Chen Yuyue will certainly not let go of such a hateful person. If the boss behind the scenes of the golf villa really took out 400000 counterfeit banknotes at the beginning, Lu Xue would be unable to escape if Chen Yuyue didn't run to the old street of the alley today.

It's despicable to give a man fake money in exchange for the disaster of imprisonment.

"You must not act impulsively." Ye Xuefu reminded Chen Yuyue, "I think you'd better discuss it with Su Qing."

"Seriously, I'm really relieved that she can't work overtime today. I'm really afraid to see her today." Chen Yuyue said: "in the morning, she directly locked me in the criminal police team because of the crime of arson. I ran out myself and haven't been able to give her an explanation yet."

Ye Xuefu, they said dumbfounded, "is the arson suspect the only one who knows the crime?

Chen Yuyue nodded: "in the morning, I had a quarrel with team Zhou... Seriously, it's incredible that Zhou Chengxuan can accept it. Su Qing is more important than Zhou Chengxuan. It's estimated that she didn't ask Zhou Chengxuan to ask for a teacher today."

Ye Xiaoyao stuck out his tongue: "then I think you'd better not go home for a while."

Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I also have this plan. Su Qing will certainly not let me go. I'm afraid everyone will be restless because of this after I go home."

"Well, I'll call Su Qing later to ask if she's off work. If she comes home from work, I'll go back and talk to her first." Ye Xuefu said, "if she can listen to what I say, you'll come back again. If she can't listen to what I say, you'll go to Tiancheng community with Po Wu today."

"That's a good idea, otherwise we won't want to sleep today." Ye Xiaoyao nodded in agreement.

Chen Yuyue thought it was a good way: "what are you going to tell her? You know, I can't even explain it clearly..."

"I have my way." Ye Xuefu said and dialed Su Qing's phone.


After dinner, Chen Yuyue saw that Lu Xue was still helping, so he asked Du powu to stay and help Wang Yong until the end of the night. Then he was responsible for sending Lu Xue to the hospital.

After all, she is a girl who is still provoked by usurers. It's really unsafe to walk at night.

Even if Du Po Wudang agrees, he especially sympathizes with Lu Xue's experience.

The feeling and taste of being alone and facing so many dangers must be very uncomfortable.

Not to mention that Lu Xue is just a little girl, even Du Po Wu was forced to be cornered by Che Xingjin at the beginning. He is a tall man who is very uncomfortable when he is helpless, not to mention a little girl.

So Du powu can understand Lu Xue very well.

Even if Chen Yuyue doesn't let him do it today, he may take the initiative to ask for it.

Then Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu left first. After returning to the community, Chen Yuyue waited outside in Ye Xiaoyao's car.

Ye Xuefu goes home first because Su Qing is already at home.

After seeing ye Xuefu back, Su Qing first looked out and found that there was no Chen Yuyue. Then she wondered, "where is Chen Yuyue?"

"Why are you looking for him?" Ye Xuefu smiled and sat down: "come on, we haven't talked alone for a long time. Since you went to the criminal police team, I've been busy day by day. I can hardly spare time now. When can we take time to do yoga together?"

Su Qing was very worried: "where has Chen Yuyue gone? I have something urgent to find him."

"What's urgent?" Ye Xuefu looked at Su Qing seriously.

Su Qing said helplessly, "you don't understand."

"Su Qing, some things may not be that I don't understand, but that you don't understand." Ye Xuefu said faintly.

"Ah?" Su Qing was stunned and looked at Ye Xuefu in some confusion: "Xuefu, what's the matter with you?"

"I know why you want to find Chen Yuyue because of the arson case." Ye Xuefu first broke the window paper: "you think Chen Yuyue knew that the suspect was going to take the blame, but he didn't stop it. Instead, he let everything go, so you're very angry."

As soon as Su Qing heard that ye Xuefu knew it, she understood that Chen Yuyue said it to Ye Xuefu at dinner.

"Since he has already told you, why won't he come and explain to me?" Su Qing couldn't understand.

"Because you are a policeman, you think things differently from us. He can explain some things to us clearly, but he may not be able to explain them to you," Ye Xuefu said.

"If you can understand, I can certainly understand!" Su Qing insisted, "but he must give me a satisfactory explanation! But now there is a fact that someone takes the blame. Everyone knows it. He not only doesn't help us uncover the truth, but also adds fuel to the fire! What's the reason? He deliberately avoids me if he doesn't explain clearly!"

Ye Xuefu nodded: "he did hide from you, but he didn't hide from you because he couldn't explain clearly."

Su Qing took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down: "Xuefu, how did he explain?"

"He didn't explain anything to me." Ye Xuefu said, "but I want to say that we have been in contact for so long. Everyone should know who the other party is?"

Su Qing was stunned.

"I ask you, have you known Chen Yuyue for so long? Has Chen Yuyue done anything harmful?" Ye Xuefu said.

Su Qing was speechless and could only shake her head.

"Let me ask you again. How did Chen Yuyue deal with all the troubles? How many problems did he help the police solve?" Ye Xuefu continued.

Su Qing was speechless. She couldn't count how many times Chen Yuyue had helped her.

"Also, what kind of person is Chen Yuyue in your heart? Is he an honest person? Is he a person with a sense of mission?" Ye Xuefu said again: "is there any reason why Chen Yuyue did that?"

Su Qing was stunned and wanted to stop talking.

She couldn't answer any of Ye Xuefu's questions.

"So what kind of person is Chen Yuyue in your eyes? Isn't he so worthy of your trust?" Ye Xuefu finally said.

Su Qing finally said, "of course he deserves my trust. I also know that he must have his own reasons for doing things, but..."

"He just didn't give you an explanation, right?" Ye Xuefu interrupted Su Qing: "but I can tell you very responsibly that Su Qing can't explain some things, and some things can't be explained clearly at all. I think we should have faith in Chen Yuyue, because he was a different person! Do you think I'm right?"

Su Qing nodded: "yes, he is really a different person..."

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