Seeing that the car had arrived at the door of the hospital, Lu Xue hurriedly said, "just put me down at the door. I'll just go in by myself. Thank you today."

Du Po Wu shook his head: "I'll take you in."

"Really don't use it!" Lu Xue hurriedly said: "there's not a few steps. There are one-way lines in the hospital. You have to make a big circle to get out."

Du Po Wu is not an expressive person, and he doesn't know how to tell her the hidden danger at the door. He is also afraid that what he said will make Lu Xue afraid, so he didn't mention it at all, but emphasized again: "I'll send you in."

Lu Xue saw that Du Po Wu didn't give her the slightest intention to refuse, so she didn't insist any more. She could only keep thanking Du Po Wu and said that it was adding trouble to Du Po Wu.

Du powu slowly drove the car into the hospital, and Yu Guangcai slowly took it back on those cars.

After he entered the hospital, he also found something wrong. In particular, there were two young people downstairs who were talking and smoking. They looked energetic.

It's almost 12:00 in the morning. People who will stay in the hospital at this time, in addition to the patient lying in the hospital bed, are the patient's family members who stay with the hospital.

The normal patient's family members will be full of fatigue due to lack of rest caused by accompanying the bed.

But the two young smokers were not so tired at all.

Of course, that kind of tiredness is not the obvious sign of black eye yawning, but the tiredness in the spirit, which is emitted from the inside out.

Hospital bed accompanying is definitely not physical work. It won't do much tired things, but it must be a kind of thing that consumes people's energy, so that kind of fatigue is very special.

"Well, I'm right upstairs." Lu Xue pointed to the hospital corridor: "just stop here a little."

"I'll find a place to stop and take you upstairs." Du Po Wu still didn't give Lu Xue a chance to refuse, and the car had already driven to the direction of the parking space.

Lu Xue quickly waved her hand: "really don't bother so much. I don't know how to thank you. I'll be really sorry."

Du Po Wu looked at the two young smokers in the rearview mirror and said faintly, "believe me, I do this for a reason."

Lu Xue was stunned for a moment. She saw the residual light of Du Po Wu looking at the rearview mirror. Only then did she realize what he was observing.

Then Lu Xue's heart clicked. Was it Joe Nan who came directly to the hospital to find her?

Lu Xue's heartbeat began to accelerate madly, and fear occupied her whole heart in an instant.

Although Du Po Wu is a very bumpy person, he can also feel the fear of Lu Xue around him.

"Don't worry." Du Po Wu whispered, "don't be afraid of anything with me."

Lu Xue was stunned and looked at Du Po Wu blankly.

Du Po Wu stopped the car in the parking space calmly: "come on, I'll take you up. No one can do anything to you."

"I... I don't want to trouble you. I'm afraid those people have found the hospital..." Lu Xue has begun to become a little incoherent.

"Trouble me?" Du powu smiled and shook his head. "You must not have such great psychological pressure. The third brother asked me to send you back because of your safety. He will let me come, that is, he has absolute confidence in me."

Lu Xue thought of Chen Yuyue's vigorous and resolute means to deal with Qiao Nan's people at her home today, and instantly had self-confidence.

Du Po Wu reassured her, "I'm not much worse than my brother. It's more than enough to deal with these local ruffians."

"But this is a hospital..."

"They should also know that this is a hospital and dare not make a big noise. Don't worry." Du Po Wu stressed: "go, get off and I'll take you upstairs."

"Hmm!" Lu Xue clenched her teeth. In any case, she couldn't escape. In that case, it's better to face it tough.

Since Chen Yuyue and others became strong, Lu Xue's courage has been several times stronger than before.

After they got off, they went straight to the inpatient building.

Two young smokers at the entrance of the inpatient building immediately raised their vigilance when they saw Lu Xue. Of course, Du powu around Lu Xue also made the two young people feel a little chilly.

After all, Du Po Wu's figure is absolutely barbarian in front of ordinary people.

The two young men originally wanted to do something, but due to the tiger backed Du Po Wu beside Lu Xue, they still clicked in their heart and didn't dare to say a word.

Even so, Du Po Wu went straight to the two young people. Lu Xue couldn't help holding her breath. She didn't know what Du Po Wu was going to do.

"You... You... What are you going to do?" the two young men were nervous when they saw Du powu walking forward.

Du Po Wu despises this kind of advice, that is, he only bullies honest people on weekdays!

These social hooligans are cancer rubbish. They look arrogant in front of honest people, but they are like grandchildren in front of people who can really kill them.

"You two are blind? Can't you see that it says no smoking?" Du Po Wu said fiercely.

The two youths were so frightened that they quickly stamped out their cigarette butts on the ground.

Du Po Wu looked at the ground again. There were already more than a dozen cigarette butts. It seems that these two guys have been waiting here for a long time.

"Haven't your parents taught you not to litter?" Du Po Wu still didn't let go of the two eggheads: "pick it up and throw it into the dustbin."

They quickly attached themselves to pick up the cigarette butts they had just lost and wanted to go.

"I mean all!" Du Po Wu raised his voice a little, but this is a hospital after all, and it's dead of night now. Du Po Wu didn't roar, but the deterrent power of the voice was enough to frighten the two young people.

Lu Xue was very happy to watch. She never liked these hooligans. She also met such hooligans when she worked before. The quality of these people is very low. They are not only dirty in their mouth, but also like to do things.

Now they are so counselled in front of Du Po Wu, which makes people feel happy.

Lu Xue has never felt this way. She really never did. Even when Chen Yuyue helped her this morning, her heart has always been occupied by fear and did not feel this "happy" feeling.

The two youths picked up all the cigarette butts on the ground and ran away in a panic.

In addition to not cutting, Du powu was also a little disappointed. These grandchildren were too counselled. It was really boring. They had no passion at all.

"You're really good." Lu Xue couldn't help praising after Du Po Wu.

Du Po Wu blushed. He just bluffed two counsellors. It's nothing at all. Lu Xue even praised him. Of course he was embarrassed.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." Du Po Wu estimated that the two counsellors must have gone to the door to ask for help, so he won't leave Lu Xue for the time being.

If those guys dare to break into the hospital ward at night, they will knock out one by one and throw them directly to the morgue to see if these grandchildren dare to enter the hospital in the future!

Lu Xue closely follows Du Po Wu. Only when she gets close to Du Po Wu can she feel a sense of security.

The two men walked into the elevator and went directly to the upstairs ward. At this time, Lu Xue's mother had fallen asleep. Before she went out, Lu Xue told her mother she wanted to go to work and asked her mother not to wait for her. Lu Xue's mother was always at ease with Lu Xue, so she didn't worry too much.

Lu Xue carefully pushed away the ward. When she saw her sleeping mother, she was relieved.

Du powu stood at the door and didn't bother. After seeing Lu Xue go in, he directly sat in the row chair outside the ward. Du powu will not leave until he can't be sure of the safety here.

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