Seeing that Su Qing had begun to hesitate, ye Xuefu took advantage of the victory and pursued: "since he is different from us, why should we treat him like ordinary people?"

Su Qing nodded: "Xuefu, I understand what you mean. I may be a little too excited about this matter."

"We all understand you. I believe Chen Yuyue will understand you. Your work determines your mentality." Ye Xuefu said, "but his position also determines his action."

Su Qing finally relieved and smiled: "in fact, team Zhou also told me these words today, but I didn't listen to them at that time..."

"Even team Zhou has chosen to give Chen Yuyue enough trust. We really should trust him more." Ye Xuefu said while taking out his mobile phone, "otherwise he will be cold."

Then ye Xuefu called her sister so that she and Chen Yuyue could go home at ease.

Su Qing suddenly realized: "you came back early to help Chen Yuyue as a lobbyist."

"Otherwise? If we don't make it clear to you first, won't you add fuel to the fire when he comes back?" Ye Xuefu said: "also, according to Chen Yuyue's investigation, the person who took the blame should also get some lessons. He took the blame for money. Before, he also gambled and borrowed usury for money. In a word, he should also get some lessons."

Su Qing said in surprise, "how did he know?"

"He not only knew this, but also solved the difficulties of that guy's family." Ye Xuefu said: "in fact, he did a lot of things more comprehensively than we thought. You will understand this when you have time to go to the store another day and talk to Lu Xue, the girl who works in the store."

"Lu Xue?"

Ye Xuefu nodded: "what's the name of the guy who took the blame?"

"Lu... Is it..."

"Yes, it's the man's sister." Ye Xuefu nodded. "They have difficulties in their family. If you know, you will change your view of Chen Yuyue."

"Then tell me quickly." Su Qing said.

"Ask the goblin later. She certainly likes to share with you more than I do." Ye Xuefu smiled: "I'm a little tired today. I'll wash and rest first. There are a lot of things in the company tomorrow."

Su Qing heard the sound of a car at the door and nodded to Ye Xuefu: "then go quickly and I'll ask her later."

Soon, Chen Yuyue carefully followed Ye Xiaoyao to open the door and come in.

Su Qing smiled bitterly: "well, I won't ask more about the previous things. Xuefu told me. I'm willing to understand you."

"Hoo." Chen Yuyue was relieved: "I'm ready to run away."

Su Qing looked at him helplessly, then came forward and took Ye Xiaoyao's hand: "go back to the house with me and talk about the girl Lu Xue."

"My sister didn't tell you?" Ye Xiaoyao was stunned. "I thought you forgiven him after listening to this story. Sister Su Qing, it seems that you are more measured than I thought."

"Come on, don't flatter me. Tell me quickly. My curiosity is exploding now." Su Qing directly took Ye Xiaoyao and ran into the room, leaving Chen Yuyue in the living room.

Everything calmed down. Chen Yuyue sat comfortably on the sofa and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The tiredness of these days suddenly hit him. Unconsciously, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He's tired. He's really tired.


At 11 o'clock in the evening, she had sold out all the things today, and the guests left the hotel one after another.

Wang Yong and Du Po Wu skillfully cleaned everything up. Du Po Wu also cleaned the door of the hotel with a big broom.

Seeing that it was getting late, Wang Yong asked Du powu: "please send Lu Xue back to the hospital quickly and let her go back to rest early. She will be very nervous during the operation tomorrow. Take a rest and be busy tomorrow."

"HMM." Du Po Wu nodded, put down his work and went directly to Lu Xue, who was cleaning the table: "let's go. I'll take you back to the hospital."

"There's another point. I'll clean it up first." Lu Xue shook her head: "you go first. I'll just go back by bus. It's all right."

"The last bus is gone. I'll give it to you." Du powu is sure to complete the task given to him by his third brother.

Lu Xue how kind to delay others: "I really can. It's not far to the hospital here. If I really don't have a car, I'll walk back and get there in a minute."

"It's at least an hour's walk from here to the municipal hospital." Du powu said bluntly, "my brother asked me to send you, so I must send you."

What else does Lu Xue want to say? Wang Yong's wife came forward and robbed the work in her hand: "just be obedient and let him send you back. We can rest assured that it's not safe for girls to walk alone at night."

Wang Yong also nodded and said with a smile, "you are already our employee. Don't you listen to the boss's words? Hahaha, this is a deduction of salary!"

Lu Xue bowed to Wang Yong and his wife gratefully: "thank you."

"If you can come here, it means you have fate with us. Don't be surprised if you have fate." Wang Yong continued to do the final sorting with a smile: "OK, let's go."

After Lu Xue thanked again, she looked at Du powu: "I'm really sorry to trouble you."

"Things along the way." Du Po Wu said, "anyway, I want to go back to Tiancheng community. I have to pass the municipal hospital."

Lu Xue is a little more comfortable. At least others don't need to "make a special trip" to send her. Sending her on the way will make her feel easier to accept.

Then they said goodbye to Wang Yong.

Lu Xue didn't expect that Du Po Wu drove her back to the hospital in a Mercedes Benz RV. She was stupid when Du Po Wu asked her to get on the bus. It was too luxurious.

Du Po Wu didn't talk much along the way. Lu Xue was a little restrained sitting in the co pilot's seat.

Almost to the hospital, Du Po Wu said, "just now you should go to the back and have a rest on the road."

Lu Xue quickly shook her head: "it's very good here."

Originally, Du powu bothered others to send her away. She also went to enjoy it behind the RV. Wouldn't it make Du powu like her driver? Lu Xue can't do it.

"It's comfortable to lie in the back for a while." Du Po Wu didn't think about so many things. He thought of very simple things. It's so easy to sit in the back.

Lu Xue shook her head vigorously and didn't know what to say.

As the car came to the gate of the municipal hospital, Du Po Wu's Yu Guang couldn't help but skim over the cars parked on the roadside. The black cars and silver vans always gave him a sense of something wrong.

Although there are some private car operators waiting at the gate of the hospital on weekdays, it looks like it's almost twelve o'clock, and there won't be several cars waiting here.

And those drivers who wait for work generally like to drop the window, and those who drive vans like to open the side door and sit and wait in the back.

These cars closed their doors and windows, and there was no leakage at all, but Du Po Wu could still see the faint figure and flashing cigarette butts through the windshield.

The driver of the operating car will not be stupid enough to smoke in the car with the window closed. In that way, the smell in the car will certainly choke the passengers. No one will take this kind of car.

Therefore, Du powu made a judgment at that time that these vehicles were definitely not operating vehicles, but for another purpose.

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