After President Kai left, Kaixin was obviously very angry: "Zhao Xiaoyao, if you want to leave, you must be tough yourself."

Zhao Xiaoyao shrugged his shoulders: "I don't dare to be tough. They all say that like father, like son. Think of your bullying, your father must not be a good man. If I were tough, I might be locked up in a small black house."

"Then you can only let them control you and let you do what you don't want to do." Kaixin said: "after they leave, no one can stop you. If you want to go, you can go at any time."

"What about you?" Zhao Xiaoyao asked, "will you go with me or stay by yourself?"

Kaixin was stunned: "this is my home. Where can I go when I leave here?"

"Have you noticed that you have been telling me recently to stay away from your father and don't make too many friends with your father to avoid being spoiled by him?" Zhao Xiaoyao continued to ask.

Kaixin was speechless on the spot. For a moment, she really didn't know how to speak, because she had no choice!

That man is her father. This is a natural relationship. Kaixin can't deny this fact.

"I know what I should do. Don't worry about it." Kaixin threw Zhao Xiaoyao a sentence: "hurry up. If my father suddenly wants to understand and arranges someone to stare at you, you can't go if you want to go."

"In that case, I have no meaning to leave." Zhao Xiaoyao said: "Tianhai city is so big that it is absolutely not difficult to find someone."

Kaixin smiled: "just like you helped my father find the person they wanted to find?"

With that, Kaixin picked up the map of Tianhai city on the table. She looked at the position of the circle and directly exposed Zhao Xiaoyao's lie: "you didn't go to this place yesterday."

"You slept at sister Xuefu's house yesterday. How can you know what happened to me." Zhao Xiaoyao also smiled: "where have I been? How can you know."

"Although I don't know, there is a dash cam in that car." Kaixin said, "why don't we make a bet now and take down the recorder to see the pictures recorded in it."

Zhao Xiaoyao was speechless. He drove home directly yesterday. The picture of driving record obviously can't exist the record of he's been to the old man's village.

Of course, Kaixin just cheated Zhao Xiaoyao. Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaoyao had this reaction. At this time, Kaixin really determined that Zhao Xiaoyao had not been to the circle position on the map.

"You really dare to cheat my father." Kaixin was a little surprised: "you know, my father's temper is very grumpy. You'll really make him angry if you cheat him like this."

"Even if I haven't been to this place, I haven't deceived him." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I'm telling the truth. Your father's people will know after checking it."

"It was Chen Yuyue who helped you find out?" Kaixin tried to learn something from Zhao Xiaoyao.

Zhao Xiaoyao felt bitter in his heart. But he sighed in his heart that he approached you to learn something about your father in your mouth. He didn't want to not only get nothing about your father in your mouth, but also popularize what your father did. What's this called.

"You are talking. Is there anything hard to say?" Kaixin said.

"It's all between my brothers. Even if I ask them to help me, I deserve it." Zhao Xiaoyao was helpless and could only admit it.

Now he doesn't want to continue to talk with Kaixin. He has a vague foreboding. It seems that he talks too much with Kaixin and it's easy to have problems

But it's too late.

"What on earth do you want to investigate? Is it my father?" Kaixin finally broke the window paper. Because there are no others in the living room now, Kaixin has no scruples when saying this.

Zhao Xiaoyao was silly when he heard it. If President Kai or Li Wen heard it, he would immediately question his existence.

"It seems that my guess is right." Kaixin said faintly.

"Don't think about it. What are you talking about?" Zhao Xiaoyao tried to change the topic.

But Kaixin insisted: "there was something wrong with sister Su Qing's eyes when she looked at me yesterday. Every time I looked at her, she would pretend to avoid as if nothing had happened. But when I didn't pay attention to her, I could always feel her eyes staring at me."

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled bitterly: "sometimes it feels wrong. You don't look at her. How do you know she's staring at you."

"Sixth sense, women's sixth sense is very accurate." Kaixin said, "because I have begun to feel... The reason why you approach me is because of my father?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhao Xiaoyao has no bottom in his heart. The more things Kaixin reveals, the less confidence he has in his heart.

Kaixin has been trying to find Zhao Xiaoyao's eyes, but Zhao Xiaoyao doesn't mean to look at her. Eyes are the window that can best reveal a person's inner world, so many things only need a look at each other to determine his inner answer.

But Zhao Xiaoyao just doesn't give Kaixin the answer, and the more Zhao Xiaoyao is, the more Kaixin doubts.

"Well, I'll give you a chance to prove that my guess is wrong." Kaixin said, "tell me why you approach me."

Zhao Xiaoyao took a deep breath. He didn't have anything arranged in advance. He was afraid that he wouldn't play well on the spot. After all, he was not the group of bastards who wrote online novels. He could make up a bunch of lies at random.

Kaixin was aggressive: "if you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I will tell my father my doubts immediately."

Zhao Xiaoyao thought that he was dead this time. Now the reason why Kai and Li Wen didn't have much doubt about him was that he was "in it".

As the saying goes, I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain. I only live in this mountain.

We all know that such a simple truth is that those in the game are obsessed, so if Kaixin, a bystander, clicks a little at this time, the authorities will wake up immediately.

At that time, Zhao Xiaoyao's infiltration during this period will be in vain.

"Kaixin, I don't know what to say about some things." Zhao Xiaoyao still wants to perfunctory the past: "in this way, can you give me some time, let me think clearly, and then give you an answer."

"Is it necessary to find someone to make up a story for you?" Kaixin was a little lost. Her expression couldn't cover up the sad mood. The sadness made people feel a trace of heartache.

Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned. At this moment, he didn't even dare to face Kaixin's eyes directly!

Kaixin suddenly raised her voice: "can't you say you approached me because you like me!"

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