A group of people around Liu Jing were stunned and looked at the big man who suddenly appeared in front of him. In addition to surprise, they were still surprised.

Zhao Xiaoyao shriveled his mouth: "if you come again later, I can't hold it."

"You can't even make up your mind for so few minutes. Are you still confused?" Du Po Wu glanced at Zhao Xiaoyao and thought that there should be no difficulty in controlling them?

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled bitterly: "it's easy for you to say, because these goods are too delicious, so I don't think it's easy to delay until you come. If I don't pretend my grandson in front of them, can they wait until now?"

Du Po Wu touched his chin and said, "it's really embarrassing for you to say so."

The two men stood in the middle of Liu Jing's group. You and I didn't take that group of people seriously.

Everyone looked at Liu Jing and seemed to be asking Liu Jing what to do. Now they really have a feeling of being despised. It's too unpleasant.

"Since you eat too much at night, they'll give it to you. I'll go home and take a bath first." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "my favorite novel has been updated. I'll go after the book quickly."

Du Po Wu gave a sound, clenched his fist and nodded: "it's not enough for me to warm up. I thought you could make me a decent opponent. It's boring to make such a pile of waste..."

"When I called you, I didn't know they were such a group of waste. I was also very disappointed." Zhao Xiaoyao said helplessly.

Their words completely angered the rich second generation!

Liu Jing scolded angrily at first: "I must kill you today! Let you know that I Liu Jing is not easy to mess with!"

"Kill them both!" the people of the rich second generation alliance filled with indignation.

However, Zhao Xiaoyao turned around lightly and went straight to the car to leave. He didn't look at their group of people at all.

With a wave of Liu Jing's big hand, the crowd rushed up and prepared to take Zhao Xiaoyao down.

However, after Du Po Wu wiped out thousands of troops, the rich second generation alliance lay on the ground, howling everywhere. The reason for the pain of several people was that they were overwhelmed by the 350 pound short fat man.

If such a heavy weight is pressed down, either an arm or a foot will be broken. But if it is pressed by this dead fat man, no one will have a good result.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoyao had opened the door and got on the bus. He looked back at Liu Jing and shook his head reluctantly: "man, you can only be unlucky to meet him. I'm really too tired. I'll take a step first and don't play with you. I'm sorry."

Liu Jing looked at Zhao Xiaoyao driving away with a confused face. The whole person was going crazy.

But now no one in the rich second generation alliance led by him dared to come forward again. Everyone was afraid of the oppression brought by Du powu.

Du Po Wu twisted his neck: "OK, hurry up and warm up for me together. Don't grind haw's advice like an egg."

"Jing Shao, I can't let him leave alive if I say this to him today!" the short fat man with 350 kg suddenly howled: "if I don't kill him, I'm not willing!"

The short fat man suddenly got up, and the two unlucky people under him howled again. The feeling of being hurt twice after fracture is really desperate.

Liu Jing pointed to Du Po Wu and ordered the others, "fuck him for me!"

However, this time, except for the short and fat man of 350 kg who rushed forward recklessly, the others didn't mean to be impulsive.

The 350 pound short fat man rushed at Du Po Wu like a big meat shell, but Du Po Wu didn't even blink and kicked up against the meat shell!

Although the 350 kg short fat man had the shape of a "tank meat shield", it was really fragile. Du Po Wu kicked him and gave him seconds.

The huge meat bullet hit the ground like a pinball, then bounced up, and then hit the crowd!

Liu Jing and others hurried away. After listening to a loud bang, the short fat man was completely quiet and could no longer show off.

The reason why this guy fainted was not because he fell, but because he was shocked by his own flesh. He finished the calf completely under the shock. Of course, more meat also showed great advantages at this time. At least his bones didn't break.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and give it to me! When is it? Do you want to wait until he makes a move!" Liu Jing angrily scolded again.

At this time, the people around him were finally angry.

"Only let us go. Why don't you go yourself?"

"Liu Jing, we are not your dog. We came to help you with you as a friend!"

"But what do you mean you just call us dogs now?"

"If you're in trouble, you can't do it yourself. Let us do it. Who owes you or should let you do it, Liu Jing?"

The rich second generation alliance collapsed immediately after encountering trouble. Everyone retreated while talking. For a time, everyone hoped that they could get rid of their relationship with Liu Jing. No one wanted to get hurt because of Liu Jing.

Those who had been injured got up and hid aside in a wail, and dared not come forward to show off their strength any more.

"What do you mean!? you're here to help me! Do you have to retreat now when you encounter a threat? Don't you feel ashamed!" Liu Jing was angry with shame: "what a bunch of useless things!"

"You can do it yourself!"

"Liu Jing, who the fuck are you talking about? Who's useless? How can you lick your face and say such words!"

Since you can become a member of the "rich second generation alliance", you must have a little family power and identity. No one can tolerate someone directly ordering and reprimanding with "a tone higher than your own identity".

Liu Jing has now committed a big taboo. He doesn't directly regard these people as people at the same level as himself. He even puts himself on the top.

This obviously violates the rules of the whole "rich second generation alliance".

"..." Du Po Wu wanted to say something several times, but he didn't get a chance. The friendship of these guys is more plastic than plastic. It's a layer of broken oil paper. It doesn't need to be torn. It can be broken by the wind.

I'm afraid Du Po Wu doesn't need to do this. These guys may be able to kill the fish in a blink of an eye.

It's boring, it's boring!

As soon as Du Po Wu thought that Zhao Xiaoyao had gone home, he realized that the boy must know the result. He must have expected everything that might happen now in advance, so he went home early and handed over the boring mess to him.

Zhao Xiaoyao, wait for me. I'll clean you up when I go back! Du Po Wu thought in his heart.

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