After Chen Yuyue and Feng Hui brought back breakfast, ye Xuefu and Su Qing got up one after another. After breakfast, they left home one after another.

Zhao Xiaoyao goes to Kaixin's house at Kaixin's request. Kaixin seems determined to talk to his father about Zhao Xiaoyao in person.

Although at first she hoped that Zhao Xiaoyao could give her father some help with his ability, now her idea has changed. She suddenly didn't want Zhao Xiaoyao to get too close to her father.

The girl's mind is always so elusive that no one can understand whether she will change her mind the next second.

But one thing is certain. Kaixin has cared more and more about Zhao Xiaoyao.

When Zhao Xiaoyao safely brought Kaixin back to Kai's house, Kai always had more trust in Zhao Xiaoyao.

Although Mr. Kai doesn't have much trust in the Haikou boasted by Zhao Xiaoyao yesterday, he has full trust in Zhao Xiaoyao as far as his daughter is concerned.

"Xiaoyao, Kaixin's business is really thanks to you." Kai always smiles to greet Zhao Xiaoyao and waves to his assistant to arrange breakfast in the kitchen.

"Dad, Xiaoyao and I have already eaten." Kaixin said, sitting directly beside her father: "I want to tell you something."

Kai always smiled: "after you return home, you rarely get up so early and hardly have breakfast. I didn't expect that even your living habits have changed with Xiaoyao."

This seems to be an affirmation of his daughter, but it is precisely an appreciation of Zhao Xiaoyao.

"I hope I don't have to worry about my affairs in the future." Kaixin said directly: "I don't want my affairs to delay others."

Kai was stunned, looked at his daughter, and then looked at Zhao Xiaoyao: "Xiaoyao, is that what you mean?"

"This is my own meaning. It has nothing to do with Zhao Xiaoyao." Kaixin shook her head: "Dad, although I don't know what you're doing, I shouldn't involve Zhao Xiaoyao because of what you're doing."

"Mr. Kai, you know more about Kaixin's temper than I do, and I can't help it if she's capricious." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled. Anyway, he used to play hard to get. Now Kaixin wants to upgrade his routine, he'll push the boat with the current to see what kind of response Kaixin will make.

Zhao Xiaoyao's voice fell, and Kai was obviously a little unhappy.

He just looked after the young man. The young man wanted to draw a line with him, and his daughter asked for it.

Nonsense, it's nonsense!

Kai always really wants to take Kai Xin to his study now and have a good chat with Kai Xin about Zhao Xiaoyao.

Nowadays, the society is so dangerous. People like Zhao Xiaoyao are the talents he needs most. They are powerful and reliable. Such close bodyguards can't be found with lanterns!

Now there is such a ready-made, but Kaixin wants to refuse.

"Kaixin, you are no longer a child. You should take the overall situation into account when doing things." Kaixin said faintly: "I think you should think about it again."

"What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about continuing to use Zhao Xiaoyao?" Kaixin said quite frankly.

Kai always frowns. This girl is so stupid.

"Dad, I don't want this," Kaixin insisted.

President Kai is speechless in the face of his daughter's strength. Now he can only rely on Zhao Xiaoyao to say a few words.

But Zhao Xiaoyao didn't mean to talk to him at all.

As a smart man, Liwen naturally knows when to do something. Seeing that Kai is always embarrassed, he said, "brother Xiaoyao, you won't let the eldest lady drive you away deliberately because you're worried that you can't finish what you said yesterday?"

Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned. He thought that the goods were really smart and understood the boss's mind.

"Brother Li Wen, these are two different things." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled and didn't say much.

Strive to see the situation and work hard immediately: "counseling is counseling. There is no need to hide."

"What are you talking about?" Kaixin looked at their brothers in some confusion.

Strive to know that the eldest lady is a perverse person, so he won't provoke her and continue to stimulate Zhao Xiaoyao: "if you really don't have that strength, just say it, and I won't care."

"I'm sorry." Zhao Xiaoyao really doesn't want to see this self righteous face: "no matter whether I will take care of Kaixin for Kaixin after today, I will do what I said yesterday."

Strive to disdain: "what are you going to do? Now there are more than ten hours. What are you going to do?"

"I've found it, and now I don't need to do anything." Zhao Xiaoyao shrugged his shoulders indifferently.


"Say it again?"


At the moment, both Mr. Kai and the two brothers Liwen and strive were completely shocked by Zhao Xiaoyao's words. At this moment, it can be said that they were three faced and stunned, and everyone was stunned.

Zhao Xiaoyao still kept his peace, as if there was nothing to show off.

"When did you check it?" he tried to force humanity. He didn't believe Zhao Xiaoyao's nonsense.

"Last night," said Zhao Xiaoyao. Although he went straight back to bed last night, it's enough to have an answer.

Try to shake his head and kill him. He won't believe Zhao Xiaoyao's words: "it's impossible. It's only a long time since last night... You can't find it! Don't talk big!"

Zhao Xiaoyao cut: "Mr. Kai, do you have a map of Tianhai city?"

Although Mr. Kai also had 80% doubt in his heart, he couldn't help looking forward to seeing Zhao Xiaoyao so confident.

When Zhao Xiaoyao asked for a map, Mr. Kai waved to his assistant to find a map of Tianhai city in his study.

The assistant quickly went to the study and found a map of Tianhai city.

There are fewer and fewer people who still have paper city maps these days, but Kai is always an old-fashioned person, so he still has paper maps at home.

Zhao Xiaoyao asked for a map because he could see the old style of President Kai.

If you ask for a map in a young family these days, you certainly don't have it.

"Pen." Zhao Xiaoyao raised his hand.

After the assistant handed the pen to Zhao Xiaoyao, Zhao Xiaoyao quickly found the village on the map and directly drew a circle there with a pen.

Then, Zhao Xiaoyao threw his pen on the table and pushed the map to President Kai.

Mr. Kai curiously took the map and looked at the place marked by Zhao Xiaoyao. He looked at Zhao Xiaoyao with skeptical eyes. To tell the truth, he had only one tenth of his trust. If the place painted by Zhao Xiaoyao was really the hiding place of Huang Hua's people, Zhao Xiaoyao could be called a God man.

Liwen also looked at the map curiously. He didn't believe or doubt. He was just analyzing whether it was possible to hide in that place. Soon he had an answer: it was possible.

"I'm kidding. You want us to find someone just by drawing a place?" he tried to disdain: "if we take people and can't find anyone, you can say that you were startled and ran away by us. How can this routine deceive me?"

"Believe it or not," said Zhao Xiaoyao.

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