On the way home, Kai always looked at his daughter with a heavy heart: "do you believe that boy so much?"

"Why don't you believe it?" Kaixin asked, "I just want to ask you, what did he do to make you think he was so untrustworthy?"

"He didn't do anything, but..." Kai always hesitated: "all this is too coincidental. Kai Xin, dad has to be careful of him."

"Dad, I ask you, why am I in danger?" Kaixin suddenly remembered Zhao Xiaoyao's words: "what have you done? If you don't do crazy things, you won't be treated crazy. I will be targeted and I will be in danger. It must be because you have done something you shouldn't do!"

Kai always frowned: "is that what the boy said?"

"Now I'm asking you. Please don't change the topic. Even if you don't have leisure, I'll ask why?" Kaixin said: "you arranged bodyguards to protect me early in the morning. It must be because you are aware of the danger."

Kay is always silent.

Li Wen drove quietly without saying a word.

Then Kaixin turned his goal to the co pilot: "if it wasn't dangerous, why did they suddenly appear at the same time? When I first arrived in China, you introduced them to me, and strive to hardly appear on weekdays. Why did you show up today, and still with Liwen."

"That's enough." Kai always interrupted his daughter: "don't guess or think about some things. Those things are not what you should guess or think about."

"Dad, you still won't tell me what you did to get into this trouble?" Kaixin stared: "do you really care about my safety or just your personal interests?"

Kai was suddenly angry when he faced his daughter's questions: "I have only one daughter in my life! What do you think I care more about!"

Kaixin said blandly, "since you only have my daughter, you should know what is the most important. Dad, I believe you know what you are doing and whether you should do what you do."

"Enough!" Kai raised his voice.

Li Wen tried to make sure that no one dared to speak more. They all knew Mr. Kai's temper very well.

Even if Kaixin is the only precious daughter of President Kai, if she wants to disobey president Kai, President Kai will not tolerate her without restraint.

Kaixin could feel that her father's anger came from the bottom of her heart, so she didn't say much, but the more so, the more uneasy she felt.

After finally returning home, President Kai quickly got off the bus and arranged for the attacker and Zhao Xiaoyao to be detained separately.

Due to Kaixin's reasons, President Kai's conditions for Zhao Xiaoyao are quite good. Part of the reason is Zhao Xiaoyao's attitude. That kind of cooperative attitude makes president Kai quite satisfied with him.

The assistant at the scene also called. The people who should be sent to the hospital were sent away. The police who came to investigate were also dealing with it, which would not cause too much trouble.

Kai was relieved when he got the news.

"Li Wen." Mr. Kai waved. Li Wen immediately came forward and obeyed. Mr. Kai lit a cigar and said, "the guy locked down will be handed over to you and your brother for trial. No matter what means they use, they should give me any subsequent attack arrangements."

"Mr. Kai, are you so sure that they are all Huang Hua's people?" Li Wen said carefully.

Kai always sneered: "who else can it be except Huang Hua? This time, Huang Hua is the only one who has an interest dispute with me. He is vicious and can do anything. It's no exaggeration for him to do such a thing."

Li Wen nodded: "I know."

"You two should keep an eye on him and don't let him run away."

"No." he tried to guarantee: "he can't escape our two brothers. Mr. Kai, what I'm really worried about is Zhao Xiaoyao. I'm afraid his strength is definitely not lower than my two brothers."

Mr. Kai nodded. How could he not know that it could be an ordinary person to stop the attackers who could not be stopped by more than a dozen bodyguards he arranged.

If it were not for this, Kai would not be so worried about Zhao Xiaoyao.

However, now he has less scruples about Zhao Xiaoyao. All this is due to Zhao Xiaoyao's cooperation.

At the beginning, Zhao Xiaoyao obviously could escape, but he didn't escape. So he came back with cooperation. It's unnecessary to say it's all for Kaixin or his innocence.

Zhao Xiaoyao's failure to escape shows that he is not guilty at all.

This is what Mr. Kai likes most about Zhao Xiaoyao.

If this boy can be used, Mr. Kai is really willing to recruit him under his command, which can at least make him a powerful barrier to protect Kaixin.

"Zhao Xiaoyao is not a simple man. I'll talk to him myself." Mr. Kai said faintly, "you don't have to worry about that."

"Mr. Kai, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to talk to him alone. His threat is too great." Li Wen said immediately.

"With Kaixin, I don't worry about what he will do to me." Kaixin smiled. He still had this confidence: "don't worry. Do what you should do."

Li Wen nodded, and then left president Kai's study with strive.

After the two brothers left for a while, Kaixin hurried to his study to find him as expected.

Kai always took a book and pretended to be reading. Facing his daughter who pushed the door in, he just looked up and didn't speak much.

"Dad, when is it? You're still in the mood to read?" Kaixin's expression was dissatisfied: "I just want to ask you a question. When are you going to lock people up?"

"Off?" Kai put down his book and slowly looked at Kai Xin: "have you ever been to the basement where the attacker was detained?"

Kaixin was stunned for a moment and didn't understand his father's meaning: "no, why should I go? By the way, you belong to illegal imprisonment!"

"You first look at the guy's environment, and then look at Zhao Xiaoyao's current environment. You can see that I'm not shutting him down at all, but inviting him as a guest." President Kai still wrote lightly: "he is willing to cooperate with me, so I'll invite him to come home as a guest. Isn't this a win-win situation for me and him?"

"I don't care. You must restore his freedom as soon as possible." Kaixin said: "also, you must personally compensate him for a pickup truck to show your gratitude and respect for him. This is caused by you. His car was destroyed because of you, so you must personally show your sincerity."

Kai nodded faintly: "no problem, but everything needs to be found out."

"I hope you can keep your promise!"

"Your father has always been a man who keeps his promise." President Kai said expressionless.

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