When Huang Hua put her position in the same position as the Pulsatilla, her face finally showed a trace of ease.

"Don't do anything rashly!" Huang Hua ordered his men and personally stepped forward to meet the arrival of the Pulsatilla.

Since you want the Pulsatilla to believe that he is also a victim, you must show your attitude and let the Pulsatilla see his sincerity. Only in this way can you convince the Pulsatilla to believe.

Huang Hua thought as she walked forward and stood unarmed at the entrance of the lonely old village.

The Pulsatilla led a mighty convoy to surround the whole village, but when he saw the yellow birch with bare hands and no one under him, he held back his anger and controlled his emotions.

"Mr. Huang, you're all right." the Pulsatilla got out of the car and closed the door heavily. His men also got out one after another, holding weapons in their hands, and didn't mean to relax their vigilance at all.

"Brother Whitehead." Huang Hua first lowered her head, lowered her posture, and then immediately cut into the theme: "there is a sentence I don't know what to say, but today I have to say it in front of brother Whitehead. Yesterday's thing was a misunderstanding, and I absolutely didn't want to provoke brother Whitehead."

As soon as the Pulsatilla heard Huang Hua cut directly into the subject, he didn't say vaguely to him: "really? That's great. Let's make it clear today."

"Of course, I must make it clear." Huang Hua nodded. He felt more or less relaxed when he saw that the Pulsatilla was not hard.

"But if you want to talk to me clearly, there are preconditions." the Pulsatilla doesn't intend to listen to Huang Hua's nonsense directly.

As soon as Huang Hua heard it, she immediately agreed: "if brother Baitou has any requirements, just open your mouth. As long as I Huang Hua can do it, I will do my best. I can promise you any conditions!"

The Pulsatilla grinned: "that's nice. Others can't do it, but you can solve it in one word."

"You say."

"I want you to return my goods to me first." the Pulsatilla said. As long as the goods can be brought back, Huang Hua said it was a misunderstanding. If you don't fight and don't know each other, you can be closer.

However, if the goods are not returned first, it is meaningless to talk about any misunderstanding. There are many ways to swallow the goods, and the means of "flickering" is too low.

Huang Hua was helpless when she heard this: "I really have no goods in my hand."

The Pulsatilla turned his face when he heard this: "Mr. Huang, what do you think of me? You took my goods away under my nose, and then told me that you didn't have any goods in your hand? Can I believe it?"

"I know you can't believe it, but that's the truth." Huang Hua said, "that's why I let brother Bai tou you listen to my explanation."

"Well, you don't have to explain to me. I'll let my brothers go in and collect them." the Pulsatilla said, "if I can find them, I'll take them all. Does Huang have any opinion?"

Huang Hua knew that if she didn't agree, there would be a fierce battle: "brother Baitou spoke, how can I not agree, but if you can't find it, will you just forget it?"

The Pulsatilla didn't eat his way: "if I can't find it, I'll keep looking until I find it."

"Brother Baitou, there's no goods here at all. You can't find it even if you dig three feet!" Huang Hua said helplessly: "we were cheated by the old fox surnamed Kai!"

"Do you think you can fool me away with your mouth when I bring so many people today?" the Pulsatilla cut: "brothers, since Huang doesn't welcome us, we can only break in. Remember what I said to you?"


Huang Hua has a headache because of the people's shouting. Now he knows the mentality of his men. He has already collapsed. At this time, courage is a luxury.

"Brother Bai tou, if you don't give me a chance to make myself clear, you will really regret your impulse later." Huang Hua said hard, "now you can break in at any time, because my men have no weapons available. Do you think I need to be afraid of your attack if I rob those advanced equipment?"

This also sounds reasonable. The Pulsatilla couldn't help frowning.

There are minigon machine guns in this batch of goods, which are the famous Gatling rapid fire machine guns. The maximum firing speed of this rapid fire machine gun is up to 6000 per minute. It is known as the fastest machine gun in the world. It is called Vulcan gun.

There are assault rifles, mm assault rifles, and high range sniper rifles. There is so much equipment that there is no need to worry about the intruders.

"Brother Bai tou, think about what I said." Huang Hua continued: "I disagreed with Kai because of the goods. He overcame me me first. I always wanted him to get the goods back, but I didn't have a chance. When I needed a chance, the person I arranged with him told me that he wanted to deal with you, so I had to rob the goods! But all this is a game. What I robbed is not the goods at all, it's fake! If you If you don't believe me, I can take you in. Except for the box of goods you have inspected, the rest are fake! There are no goods at all! "

The Pulsatilla stared doubtfully at the yellow birch: "what kind of tricks are you going to do?"

"Every word I said is true!" Huang Hua spread her hands: "brother Bai tou, you can go in with a gun against my head and have a look. If what I said is true, you can think about it."

"Kai always regards me as your chess piece?" the Pulsatilla frowned. "Is that what you mean?"

Huang Hua nodded: "yes, he just took you to form a game, because he knows your temper, and then he can use you to kill me with a knife. He has nothing to lose. He has Yin goods in my hand and money in your hand. He kills two birds with one stone!"

The Pulsatilla took a cold breath.

If what Huang Hua said is true, isn't he fooled too stupid?

But Kai always has good faith in business. The Pulsatilla can't easily believe Huang Hua's words.

"There's nothing to think about, brother Baitou. The village is so big. You can look for it whenever you come in. If you find the goods other than the box you inspected, I Huang Hua will lie!" Huang Hua said solemnly.

"OK." the Pulsatilla waved and motioned his men to control the yellow birch first: "then I'll go in and find it. If I find the goods, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Huang Hua nodded. In order to throw this hatred back to President Kai, he really can bear anything.

"Brother Baitou, you can dig three feet into the ground, and then you will understand that this is a conspiracy!" Huang Hua shouted to his opponent's servants, "lead the way ahead and let brother Baitou go and see if that batch of 'goods' is scrap metal!"

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