Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned when he heard that it was Ebola virus. There was a short blank period in his mind, which really worried him.

"When Ebola swept West Africa a few years ago, the mortality rate was so terrible! Was she sick? It wasn't her business. She had to run there!" Zhao Xiaoyao was really speechless: "I took it! You advised her!"

"No one can stop what long Yueling wants to do." Chen Yuyue shook his head: "since she has decided, let her go."

What else can Zhao Xiaoyao say about this? If even Chen Yuyue can't control it, how many complaints he has is meaningless.

"I just want you to notice that if someone takes advantage of long Yueling's absence in Yanjing to get more information about us, we may face a fierce battle."

Of course, Zhao Xiaoyao understood the seriousness of this, so that he was a little distracted when driving. Suddenly, he was hit by a car coming up from behind, and his mobile phone almost fell off.

Kai Xin was frightened and couldn't help shouting, "when is it? You're still in the mood to call! We're about to roll over!"

When Chen Yuyue heard Kaixin's voice, he immediately worried: "what's the matter?"

"I'm going through a fierce battle now." Zhao Xiaoyao said with a wry smile: "brother, I'm not wrong at all when I say you're a crow God mouth. I don't agree with anyone on this point. I'll convince you. Really, there's no time to make mistakes in the dangerous things you said."

"Come on, don't be poor. You must protect Kaixin's safety." Chen Yuyue said, "no one can help you. It's all up to you."

"You don't have to help me. She has three bodyguards at home." Zhao Xiaoyao said.

Chen Yuyue immediately understood what Zhao Xiaoyao meant. Kaixin's three car bodyguard is still fine. Now is not the time for him to turn the tide.

Only when all her bodyguards are abandoned can he show that he has the strength to turn the tide. Only in this way can he be liked by President Kai at a glance. This is Zhao Xiaoyao's plan.

"Understand, be more careful." Chen Yuyue said and hung up the phone.

Zhao Xiaoyao also took the mobile phone down from his ears and shoulders, looked in the rearview mirror and said, "Kaixin, call your people to find a way to go around the front."

Kaixin quickly took out her mobile phone and called the head of the bodyguard behind her.

The lead bodyguard received a call from Kaixin and was surprised and happy: "Miss?"

"Now go around to the front and help me stop those cars! Our cars are smoking! They will explode soon!" Kai Xin shouted exaggeratedly.

The head bodyguard panicked when he heard this: "madam, now their car has completely blocked the road. We really have no way to break through! Don't have an accident. If there is a problem with the car, abandon the car quickly!"

"If you don't come to the front and help me stop the car, how can I abandon the car?" Kaixin said anxiously, "find a way quickly!"

"Yes! We must do our best!" the lead bodyguard was completely flustered and ordered the bodyguard driving next to him to say, "squeeze me directly between the two cars!"

"Boss, this space is really crowded!"

"If you can't squeeze, you have to squeeze!" the lead bodyguard really dares to play for Kaixin. If you take people's money, you have to work for others. It's the same truth as the way of ancient kings and officials. Eating your salary is to work for you at all costs.

Just like today's civil servants eat the salaries of the people, so it is a truth to do things for the people at all costs.

Those who eat the salary given by the people but do not work for the people are unfaithful and unjust villains, which has been the case since ancient times.

"Hurry up!" Kaixin yelled again, hung up the phone and looked worried at Zhao Xiaoyao: "what if they can't come to the front to help us block those cars?"

"Then you really want a song 'cool' for us." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "now pray that the car doesn't explode suddenly."

Kai Xin doesn't know that Zhao Xiaoyao is teasing her, but she is very serious!

"Explosion... Zhao Xiaoyao, I'm really killed by you today! I'll never let you go as a ghost." Kaixin said in horror. If it explodes, it will be killed. It must be very ugly! no Why is it like this!

"If it explodes, I will also die, and I will become a ghost. At that time, ghosts can be afraid of ghosts." Zhao Xiaoyao didn't care.

Kaixin gave Zhao Xiaoyao a hard punch: "you think of a way quickly! I don't want to die!"

"You say this as if I want to die." Zhao Xiaoyao sighed: "I don't want to die either, but the way is not to think it out. Your people are useless now."

"They're useless. What about you! So you have to find a way!" Kaixin really cried out: "I'm still so young. I don't want to die. If my mother knew that I was killed after returning home, she must... Oh! Zhao! Xiaoyao! You can't let me have an accident!"

Zhao Xiaoyao's ears were almost deafened: "OK, OK, I heard you! I won't let you die so easily. If you believe me, kick your heart into your stomach and sit quietly for me! If you don't believe me, continue to yell. In a moment, even if we die, it's because of you."

Kaixin just wanted to refute, but in the end, she forcibly suppressed her emotions and didn't say a word.

Zhao Xiaoyao was finally able to drive quietly and timely judge how the pursuers behind him wanted to deal with himself.

Obviously, the pursuers behind suddenly dared not come forward easily.

It must be that the three bodyguards' vehicles played a certain role in the back. If one of these vehicles attacked on the way at this time is not careful, it may be broken through by the bodyguards' vehicles behind. At that time, they will have no current advantage.

For a moment, although the back three bodyguards' cars could not break through to the front, they still gave strong support and helped Zhao Xiaoyao play a very good restraining role.

The angry bodyguard leader was so angry that he kept close to the front car and continued to look for opportunities because he failed to command many breakthroughs!

The crashing sound is never heard. Crazy actions on the road are really rare. Fortunately, there are few people in this section on weekdays. Otherwise, I really don't know what will happen.

"Madmen, they are just a group of madmen..." Kaixin's face was very pale.

"What kind of people do you think will get into madmen?" Zhao Xiaoyao suddenly asked, "I think it must be because your father is a madman that he will get into such a group of madmen. If your father is not a madman, he can't get into such a group of madmen."

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