The bodyguards in the three SUVs cheered up one after another.

The lead bodyguard shouted: "hurry up! Hurry up! Protect the eldest lady! There is an unknown vehicle ahead! Hurry up and protect! We must ensure the safety of the eldest lady!"

Several off-road vehicles rushed up without hesitation and hit one of the cars approaching the pickup.

However, the collisions of moving vehicles are mutual. If you want to hurt people, you will be hurt by people. Therefore, neither of the two vehicles made more money after the collision.

But the leading bodyguard still has to fight to protect the front pickup. After all, Miss Kaixin is in that pickup. If Kaixin is hurt, he can't make up for it!

The bodyguards fought hard to protect them, but they were still terrified. After all, no one knew the origin of these attackers.

President Kai called them together before dawn today. He just said to protect Miss Kai Xin's safety, but he didn't say what would happen.

The sudden attack really made them feel some panic.

Miss Kaixin is not in their car at the moment. They will feel helpless more or less. They are afraid that Zhao Xiaoyao will not take good care of her. In case the eldest miss is injured, they really don't know how to explain to President Kaixin when they go back.

At this moment, the situation is extremely dangerous. Several suddenly killed cars have surrounded the pickup truck.

Although Zhao Xiaoyao's driving skills are not bad, but the displacement of the pickup is too small and the horsepower can't keep up, so even if you step on the accelerator to the end, you can only have the current acceleration.

"I finally understand why foreign big pickup trucks have such a large displacement." Zhao Xiaoyao saw two cars approaching his new car in the rearview mirror: "Originally, the car was heavy. If you pull something, you need a large displacement to drive it. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to drive. For example, the displacement of this pickup truck is too small. Now it's so difficult to drive without pulling goods. If it's full of things, I'm afraid it can't speed up."

Kaixin is not in the mood to think about how much displacement and horsepower pickup truck can have enough acceleration and car racing. She is just worried that those cars will knock them over!

"Be careful, don't have an accident... Slow down... If you can't stop, don't have an accident." Kaixin said carefully.

"Aren't you too confident about my level? Why should I buy a pickup truck? Isn't it because of the 'fighting ability' of the pickup truck?" Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "there's absolutely no problem with this fighting ability. Just put a hundred hearts on it. They want to knock me down. It's still a few years away."

Kaixin doesn't know where Zhao Xiaoyao's confidence comes from.

Now she didn't know how many people there were. Anyway, she saw a lot of cars rushing out one after another. She didn't count them clearly.

"Sit still, hold on tight, be careful not to meet!" Zhao Xiaoyao smiled and suddenly hit the direction and turned left. At this time, the car behind them on the right just came forward, and the rear bucket on the right threw heavily at the front of the car.

Then Zhao Xiaoyao quickly turned right with the help of the impact force to realign the pickup. The other party's car hit the front of the car has completely lost control, flew out of the road and planted it on a big tree.

The huge collision made Kaixin feel that her head was shaking, but it could solve her opponent, which made Kaixin feel that Zhao Xiaoyao was very reliable.

Although the three bodyguards of Kaixin have been stopped behind by the car suddenly rushed out by the other party, with Zhao Xiaoyao, Kaixin feels that she has an unlimited sense of security, as if she will not be in danger.

Zhao Xiaoyao did not disappoint Kaixin. He used the means just now in the opposite direction and bumped the guy on the left who tried to overtake him and force him to stop again.

The two collisions also caused serious damage to the domestic pickup truck, and the rear body has made a very serious abnormal noise.

Zhao Xiaoyao could not help but frown. The car was still not as impatient as he thought.

Kaixin couldn't help looking back and found that there were several cars chasing them frantically, and the back of their pickup truck began to smoke!

"Hello! Zhao Xiaoyao, please hurry up and see what's going on. Why is it smoking? It won't explode!" Kai Xin said in surprise.

Zhao Xiaoyao had already seen it in the rearview mirror: "it's all right. Don't worry. If it explodes, I'll let you get off in advance. Now sit down quickly and don't move around to block my sight. I need to see the situation behind me and make a prediction in advance. Just sit down honestly and don't get in the way."

Kaixin didn't dare to move. She sat back and didn't dare to move.

Although the pickup was smoking, it was still driven by Zhao Xiaoyao.

Just as Zhao Xiaoyao was concentrating on driving, his mobile phone suddenly rang. He scolded who was calling at such a bad time and took out his mobile phone.

When he saw that Chen Yuyue was displayed on his mobile phone, he immediately answered the phone, clamped it in his ear and listened to the phone while driving: "brother, what instructions do you have?"

"Just now long Yueling said that she was going to Africa. Let's be careful in Tianhai." Chen Yuyue said, "I'm worried that after she leaves, Tianzu will not be controlled. Someone will get some information about us from Tianzu."

"Isn't it, brother? Why does she go to Africa at this time?" Zhao Xiaoyao said: "what they do in Tianzu is not field work!"

"The Ebola epidemic that broke out in Africa a few years ago seems to be making a comeback." Chen Yuyue's voice is obviously worried. Although long Yueling has enough self-protection ability, the Ebola plague is Ebola after all. This is not fun.

Although in terms of epidemiological development, the infectivity of Ebola virus itself is quite low, and its basic infection number "value" is only two. This value refers to the average number of people infected with an infectious disease who will infect other people without external intervention and no immunity.

In other words, in an outbreak, each patient will infect two other people with the virus, and then these two people may die of the disease.

This may sound shocking, but in contrast, there are many other infectious diseases with higher "value", such as four and measles eighteen.

However, from the perspective of disease, the virus tends to lurk and survive in the host population, and spread among hosts as long as possible.

Therefore, although the "value" of Ebola is only two, this value still means that the infected population may continue to spread the virus at a doubling rate every one to two weeks. The current situation of Ebola in third world countries is enough to illustrate the problem.

Moreover, Ebola virus is a large worm like virus, which is suitable for rapid mass reproduction in the host. Once infected, it is very terrible.

This is what Chen Yuyue is most worried about. He is afraid that long Yueling will catch the virus accidentally.

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