Kai always looks at Liwen slowly. He is asking for Liwen's meaning, because he knows that Liwen is a person who can analyze things with his brain.

Li Wen didn't dare not admit his inner thoughts, but nodded slightly to President Kai and told him that this place was a possible hiding place.

"OK, Xiaoyao, I believe you." President Kai asked Liwen's meaning before slowly opening his mouth.

"Mr. Kai! You can't trust this boy so casually. If this boy talks nonsense, we won't go there for nothing!" he insisted: "Mr. Kai, you should trust me. Huang Hua is not so easy to track!"

Zhao Xiaoyao was still indifferent: "have you heard the story of a pony crossing the river?"

Strive to stare at Zhao Xiaoyao: "what do you mean?"

"Children's stories." Zhao Xiaoyao said solemnly, "haven't you ever heard of a pony crossing the river?"

How can such a big man listen to children's stories? He stared at Zhao Xiaoyao not to listen to the stories, but to know what was going on in Zhao Xiaoyao's mind.

Zhao Xiaoyao shook his head helplessly: "Alas, I haven't even heard of it. It's just that. Let me tell you."

"Who wants to listen!" he tried to be speechless, so he didn't bother to listen to children's stories.

However, Zhao Xiaoyao completely ignored whether he was willing to listen to this rotten Street story and directly said: "One day, mother Ma called the pony to her side and asked the pony to send a bag of grain to the village on the other side of the river. The pony quickly came to the river with grain, but there was no bridge on the river and he had to cross it by himself. But he didn't know how deep the river was. As soon as the hesitant pony looked up and saw the old cow eating grass not far away, he ran over and asked, do you know the river The water is not deep? The old cow stood up tall and said with a smile, "not deep, not deep. It's my calf."

A room full of adults actually sat listening to Zhao Xiaoyao's story about children!

It's unbearable to strive: "just say what you want to say!"

But Zhao Xiaoyao still ignored him. It seems that he has to finish the story to make the forced lattice beautiful: "The pony happily ran back to the river to cross the river. As soon as he took a step, he suddenly heard a voice say, don't go down, the river is deep! The pony looked down and found that it was a little squirrel. The little squirrel cocked his tail and opened his round eyes and seriously told the pony that one of its partners accidentally fell into the river two days ago and was swept away by the river."

"You've had enough! We all know this story!" he argued: "Then the pony didn't dare to cross! Go back and ask his mother. The old yellow cow said the river was shallow, and the little squirrel said the river was deep. What can I do? His mother told him to try it carefully! The pony tried carefully and crossed the river step by step! He understood that the river was neither as shallow as the old yellow cow said nor as deep as the little squirrel said. Only he had tried it himself!"

Zhao Xiaoyao nodded: "it seems you know."

"It's a person who knows!" I'm going crazy! Does this guy doubt his IQ again?

Zhao Xiaoyao shrugged his shoulders: "so, the little squirrel thinks that the deep river can only reach the calf for the old yellow cattle."

I was suddenly stunned.

He finally understood what the bastard meant.

"What you think is very difficult may not be worth mentioning for me at all." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "so why do you say I'm nonsense."

Strive to be completely speechless.

"Mr. Kai, I have a suggestion." Li Wen said, "anyway, it's not suitable for us to take some actions during the day, so we'd better find two brothers to have a look."

That's what Mr. Kai meant. It's impossible to make a big fuss in the daytime, but it's not appropriate to send someone to fly at night. It's best to find some reliable people to find out the situation now.

If Zhao Xiaoyao is nonsense, he doesn't need to keep Zhao Xiaoyao.

If what Zhao Xiaoyao said is true, Kai always needs to think about his actions at night.

Of course, if Huang Hua really hid in the circle painted by Zhao Xiaoyao, Kai would not miss such a talent.

"OK! I'll take someone to check it myself!" he said bravely.

Kai always raised his hand to indicate that he didn't need to go.

Trying to look at President Kai's gesture, he was stunned: "President Kai, don't you trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, but I think you're not suitable for doing this." Kai didn't avoid anything: "you don't trust Xiaoyao, so you won't be cautious and careful when you go. It'll be bad if you scare the snake."

"I..." I tried to say something more, but I saw that Liwen gave him a gesture to shut him up, so he didn't go on.

"Li Wen," said Mr. Kai, "you can arrange for two smart brothers to come over."

"Yes." Li Wen nodded, "I'll arrange it now."

"Remember, it's just a probe. Don't scare the snake." President Kai reminded Liwen, "let them be smart."

Li Wen nodded: "please don't worry, Mr. Kai. I'll give instructions in place."

When they talked about these problems, Kaixin couldn't understand them at all, but she knew that the person her father had to deal with must be the one who attacked himself, and it must have something to do with what Zhao Xiaoyao came back to do last night.

So far, what Zhao Xiaoyao should do has been done. Kaixin can't change the fact. All she can do is stop the follow-up.

"Dad, since Zhao Xiaoyao has done so much, I should say more. If Zhao Xiaoyao does it right, you should let him stay away from our house from now on." Kaixin said, "including me."

Of course, Mr. Kai won't promise. If Zhao Xiaoyao does things so beautifully, he will stay.

"Kaixin, this is a matter between us men, so don't bother." Kaixin always tries to make it vague.

"Dad!" Kaixin was unwilling.

But President Kai didn't continue to let Kaixin fool around. He directly got up and said, "Xiaoyao, the matter is not completely over, so I still hope you can help me take care of her for another day. Isn't this too much?"

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "Kai always says it's not too much, of course it's not too much."

"Then I'll trouble you." President Kai said, "I have something to deal with, so I won't entertain you. You just think this is your own home. If you need anything, just tell the family. I'll go first."

"Kai always walks slowly." Zhao Xiaoyao didn't mean to be polite at all. He sat on the sofa in a big way, and didn't even mean to get up at all.

"Strive, go." Kai always wants to leave. Naturally, he wants to strive together.

I originally wanted to give Zhao Xiaoyao a few cruel words after general manager Kai left, but general manager Kai directly asked him to leave. He didn't even have a chance to give Zhao Xiaoyao a cruel word, so he had to leave reluctantly.

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