Seeing that Zhao Xiaoyao didn't turn against him because his father asked people to fight against him, Kaixin begged again, "Dad, you really misunderstood him!"

However, Mr. Kai was not moved by his daughter's persuasion: "don't worry about this matter. I will take full charge of it."

"Dad, please find out. Today, Xiaoyao really saved me. Look at those people you arranged for me, all of them..." Kaixin pointed to the bodyguard who was put down over there: "how can you be so black and white."

"It's not that I don't distinguish between black and white." Kai shook his head. "You're the one who doesn't distinguish between black and white."

Kaixin said nothing: "you asked someone to tie him, but he didn't resist at all. Can't this prove? Dad, I think you're really confused!"

"You don't want to lose your mind because of him." Mr. Kai's expression was still indifferent and said to his men, "take them back and try them slowly!"

"Don't try! It was he who led people here and let us ambush." the arrested attacker suddenly threw all the black pots at Zhao Xiaoyao: "he is behind the scenes. Ask him if you have anything! He knows everything."

Zhao Xiaoyao was a little embarrassed when the pot was thrown: "brother, it's too obvious for you to pit me like this. Fools won't believe it."

The attacker was stunned. He was really in a hurry just now.

"I thought you were very smart just now, but now it seems that I overestimate you." Zhao Xiaoyao sighed lightly: "Mr. Kai, you won't be fooled by people with such IQ? That's really a bit embarrassing."

"It's not up to you to teach me how to judge." Mr. Kai has almost no trust in Zhao Xiaoyao now.

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "just, I won't say more. Kai always deals with it as he thinks."

"Dad! Are you really going to be confused like this?" Kaixin was a little angry: "otherwise, you might as well tie me up, and I'm also their accomplice."

"Enough, don't make any more noise." Mr. Kai waved to the twin bodyguards next to him to take Kaixin back to the car.

Kaixin broke free: "it's my idea to come here today. I asked Xiaoyao to bring me here. Xiaoyao didn't want to bring me at all."

Kay always frowned.

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled at the bodyguards who suppressed him on both sides: "man, you don't have to be so nervous. If I want to resist, do you think you two can hold it?"

They didn't dare to say more, and the strength in their hands was indeed a little loose.

"Dad, I just bought a car with Xiaoyao. I was supposed to go home right away. Your people also said that I don't want to be too far from the city. I want to go for an outing in the outer suburbs. I don't want to stay in the city all the time." Kaixin said: "As you know, I have lived in Australia since I was a child. There are many places for leisure and relaxation. With such a large population density in Tianhai, I can't find a place where I can breathe fresh air. I can only go to the suburbs. I asked him to bring me here. Not only did he hurt me, but I implicated him."

Kai Xin's words made general Kai's judgment a little loose.

"If you misunderstand him because of this matter, I will feel guilty all my life." Kaixin said seriously.

At this time, President Kai's heart finally wavered for the first time.

"You don't have to speak for me. Those who are clear will be clear." Zhao Xiaoyao didn't care. "If President Kai wants to investigate, let him investigate. As long as you don't starve me, it's no problem to lock me up anywhere. I'll cooperate."

Kai looked at Zhao Xiaoyao and said, "are you really willing to cooperate?"

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled and suddenly took his hand. In a twinkling of an eye, he got rid of the control of the two bodyguards, directly captured them with his backhand, and then hit the wrist of the man who took his dagger!

Killing immortals soared and rolled. Zhao Xiaoyao kicked the two bodyguards off and took killing immortals in his hand.

The atmosphere at the scene became tense in an instant. Li Wen tried to make a pair of brothers quickly come forward and protect Kai and Kai Xin behind him.

However, Zhao Xiaoyao didn't continue to fight, but turned the blade direction of killing immortals in his hand and directly turned the handle to a bodyguard beside him: "OK, I'm not resisting. If you disarm, take the knife away, but remember, please keep it for me. This knife is handed down by my ancestors. If anyone loses it for me, I'll turn my face."

Zhao Xiaoyao's skill completely shocked president Kai. Even the two brothers, Li Wen and strive, looked at each other one after another. They thought that this guy's level was really extraordinary.

"Even if you are kind today, you deliberately concealed your strength before us, which will make me have a grudge against you." President Kai said lightly: "Xiaoyao, don't blame me for not believing you, but I really can't convince myself to trust you."

"Whatever." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "Mr. Kai, I have only one condition. When you find out, if it has nothing to do with me, you must let me go, or I will resist."

Kai frowned again.

"I promised to cooperate with your investigation because I gave Kaixin face." Zhao Xiaoyao looked at Kaixin: "she helped me before. Today, I saved her and cooperated with you to give her face. If you should find out and continue to be difficult for me, I will not be slaughtered."

"No one will kill you." Kai said faintly.

"But in my opinion, what you are doing now is killing me." Zhao Xiaoyao sighed: "Mr. Kai, in fact, I hate the feeling of being wronged.

"Dad! You really wronged Xiaoyao." Kaixin stood up for Zhao Xiaoyao again.

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "you don't have to persuade your father anymore. Your father has his own idea. No matter how much you say, it's meaningless. If you can trust me, I'll be satisfied."

"No, I can't let them do this to you." Kaixin shook her head: "Dad, what are you going to do! Do you still doubt my words?"

"Wait until I judge this man." Mr. Kai looked at the leader of the attacker and comforted his daughter softly: "don't worry, please trust dad, I will find out the truth. If Dad misunderstood him, dad will make up for him."

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled with disdain: "Mr. Kai, you must not think that money is omnipotent. Money can't make up for anything. I'm willing to cooperate with you to investigate, so you don't need to make up for me, but my new pickup truck was exploded because of your family, so it's necessary to compensate me for a new pickup truck."

Mr. Kai turned to look at the explosive pickup residue.

"Take people and leave immediately!" Mr. Kai realized that he had to leave the scene as soon as possible, and then said to his assistant, "you should leave a few people at the scene to deal with the matter and deal with the police."

"Yes!" the assistant nodded at once. It's busy again today.

President Kai motioned to Liwen to take Kaixin to the car, but Kaixin insisted on taking a car with Zhao Xiaoyao. If Zhao Xiaoyao hadn't advised her, she wouldn't compromise anything.

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