After receiving the alarm call, Tianhai police immediately sent the criminal police team and the special police team to cooperate with the task. Due to the problems involving arms and weapons, everyone dared not neglect it at all.

Just as the criminal police team was about to arrive at the village, the gunfire suddenly came from the village, and Su Qing's face became tense for a moment.

At first, Zhou Chengxuan thought that there were some falsehoods and exaggerations involved in such an annoying "dangerous" alarm, but now it seems that it is not so. The gunfire is so fierce that he can even feel the tragedy caused by the fierce battle in the village.

"Team Zhou, we should go there as soon as possible. Something has happened inside." Su Qing looked at Zhou Chengxuan nervously. She had not been in contact with the gunfight, but the gunfight scene with such dense gunfire was the first contact. At this moment, the gunfire was still heard, which was a very strong stimulus to Su Qing's spirit.

Zhou Chengxuan motioned Su Qing not to be nervous: "now is not the time for us to act impulsively. The situation inside has been completely out of your and my control. We need the intervention of the special police team."

At this moment, the people of the special police team are not vague. Before, they were not sure how bad the incident was, and there was no large-scale mission.

Now with the gunfire, the chief of the special police team immediately made operational arrangements again. Not only two more action teams were mobilized, but also helicopters were dispatched.

The powerful police force surrounded the old village for the first time.

In the village.

Huang Hua and Pulsatilla fought fiercely. In just a few minutes, many people had been shot. Even if they didn't judge life and death, the people who were shot were all bloody and looked particularly frightening.

The gun battle did not stop because someone was shot, and the fierce battle turned white hot in the twinkling of an eye.

The Pulsatilla attacked again and again like crazy, and the yellow birch also used his last strength to resist the impact of the Pulsatilla. He knew very well that the Pulsatilla would kill him if he went on like this.

Finally, Huang Hua's men have run out of bullets one after another.

The Pulsatilla realized that his opportunity had come. In this case, it was a one-sided war. He had completely defeated the wave of Huang Hua.

But Huang Hua was too easy to be defeated, which made the Pulsatilla worry that Huang Hua didn't cheat him. If Huang Hua had enough weapons and ammunition, how could he be defeated so easily?

"I want you to die!" now the Pulsatilla doesn't care so much. First solve the yellow birch, and then talk about others. At this moment, there is only one word in his mind, that is to kill.

Once people kill red eyes, they can't care about other things.

Huang Hua hid in the room and sighed heavily. Now what happened at this time is beyond his control. He has realized his failure.

He lost the war completely and had no strength to fight back.

Huang Hua, who won by sneak attack yesterday, didn't have enough strength to fight a long war with a mad dog like a Pulsatilla.

The passage of time discouraged Huang Hua. He knew he might not be able to carry it this time. Now he just wanted to talk to the Pulsatilla and let the Pulsatilla give him a way to live.

However, the double-sided attack of the special police team and the criminal police team completely destroyed Huang Hua's idea at last.

When the Pulsatilla realized that the police had surrounded them, it was too late. The helicopters of the special police team had appeared in the air not far away, and the police had sounded loud warnings from all directions of the village.

"Elder brother! What can I do?" the men of the Pulsatilla panicked one by one.

In this case, being surrounded in such a village is a dead end.

The Pulsatilla was also flustered, but he could keep calm at the critical moment: "withdraw immediately! Go and catch people! Villagers! Catch them all!"

"Yes!" the people immediately realized the importance of the hostages to them.

Just when everyone was ready to take the hostages, Huang Hua was relieved. Now he didn't care what the Pulsatilla decided to do. He would always hide in this place.

Even if caught by the police, it's better than being shot dead by the mad dog of the Pulsatilla.

"Listen to me clearly. No matter what happens, don't show up. Wait for the police to deal with it!" Huang Hua ordered his men to surround themselves to protect their safety.

For him, it's enough to survive this time, and everything else doesn't matter to him.

"Boss, if we were caught by the police now, wouldn't it be..." Huang Hua's men didn't understand Huang Hua's behavior.

For these outlaws, they still have a 50% survival rate after fighting with the Pulsatilla, but if they are caught by the police and handed over to the law to punish them, 80% of them will be enough for the death penalty. Even if they are lucky not to be sentenced to death, it will be at least indefinite.

The mentality of these fugitives is different from that of normal people.

They would rather live outside for half a year than spend their whole life in prison.

So these guys obviously don't want to be caught by the police.

If Huang Hua is caught, she will certainly spend all her money to find a relationship and get herself out. Even if she can't get it out, she can find a way to give a lighter sentence at the time of the final sentence. Find some judges who recognize money but don't recognize people, and give a symbolic sentence of three to five years, and then go in and spend money to find a relationship and get herself out early.

This is not a new example.

Nowadays, the reason why people with power and money can be so arrogant is that this kind of thing is not a matter for them and can be solved.

Therefore, Huang Hua's position is different from theirs. Huang Hua's fear is that if she is hit by a bullet without eyes, those fugitives under her are afraid of being caught by the police and punished by the law.

The majesty of the law will still make those fugitives tremble.

"Now listen to me, even if we are caught by the police, I will find a way to protect you!" Huang Hua said sternly: "as long as you protect me from death, I can guarantee that you are all right!"

"Do you think we'll believe what you say at this time?" someone suddenly stood up and retorted, "you've been caught by the police. Maybe you'll try every means to get yourself out. That's all nonsense, not to mention us. Our lives can only be fought by ourselves."

Huang Hua's face sank: "what do you mean?"

"I'm going to rush out with my brothers. Those with bad lives will die here directly. Those with good luck may escape. They won't be caught and sentenced to death!"

The man's words immediately aroused the emotions of all the fugitives. One by one, they stood up and decided to rush out.

This is not a good thing for Huang Hua. If these families rush out to fight with the police, it is difficult for him to solve the problem in the end. If a few more policemen die, it will be even greater.

Huang Hua must not let her people go out to hurt the police, absolutely not!

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