Jonan's face twitched and waved to his little brother behind him, "let's go!"

Then the group of talents turned and left under the leadership of Jonan. When they left, they had completely lost their momentum. Before, they were still aggressive. Now they are a bit like a lost dog running away with their tail.

Lu Xue was relieved to see Jonan leaving with people, but Du Po Wu's words just now echoed in her ears.

Du powu said she would protect her all her life. This was the first time Lu Xue heard this from childhood. Because she grew up without a father, what Lu Xue lacked most from childhood is the sense of security that her father can bring her.

Lu Xue doesn't know what security is all the time. Although she has a brother, her brother is not so reliable.

From small to large, her mother and she will give the best to her brother. She has always studied very well. At least she can easily be admitted to any two or more colleges in the country. If she works hard, she can also be admitted to engineering or engineering colleges.

But even so, she gave up the opportunity to go to school and gave up the tuition to her brother, who failed to succeed in taking an examination of three high-priced colleges.

And after graduation, because there is no real talent and learning, I can only go to hotels such as golf villa to do very ordinary work.

Even so, Lu Xue's brother Lu Xing is very vain. He doesn't want to be known that his family lives in the old street of the alley, so he goes out to rent an apartment. With Lu Xing's salary of less than 5000 yuan a month, there is almost nothing left except rent, water, electricity and necessary expenses. Sometimes he even wants money from his family.

Lu Xue's mother has been in poor health. The conditions at home are very poor. She has to pay back some tuition fees borrowed by Lu Xing when he went to college, so it's very difficult.

Lu Xue is doing the most ordinary work with a poor salary, but she still has to give relief to her brother Lu Xing from time to time.

Just before her mother was hospitalized with a heart attack, Lu Xing asked Lu Xue for 3000 yuan in order to buy the latest one, which was almost half of Lu Xue's savings over the years.

So Lu Xue never found a sense of security in her brother. Instead, she had to help her brother from time to time.

Du powu's sense of security to Lu Xue is completely different, which is also different from Chen Yuyue's help to her today.

For Lu Xue, Chen Yuyue's appearance at that time was a god falling from the sky, a superhero in a foreign cartoon. She was an unreal person and a God she could not hope for.

Du Po Wu is different. Du Po Wu is a real person, right beside her. He helped her clean up her tables and chairs in the hospital at night, and then sent her back to the hospital to protect her upstairs and back to the ward. Until just now, he used his own strength to scare off the hooligans led by Qiao Nan.

All this really exists.

Lu Xue has never had such a sense of security.

"What are you looking at?" Du Po Wu was so embarrassed that he couldn't help but say, "it's really late. Go and have a rest quickly."

"OK... OK." Lu Xue just recovered. She felt a little hot on her face.

Du powu's eyes stayed in the direction that Jonan's group left, and he said the waste of garbage counseling again in his heart.

Lu Xue wants to go back to the ward and turns around. She wants to stop talking and looks at Du Po Wu.

Du Po Wu looked at Lu Xue again: "what's the matter? Is there something on my face?"

"No... no!" Lu Xue hurriedly said, "I just think that since you have scared them away, it must be safe here, and they don't dare to mess around in the hospital, so... Go home and have a rest?"

Du Po Wu waved his big hand: "don't worry about my business. Just take care of yourself, okay?"


"Nothing, but now I want to be alone." Du Po Wu said, "if it's really all right for a while, I'll leave naturally, but now, don't order me what to do. I know what I should do."

Lu Xue bowed and apologized: "I didn't mean to order you. Thank you... Thank you!"

Du Po Wu said.

Lu Xue hurried back to the ward. She was a little uncomfortable. She really didn't want Du Po Wu to feel that she was ordering him. She really didn't mean that.

In this way, Lu Xue sat on the folding bed she brought at home, with all her thoughts on how to explain to Du powu.

In this way, she denied one idea after another and finally fell asleep unconsciously.

Maybe it's because she's too tired, so Lu Xue's sleep is really down-to-earth.

Although the small folding bed bought for tens of dollars was not comfortable at all, she still slept very sweet.


Chen Yuyue, who is still on the sofa, hasn't slept so well for many days.

In the middle of the night, ye Xuefu was thirsty. She went out of the room to the kitchen to find water to drink. Only then did she find that Chen Yuyue slept in the living room.

The light is still on in the living room, but Chen Yuyue sleeps very heavily.

If Chen Yuyue would not sleep on weekdays, he was unprepared, but he was too tired recently. Even in those days when he rested at home, he racked his brains all day because he had been thinking about how to solve his opponent's affairs.

Now things have been solved. Long Yueling took everyone away. Chen Yuyue can finally get a thorough relaxation. Sleeping incense is also natural.

Ye Xuefu went to drink a glass of water and found that Chen Yuyue had no reaction. Only then did she realize that Chen Yuyue's sleep state today was different from that in the past.

She soon realized that Chen Yuyue had not relaxed his tension and vigilance for so many days until today.

Ye Xuefu originally wanted Chen Yuyue to go back to his room to sleep, but she was worried that if Chen Yuyue woke up, Chen Yuyue might not be able to sleep.

Ye Xuefu thought for a moment. She simply went to Chen Yuyue's room to take out his quilt and carefully came to the sofa to cover it for him, so she didn't have to worry about his cold at night.

But just after ye Xuefu covered Chen Yuyue with a quilt, Chen Yuyue suddenly grabbed Ye Xuefu's hand.

Ye Xuefu was startled, but she didn't pull her hand back. She really didn't experience Chen Yuyue's initiative.

So this time Chen Yuyue took the initiative to hold her hand, making her feel a little shy.

Ye Xuefu quietly stayed with Chen Yuyue. Although she didn't say anything, she secretly said: I'm sorry to wake you up.

However, Chen Yuyue said something that made Ye Xuefu completely stunned in situ.

"Yueling... Thank you..."

As soon as Chen Yuyue said this, ye Xuefu realized that Chen Yuyue didn't wake up at all! He's still asleep!

What makes Ye Xuefu tremble is that there is a girl in Chen Yuyue's dream, but the girl is not her.

Ye Xuefu was stunned for a long time. She didn't remember how long she had stayed until she felt that her arm was a little numb, so she carefully took her hand out of Chen Yuyue's palm.

However, it was this that made Chen Yuyue slowly open his eyes.

"Xuefu?" Chen Yuyue's opening directly startled Ye Xuefu. When ye Xuefu saw that Chen Yuyue had opened her eyes, she determined that she was not dreaming. Chen Yuyue really woke up!

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