressure. You know what I mean."

"Officer Su asked you to do this?" Feng Yu nodded and understood: "I also understand the pressure of the police... But..."

"If you have anything, just say it directly." Chen Yuyue said, "tell me anything that may be inappropriate. I'll try to solve these problems. If these problems can be solved, our plan of action in advance is feasible."

Feng Xun was silent for a moment before he said: "I don't know how to say this. There must be a solution to any difficulties. If you have to take risks, we can only accompany you. My only worry is... Yes..."

"Don't hesitate." Chen Yuyue said.

"I'm afraid if we take the initiative, we don't have full confidence to catch them all. Once there is a fish in the net, all our situations in Tianhai will be exposed," Feng said.

Chen Yuyue gently touched his chin: "are you sure our situation in Tianhai has not been exposed yet? But I think they already know..."

"Ziche Xingjin must be clear, but the organization behind him may not be clear." Feng said: "I have enough reason to believe that he didn't report to the top."

"Does he want to report after making achievements, so that no one can compete for fame and wealth with him?" Chen Yuyue was a little surprised. He really underestimated the ambition and courage of Ziche Xingjin.

Feng Xun nodded: "I think it's like this. If he had reported to the above, we wouldn't be so comfortable. If the other party knew that so many of us had come to Tianhai, how could they only let Ziche Xingjin go to Tianhai to stand off with us? At least they would arrange Ye Lei, who has a large number of soldiers and generals under them."

Chen Yuyue felt that things were not so simple: "I think they were worried that the situation in Tianhai was too tense and were pressed by some scruples."

"There is also such a possibility." Feng Yu does not deny: "but if these two possibilities are put together, the possibility I said will be greater."

This is indeed true, and Chen Yuyue is also a little tangled.

"Brother, when we can't make clear the target point and disperse with their men, we can't take the initiative to attack. There's really no way to ensure that there are no missed fish." Feng said: "I think you'd better think about whether you want to take the initiative or not."

Chen Yuyue nodded: "I know."

"No matter what kind of decision you make, we will certainly support you." Feng Yu said seriously: "if you think it's worth it, we'll be brave and fearless."

Chen Yuyue was fearless, but Feng's words made him worry too much. He was afraid that it would lead to more trouble and involve Ye Xuefu and them.

He didn't consider this before. Obviously, he was too confident.

"According to your current estimation of them, if they besiege us in an all-round way, how many chances do we have?" Chen Yuyue asked.

"Although Chengbu and Luohan were destroyed, ye Lei is still difficult to deal with. It's not difficult to see that Ziche Xingjin is not a simple opponent through our current confrontation. He knows how to kill with a knife and directly uses the Japanese to fight with us, and he is ready to reap the benefits of the fisherman." Feng Shuo shook his head: "Now there's another Kuifei who doesn't have any information. I don't know whether Qian Fu is leading him by the nose or Qian Fu is forced to escape by Kuifei..."

Chen Yuyue nodded: "once our specific situation is exposed, ye Lei and Kui Fei will come here to try to take a share."

Feng Xun also nodded: "we have won Cheng Bu and Luohan successively. Now if we solve Ziche Xingjin again, the other party will not take it lightly. At least two teams will be arranged to work together. Now the strongest two teams should be ye Lei and Kui Fei."

Chen Yuyue didn't speak any more and fell into meditation.

"There is another point we need to consider. After Chengbu and Luohan are solved, whether there are others to take over their work." Feng added: "with their pursuit of us for more than half a year, I believe they should not give up their pursuit of us because they lose their troops."

"So we will be in unprecedented trouble?" Chen Yuyue smiled.

Feng Yu shrugged his shoulders: "since we experienced that event, what trouble will be unprecedented?"

Chen Yuyue raised a higher arc at the corner of his mouth: "I love to hear that."

"Now there's really nothing that can make us feel troublesome." Feng also smiled: "if you think for the good, you really find them, the military division and Qian Fu should come to us soon?"

"If so, don't we make money." Chen Yuyue said, "I really wonder where the military division has gone, and there's money. That boy can't even have any news."

Feng Shuo nuzui said: "it's really not good. Let's do it again. If it's a big deal... Last time they took advantage of our unprepared attack and killed Bi Sheng. This time, we should let them pay back their debts“

With Feng's confidence and analysis, Chen Yuyue's last doubts were dispelled.

"Then do it." Chen Yuyue smiled: "I'll take action tonight."

"By the way, President Ye has entertainment in the evening. It is estimated that she will be back around 8 or 9 o'clock. Do you think she will let you go out after she comes back?" Feng Yu said with a wry smile: "you are more important than national treasures in her eyes."

Chen Yuyue patted his chest: "I go out now and say it's the wounded. Will anyone believe it?"

"There should be no." Feng Hui nodded.

"That's enough." Chen Yuyue said confidently, "she has completely recovered. Xuefu is not as hypocritical as you said. Two days ago, she was too worried. Now she already knows my physical condition, so she won't worry so much. Don't worry."

Feng Shuo shook his head: "then why don't you go and tell officer Su? I think she was very anxious just now."

Chen Yuyue smiled: "let's go out and prepare for dinner!"

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