After seeing Chen Yuyue, Feng Yu understood what he meant and said directly, "I'm basically nothing today. Let's go."

"I still need to say hello to your minister?" Chen Yuyue said, "go out without saying a word. It seems that I don't pay attention to leadership."

"No," said Feng. "I've done my job well. It's not too much to deal with a little private affairs."

"I heard that your minister will personally promote people in your department to the position of vice minister." Chen Yuyue said: "this is a critical moment for good performance."

Feng Shuo waved his hand: "third brother, don't make a fool of yourself. I don't want to be a school leader in Tianya, because several old comrades in our department don't like me. If I become this deputy minister, I'm afraid it won't be smooth in the future."

Chen Yuyue smiled: "what's wrong with your ability? Those old comrades in your department are completely jealous."

"Anyway, we won't stay here long. There's no need to take the opportunity of other people's old comrades." Feng said: "today's opportunity to skip work can also give our minister a reason to give up me."

"If you think it's appropriate," Chen Yuyue said, so he took Feng Yu to leave his job during working hours and ran directly to the old man's village.

Feng Xun knows that Chen Yuyue will not miss this opportunity to observe the overall situation. It is estimated that President Kai's people will also go to inquire about the reality during the day.

They can be sure that President Kai's people will not do it during the day even if they do it, and Huang Hua's people will not transfer goods during the day, so it must be calm during the day, and everything will happen at night.

Chen Yuyue must want to have a good understanding of the situation when it is calm.

Of course, not long after Feng Xun jumped out with Chen Yu, someone in the logistics department heard about this situation.

I don't know who sent the news. It said that Feng Yu was fooling around with Chen Yuyue. As soon as the news was introduced into the office of the logistics department, it was fried.

Lao Zhao can be regarded as seizing the opportunity, with an old-fashioned language: "young people are young people, or they are too impetuous."

"Brother Feng just goes out to do something, Lao Zhao. It's not like running people like this." Xiao Wang knows what Lao Zhao thinks as soon as he listens to Lao Zhao's words: "who hasn't gone out to do private things, you haven't done it. Since brother Feng has handled his work, going out is just a harmless thing."

"Xiao Wang, your mentality is very bad." Lao Zhao said solemnly: "this is not the mentality that young people should have."

Xiao Wang has always looked down on Lao Zhao and is too lazy to talk to him again.

But Lao Zhao didn't mean to shut up at all: "no matter what personal things you have, you should put aside other things during working hours. This is a matter of principle."

"How dare you say that you have no working time to deal with personal affairs?" Xiao Wang said impatiently, "don't say that you don't seem to have."

"Our situation is different. What personal things can you young people have?" Lao Zhao said: "for people of my age, my parents are old and my children have to go to school. There are many things in my family. Occasionally, things that can't be solved will take up a little work time, and the leaders will certainly understand."

"Well, well, you should." Xiao Wang really doesn't want to talk so much nonsense to Lao Zhao. This guy is tired of relying on his old age.

Lao Zhao still didn't know to shut up: "I said this for your young people's consideration. Young people should have a young people's attitude. What can Feng Xun do when he is young? He must feel that he has a close relationship with Minister Chen of the security department, and there are some human relations with President ye, so he won't pay attention to our minister."

These words are highly directional.

At the age of Lao Zhao, people generally don't like to talk nonsense in the office, and they all have a purpose.

As for the purpose, Lao Zhao knew it, as did some other veteran comrades in the office.

That is, Xiao Wang and his young people don't know how to dig the deep meaning of these words. They just blindly think that Lao Zhao's words belong to jealousy and his own little complaint.

As everyone knows, these words will be "processed and adapted" in various ways and then transmitted to their ministers' ears.

And this propagation speed is very fast.

"Young people will be proud of their achievements in their work, which is understandable." finally, an old comrade spoke to Lao Zhao in the corner.

Lao Zhao finally showed a smile in his heart. It seems that these old comrades want to strive for a first-line appreciation opportunity, and this opportunity can only be obtained after killing Feng Yu.

"Capable young people must have pride, and those without pride obviously have no ability." Lao Zhao said, "who makes others capable? Pride should be a little."

In a few words, these old comrades turned such a capable worker into a arrogant maniac with talent and pride.

The direct consequence of this change in staffing is to make their director of Logistics Department feel that Feng Yu doesn't take the minister seriously now. Relying on his familiar relationship with President ye and Chen Yuyue, he dares to leave his post casually during working hours. If he is really promoted, wouldn't he take his minister seriously.

After this matter involves Chen Yuyue, it will more or less remind people of another thing.

That is, after Chen Yuyue came, he was superior because of his strong ability. His superior position means that Zhao Hai, who used to be responsible for the management of the security department, lost his position.

Although Zhao Hai had something to do with Zhen Qian, after all, Zhen Qian was still one of the directors with shares at that time and couldn't withstand the impact of Chen Yuyue.

At this time, the director of the logistics department had to start worrying about his position. If he gave Feng too many opportunities, would it happen to "feed the tiger"?

Once Feng Yu has a chance to step on him step by step and get up, his own position will be completely lost.

Zhao Hai's lesson is the biggest negative teaching material for the logistics minister.

When those words came into the ears of the logistics minister, he was more and more afraid to promote the wind.

If he doesn't promote Feng Yu, he doesn't want to offend Feng Yu, who has something to do with President ye and Chen Yuyue. Naturally, he won't promote people in his own department. He just works hard in the future, so he won't lose the status he has obtained for so many years.

After figuring this out, the Minister of logistics immediately dialed back the senior leaders who tried to arrange the candidate for Vice Minister yesterday. Let the senior leaders arrange this position. Such a decision is the safest for him. In addition, it also gives the senior leaders a face and can not let the wind rise to the top and kill two birds with one stone.

Chen Yuyue also received a call from Xia Ke of the security department.

"Brother Yu, we have spread the news you asked us to spread. Now everyone in the logistics department knows that brother Feng went out with you during work." Xia Ke reported.

Chen Yuyue smiled: "good, hard work, brothers."

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