In the evening, when ye Xuefu came home, she found that Feng Yu and Zhao Xiaoyao were both there. She wondered why these two guys slipped away without making excuses.

Then Chen Yuyue told ye Xuefu that they were ready to act in advance tonight, and indicated that their injury had fully recovered.

Ye Xuefu believed that Chen Yuyue's trauma had recovered, but they changed their plan, which surprised Ye Xuefu a little.

"It's all because of me." Su Qing then explained the pressure from the police, which also showed that she had some regrets now.

But now Chen Yuyue and his family have made up their mind.

Ye Xuefu is still in a dilemma. On the one hand, it is Chen Yuyue and Su Qing. No matter who she considers, ye Xuefu will hesitate.

"We have decided now, so don't worry too much." Chen Yuyue smiled: "since things have to be solved sooner or later, it's no big deal to be earlier or later."

"You are as like as two peas brother." Ye Xuefu rubbed his temples with some headache.

"Who is the fourth elder brother of the grassland? Which dynasty and which generation?" Ye Xiaoyao said curiously. Why hasn't she heard of this man? Timujin? Modu Sandalwood locust? Kublai khan? These are famous figures in the history of the prairie.

Ye Xuefu shook her head: "African."

"Brother Pingtou?!" Ye Xiaoyao rolled his eyes. "I thought you were talking about people. It's a honey badger for a long time."

Ye Xuefu pointed to Chen Yuyue and said, "do you think it's like it or not? Their current state is completely the state of honey badger."

Ye Xiaoyao frequently nodded his small head: "look down on life and death and do it if you don't accept it... It's really like enough."

At the moment, ye Xuefu's Chen Yuyue in their eyes is the mentality of "come out and mix, or you will kill me, or you will be killed by me". Is there any difference between this and the honey badger that everyone dares to fight on the African prairie?

"We are not honey badgers." Zhao Xiaoyao quickly shook his head. "How busy my life is. I'm either fighting or on the way to fighting. We're not so stunned."

"That's almost the same." Ye Xiaoyao said, "my sister doesn't say I don't feel so strong. Now I think it's really like."

"Don't be kidding." Chen Yuyue said, "I'm serious."

Although Ye Xuefu hesitated a little, she still made her decision: "since you all think it is feasible, I can't hold back. No matter what kind of decision you make, I will support you, but you must be careful and pay attention to safety. I just hope no one will get hurt again."

Du Po Wudang immediately promised: "I will never let the third brother get hurt again this time. Even if it's a bullet, I'll help him block it."

"You are the same. I'm not just talking about him." Ye Xuefu said, "you should be careful. No one should get hurt."

"We will certainly pay attention." Feng Xun nodded, which did not belong to his worry range. His only worry was that he could not catch the other party.

Chen Yuyue's eyes fell on Zhao Xiaoyao: "how's the investigation these days?"

"Basically, three positions can be locked." Zhao Xiaoyao no longer smiled and replied seriously. These days, he not only studied and modified his UAV, but also monitored, screened and investigated the whole Tianhai City, and used the exclusion method to narrow the target hiding place bit by bit.

Although they didn't intend to do it first, there was no delay in the process of locking the target.

"How sure are you basically?" Feng asked.

"More than 95% of the assurance." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "if there is no one in case, there is basically no problem."

Chen Yuyue was very satisfied with this probability: "where are the three positions?"

Zhao Xiaoyao immediately identified the three possible hiding places on the computer map: "if there is no accident, it must be these three places."

Chen Yuyue took a closer look at these three places.

The first place is a family hotel opened in a place with relatively high population density in the old urban area. This location is very close to the street corner. Moreover, the hotel is also located between two street lights and far away from the street lights, which is very convenient for criminals to hide and spy. This place can allow criminals to avoid warning before they are recorded, After the case, it can disappear in people's vision very quickly. It is definitely a good position.

The second place is a Comfort Hotel in the overpass commercial street. This place is located in the business district. The flow of people and vehicles is quite large. There are a lot of people and vehicles from early morning to late night almost every day. Therefore, it is also a favorite place for criminals to escape and hold hostages. It should be the favorite place for fugitives. When they are dying, they can drag a few more people to cushion themselves, It's also a very good position.

The third place is a barren mountain on the outskirts of the city. Although there are many donkey friends over the years, it is not a barren mountain, but there is no development. It is not too much to say a barren mountain. Where the advantage is that there are very dense forests. If criminals hide in them, they are in a very favorable position, whether they are hiding, planning, observation and transit.

Through the analysis of these three positions, Zhao Xiaoyao's 95% grasp can be said to be very great.

Chen Yuyue made a simple transposition thinking. If it were him, he would certainly choose this favorable position for himself.

"If you give me some more time and I go close to the suspected target, I may be able to eliminate it." Zhao Xiaoyao said.

"Once you get too close, it's easy to scare the snake. Although three days have passed, the other party's vigilance will never relax." Feng Xun told Xiaoyao with his investigation experience.

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "don't I still have a UAV? I can stay away and let my xiaofeibao fly over to help me check."

"Civil UAVs are forbidden to fly at night," Su Qing warned.

"Sister Su Qing, when is this time? You are still so rigid?" Ye Xiaoyao said helplessly: "don't care what methods they use now, just solve the problem."

Although Su Qing is a little embarrassed, she still accepts Ye Xiaoyao's proposal. She should be treated very much in an extraordinary period. Her ideas are really too rigid and rigid.

Chen Yuyue stared at the computer screen and said nothing. He was still transposing.

If he were the other party, how would he choose these three places?

It seems that each is a very good choice. Each has its own advantages. For a while, Chen Yuyue is also unable to judge.

Like him, Feng Xun began to think in his mind and calculate all the access routes at these three locations, which is very useful information for them.

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