Kaixin left without looking back.

Zhao Xiaoyao looked at President Kai with a bitter smile: "President Kai, you'd better say something quickly. I don't want to turn your father and daughter into enemies because of me, so I'll really feel guilty."

"Xiaoyao, I don't say much. Kaixin will give it to you. As a father, I don't have the ability to discipline her. It all depends on you." Kaizong sighed helplessly: "I wanted you to help me manage some business events. Unfortunately... I only have such a daughter. I don't want to have a rigid relationship with her."

"To tell you the truth, I really can't manage the major events of President Kai." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "even if you really give it to me, I don't have the ability to do it for you. Now it's good."

"If today's young people can have half your ability and half your modesty, I will spare no effort to hold him up." President Kai said this from his heart.

Without saying anything else, compared with Zhao Xiaoyao, Liwen is much worse in both ability and other aspects. Therefore, Liwen can't achieve great things. He can only do some small things. It's no problem to be a bodyguard with a knife around him, but it's difficult to be a general with both literature and martial arts.

"Thanks for Kai's admiration." Zhao Xiaoyao hugged his fist: "I'll withdraw first."

Kai always wanted to stop talking, but when Zhao Xiaoyao went out, he finally couldn't help it: "I still hope you can help me."

Zhao Xiaoyao can only nod: "do my best."

Mr. Kai originally wanted to leave Zhao Xiaoyao to talk about life and ideals, and then firmly grasp this excellent young man in his own hands.

Unfortunately, people are not as good as heaven. Who could have thought that the person who came out to trap him now was his own daughter. If it was another stumbling block, Kai could break it without hesitation, but the stumbling block in front of him was his own daughter, which made him have no way at all.

"What did my father tell you?" Kaixin asked when Zhao Xiaoyao opened the door.

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "I didn't say anything, but it's a pity that I don't follow him."

"What do you think?" Kaixin asked, "answer my question before you get on the bus."

"Me?" Zhao Xiaoyao was a little puzzled. "I'm afraid my ideas are not important? Your father and daughter's ideas are more important."

Kaixin suddenly felt sorry for Zhao Xiaoyao: "well, I don't ask you anything now. You make your own decision on this matter. If you are willing to work with my father, you can get off and go back to him. If you are not willing to work with him, get on the bus and take me away."

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I really ask your father and daughter to fool around. Let me stop."

With that, Zhao Xiaoyao got on the bus and sat down ready to drive away.

"This is your choice. Since you get on the bus and take me away, don't come back to help my father." Kaixin looked at Zhao Xiaoyao seriously: "I'm not kidding you. You and my father are not the same people. You can't do what he can do."

Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned. He really didn't expect Kaixin to suddenly become so serious.

"OK, I see." Zhao Xiaoyao nodded his hair and moved the car.

When the car came out of Kai's compound, general Kai felt a little tired on his forehead. He is really contradictory now.

Although he is not a careful person, he can still see the contradiction in President Kai's heart: "President Kai, if you really appreciate the boy, make it clear. If you can't, send the eldest lady abroad first."

Kai always shakes his head.

Try not to understand looking at President Kai: "President Kai, we do so many things that touch the red line in China. Sooner or later, we have to escape. It doesn't matter to send the eldest lady out first."

"You don't understand." Mr. Kai said, "it's not a thing."

"But don't we have to go out sooner or later?" he insisted: "now the eldest lady has blocked things, we can only find a way to get her..."

"She is my daughter." President Kai suddenly stared: "since she is willing to come back, I, a father, will accompany her at home!"

Strive to be startled by President Kai's response: "President Kai, I don't mean that. I just think... We should think about it in another way."

"I don't need to think about it in any other way." Kai always shook his head: "things are like this. My daughter is different from others. If others dare to block my development, I must kill him! But whatever Kai Xin does, I can't do that to her, because I owe her too much, too much..."

"Yes." I dare not say anything else. Now president Kai has only his daughter in mind.

Mr. Kai went upstairs and said, "from now on, don't let anyone disturb me. Unless your brother calls, the others won't answer."

"Yes," he said earnestly.


Li Wen still has a bird's-eye view of the whole situation.

Huang Hua's transfer operation has started. Although the goods from the sea are obsolete garbage, he still wants to take them away at this time.

Anyway, these are money and weapons.

However, when Huang Hua loaded all the goods to leave, the men lurking outside the sentry rushed back in a hurry.

"No! Boss! Something's wrong!"

The flustered look of his men made Huang Hua's face sink. What he hated most was these fussy bastards. It was disturbing the morale of the army.

"What a panic!" Huang Hua said angrily, "what's the matter?"

"The car! The car is coming! More than 30 cars, and I don't know how many people are directly running in our direction to surround!" the men were flustered.

Huang Hua's brain was buzzing: "who's the man?"

"It should be the man of the Pulsatilla!" his men said, "if there is no accident, it must be the man of the Pulsatilla... The Pulsatilla is the evil master who takes revenge overnight. Boss, what should we do now?"

"How to do?" Huang Hua's brain is empty now. She doesn't know what to do!

His military cousin has been detained by his command, and now he is the only one who makes up his mind.

What should I do?

If the Pulsatilla guy wants to fight him hard, his current situation will at least hurt both sides.

No, absolutely not!

"Since it's a Pulsatilla, we don't need to worry at all, boss. Let's make it clear that the goods are not those weapons at all, but the bastard surnamed Kai! We are all victims!" suddenly someone shouted.

This really woke up the yellow birch.

you 're right!

this is it! He is also a victim. The old fox surnamed Kai made all these games for them. If the old fox surnamed Kai didn't make games for them, they wouldn't be reduced to this situation at all.

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