Liu Jing stared proudly at Zhao Xiaoyao: "don't do it? Now you know to beg for mercy... It's too late!"

"Young master Liu, give me a chance. You have a lot of adults, so don't tell me." Zhao Xiaoyao grinned: "I'll listen to you whatever you want me to do."

"Yes, this boy is very knowledgeable. Jingshao, let him learn how dogs bark for us, hahaha!" a tall and thin man said wildly. Seeing that his Yintang was black when he was young, it was obvious that he was too drunk and lustful. I'm afraid he would die if he didn't live for 30.

"Hahaha! Yes, let him bark like a dog!" a fat man trembled on his face. The man was at least 350 kilograms. What matters is his height, which is similar to Guo Xiaosi, who made several bad films after he became famous by plagiarism.

"Come on, learn to bark like a dog, learn to bark like a mad dog! Bark louder!" the members of the rich second generation alliance booed one after another and wanted to see a good play.

Liu Jing feels the feeling of becoming a "master", which is quite wonderful.

Zhao Xiaoyao looked at the time again. There were still two minutes left. Du powu could arrive in two minutes. Then he didn't have to bear it.

The short fat man with 350 Jin suddenly roared, "Yo, still carrying a water ghost? Really or not? Hahaha, from the factory?"

"Yes, factory, cottage, cottage." Zhao Xiaoyao nodded quickly, echoing these people.

"A piece of broken water ghost is not worth a lot of money, and the boy is not poor enough to wear fake goods." Liu Jing glared at Zhao Xiaoyao. If he was robbed of the limelight by a guy who can't afford a watch in front of Kaixin, it would be too shameful, so Liu Jing hopes Zhao Xiaoyao has some identity.

A guy who can afford to drive a Mercedes Benz RV is not too poor, is he?

Zhao Xiaoyao quickly pretended to flatter Liu Jing: "it's still young master Liu."

"Don't flatter me in front of me!" Liu Jing bah: "what's your boy's origin?"

Zhao Xiaoyao pretended to be innocent: "what source? No source... I'm just a little fart people. Please feel sorry for me, young master. Don't be difficult for me."

A group of people narrowed their circle around Zhao Xiaoyao again. Zhao Xiaoyao immediately cooperated and pretended to be poor.

Liu Jing raised his hand and motioned the people not to start first: "what business does your family do?"

"I... I'm the only one in my family. When I'm full, the whole family is not hungry, I'll just live alone." Zhao Xiaoyao quickly explained.

Liu Jing pointed to the Mercedes Benz RV: "can you mix this kind of car? Do you think I'm stupid? Even if you play again, I'm afraid the little money you spend in a year won't be enough to support an RV?"

Zhao Xiaoyao sighed: "young master Liu, don't mention this car. It's a car mortgaged by a person. It's not worth a lot of money."

"Mortgage car?" Liu Jing stared. If the mortgage car is worthless, the watch on this guy's wrist may also be fake!



Liu Jing suddenly thought that Kaixin said that this guy is her ex boyfriend! I came back from abroad!

What this guy said is made up!

"Nonsense!" Liu Jing shouted, "dare you fool me? Hum, you obviously came back from chasing Kaixin from abroad and made up so much nonsense with me! Say, did you rent this car!"

Zhao Xiaoyao exclaimed in his heart, this guy's IQ is really not high enough. He would suddenly turn around and go back. Believe Kaixin's words, this boy is really no one.

Many rich second generation alliance guys approached again: "tell the truth!"

Zhao Xiaoyao had no choice but to nod. Now there is only one minute left. He can only talk for one more minute: "young master Liu is really smart. I can't hide anything from you. You're right. I lied to you. I came back from abroad and rented the car. I have no foundation in China. Please let me go and spare me."

"There's no foundation at all, and you dare to show off your power in front of me!" Liu Jing was angry when he thought of it. At that time, he waved his palm and pumped it hard at Zhao Xiaoyao.

Zhao Xiaoyao suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Liu Jing's wrist.

Liu Jing stared and shouted, "you boy dare to fight back!"

"Young master Liu, I'm not fighting back. I'm just blocking it. It's a human conditioned reflex and a natural reaction." Zhao Xiaoyao said sarcastically: "only a brain cripple knows that he wants to be beaten and doesn't block it. If he's not blocked and beaten, it's called waste."

"You dare say I'm a waste!" Liu Jing trembled angrily and wanted to take back his palm before he took it out, but Zhao Xiaoyao grabbed his wrist and didn't take it back!

Now Liu Jing and his people were angry. They were very dissatisfied with Zhao Xiaoyao's behavior that a little red man dared to challenge them.

Zhao Xiaoyao looked at his watch and said to himself, "there's half a minute left."

By this time he could hear the sound of the car engine in the distance.

When they heard him talking to himself, they were stunned for a while, and they all didn't know why.

Of course, someone with sharp ears also heard the sound of the car engine and said vigilantly, "did this boy call for help?"

Then everyone heard the sound of the car engine.

"Twenty seconds." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled and loosened Liu Jing's wrist.

Liu Jing suddenly stepped back two steps, looked at the place where the sound of the car engine came in panic, and said to all humanity: "be careful!!"

The sound of the car engine was getting closer and closer. A few seconds later, Du Po Wu's van suddenly appeared in the sight of everyone, still six or seven hundred meters away.

"Ten." Zhao Xiaoyao also breathed a sigh of relief. He thought Du Po Wu was really punctual enough.

Liu Jing and his group of friends are stupid. They are not afraid of the people coming from each other, but that the old car will not hit them. It is terrible that the car threatens their life and safety.

Zhao Xiaoyao continued to count down: "Nine..."







Bang! The van rushed frantically into the crowd, scared everyone to run around, and then hit Master Liu Jing's luxury car heavily before stopping.

No way, the brake of the van is obviously not too awesome, and Dutu Wu is too fast to catch up with the time, which is completely beyond the endurance of the brake system.

The front of the van was slightly flat because of the impact. Of course, Liu Jing's luxury car was seriously damaged, and both side doors were concave.

The van door was pushed open with a bang. Du Po Wu jumped out of the car with staring eyes and looked like he was going to eat people: "I'm not late!"

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