Feng Xun looked at Chen Yuyue and smiled: "third brother, you still have a way to easily solve my burden."

Chen Yuyue hung up Xia Ke's phone and said, "who makes you behave so positive and excellent? When any leader appreciates you, he can't help worrying about when your ability will surpass him. Once your ability makes the leader have this worry, he won't promote you."

"No wonder so many excellent and high-profile people in the workplace can't get better opportunities because they can't meet the bold bole." Feng pointed to the intersection in front: "we'll stop there and hide later and look around the east side of the village."

"OK." Chen Yuyue said, turning his mobile phone to mute.

After they parked the car, they roughly observed the surrounding environment.

The geographical location of this forgotten village is really not very good. It is also a pit in Feng Shui. It basically belongs to the situation of surrounding hills on three and a half sides.

This situation also explains why no one here is willing to develop and invest. Although the real estate is still strong today, to be honest, Chinese people really don't lack houses to live in. Now, almost everyone who can afford a house has bought it.

Some young people still working in big cities may not be able to afford houses in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but they basically have houses in their hometown.

As for those who are not in the mood to go out and wander, they prefer stability and stay in their hometown cities. I'm afraid those who get married alone have three or five houses in their hands.

Therefore, when there is no shortage of houses in China, more people who are able to buy a house will pursue factors such as house quality, brand, environment, Feng Shui and so on.

Developers are not fools. It's hard to sell this kind of concave land for development.

In particular, once the reputation here is spread by the local people, it will be more difficult to sell at a price.

It is because the country's "drainage system" is not suck, and everyone is worried that the area will be turned into a water pit after a storm.

Chen Yuyue, after they determined the terrain of the village and the whole surrounding area in the distance, found a relatively not particularly high hill to sneak in.

Although it would be better to observe the situation of the village at the highest position, none of them was sure whether the people of President Kai had occupied the highest part of the house.

Once president Kai comes here, the first observation point he will choose must be the highest point.

That's why they chose such a place, which can not only perfectly avoid conflict, but also monitor both sides.

"Now we don't have to worry that the yellow birch people in the village will notice us. The main thing is to be careful not to be found by President Kai." Chen Yuyue smiled: "Feng, you really can choose a place."

Feng Xun has so many years of experience in investigation and anti reconnaissance. These factors don't need to be considered at all. It's easy to figure them out.

"I think Mr. Kai's people should have arrived." Feng Xun carefully stared at the highest hill, and his feeling was very keen: "we really need to be careful. Although this place is relatively perfect and can avoid the commanding height, after all, no one can guarantee that it will not be noticed."

"When he was found, he rushed directly into the village and caused chaos." of course, Chen Yuyue also had a second plan.

Feng Yu smiled when he heard the speech. The two of them really wanted to be together in this matter.

They carefully found a hidden position.

At this time, the highest hill suddenly flashed a light beam reflected on Chen Yuyue's face. Chen Yuyue and Feng Yu were attached to the ground at the first time.

They can now confirm that Mr. Kai's people are there. This must be the reflection of the telescope lens. At this time, the sun can just direct at the highest hill.

That's interesting.

"How many times do you think it is?" Chen Yuyue whispered when he lowered his head and lay down.

Fengyu also lies on his body and hides himself: "it's hard to say, but at present, the distance between us, the quadruple mirror will pose a great threat to us. If it's the eightfold mirror, we will be detected no matter how we hide it."

Chen Yuyue smiled: "that means it's not an octave mirror."

"Why?" Feng was stunned. He didn't know why Chen Yuyue could be so sure.

"When the reflection flashed across my face, there was no pause at all. If it was an eightfold mirror, it was impossible for the observer to suddenly see a clear face without stopping and confirming again, but they didn't do that."

Feng Xun nodded. This is reasonable. If the octave mirror can clearly see Chen Yuyue's expression.

"If I were to observe the whole village at that position, I think I would choose the double mirror, so that I can see more comprehensively and have a clearer field of vision." Chen Yuyue said: "it's not to snipe people in this place. I don't need to use such a high multiple sniper mirror at all."

"OK, third brother, your analysis is really professional." Feng Yu grinned and looked up: "if they were only double mirrors, they would pose too little threat to us."


At the highest hill, Liwen suddenly reached out and grabbed the sniper mirror from his hand.

"Everyone put away the things that may reflect light, and don't be found by the people in the village." Liwen ordered the people he brought immediately after judging the position of the sun: "cheer me up one by one."


However, when you look at the village from this distance, you can't see it clearly without a double mirror.

"Brother Li Wen, we can't judge whether Huang Hua is still in the village now. We can't see clearly." the man who received the sniper mirror said.

"Although you can see clearly with a double mirror, the reflection on the lens will be seen clearly by others." Liwen said: "the premise of trying to understand others is not to expose yourself. Once exposed, there will be no chance."

"What shall we do now?"

Li Wen looked at his men and said, "let me tell you a story about wolves."

His subordinates were stunned and didn't know what Liwen meant.

"Wolves must step on and track large prey or livestock for a long time before they attack. Patience is the creed of wolves. Even if they have been hungry for many days, they will not be dazzled by hunger and attack rashly." Liwen smiled: "Once there was a reconnaissance wolf who had not eaten for four or five days, lurking in the trees. A rash lamb was on his lips, and his eyes were always staring at the trend of the sheep. He never wavered in his task because of the seduction of the fat lamb. After detecting the right opportunity, the wolf would formulate a detailed tactical plan under the leadership of the first wolf. The division of labor was very clear, who was responsible for the team leader and who was responsible for the team leader Those who are responsible for the investigation and the attack should form a tacit understanding in their usual actions. They would rather sacrifice their lives than save the whole family. "

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