"Bang --!"

At the sound of a gun, the disobedient Huang Hua's men fell to the door.

The pistol in Huang Hua's hand didn't put down, but crossed the cheeks of everyone present.

All the men looked at Huang Hua in shock. They couldn't believe that a brother who lived and died with them died under his boss's gun.

You know, just a few minutes ago, the dead brother tried his best to protect the yellow birch and withdrew to the room. He also solved the two people of the Pulsatilla with his own hands, both of which were spelled out with his life.

However, Huang Hua treated his brother who worked hard for him in this way, and even shot his brother in the cold behind his back.

What is this behavior? This is simply unkind!

We all come out to mix the society. No matter whether we are the boss or the younger brother, we can't do such careless things. If we don't even have basic benevolence and righteousness, what's the matter?

The word "righteousness" is the first word that people who come out to mix up should understand.

What is loyalty? Not kneeling in front of Mr. Guan's image, kowtowing a few heads and saying a few words of life and death together, even if it is righteousness, which is every act in life.

People who mix society pay attention to the so-called brothers all over the world. When they go out, they want to make friends. The most important thing is to see whether a person is loyal enough.

In today's era, contacts may be a more important part than people's education and talents. Everything can be done well only with the support of a large group of people. People who speak of righteousness do have a lot of contacts.

In particular, these people who come out to mix basically have no education and talent. What we fight is a courage and a personal vein, so those who come out to mix are more loyal than others.

There is also a degree of loyalty. Everyone has his own scope. Sometimes for a matter beyond his ability, the gain is not worth the loss.

But if you don't do such a thing, you will be called ungrateful. But it's foolish for anyone to help and do everything for a righteous cause.

However, people who mix society can't care so much. They have to do everything for righteousness.

Of course, in reality, some people will not always be loyal.

When many people first came out to fight the world, they paid more attention to loyalty, but they mixed up with each other. In order to put their power in the upper position, they also killed each other among their brothers. Mixing with the society until the end is actually about the relationship of interests.

Huang Hua is obviously not loyal to them, but pays attention to the relationship of interests. He knows what the consequences will be if these people go out to fight with the police, so he would rather solve his brothers himself than let them go out to bring him trouble.

In fact, long ago, Huang Hua didn't regard these people around him as his brothers. He just regarded them as his men, his men who worked hard, that's all.

The word "brother" is very strange to Huang Hua, and the word "loyalty" has long been something beyond the clouds for him. His eyes are only interests.

Anyone who is detrimental to his personal interests, he can shoot without hesitation. He will not be soft hearted or take into account the old feelings at all.

"Boss, how can you shoot your brother... How can you attack us?" someone couldn't stand the result and looked extremely ugly.

"Those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will die." Huang Hua only said one sentence: "from now on, you can do whatever I say, otherwise you must die."

"You can't do this to us!"

"Boss, what do you mean to the brothers like this?" the third man stood up and questioned Huang Hua.

Huang Hua's pistol aimed up at the first time: "what do you want to say? Try again."


"Shut up." Huang Hua didn't give her brother a chance to speak: "don't make me shoot."

Huang Hua's indifferent attitude completely angered all the people around him. It's good for everyone to work hard to make money, but you should also mix a favor?

If a boss doesn't treat them as people at all, they're still fooling around!


Finally, the first man aimed his weapon at Huang Hua.

Huang Hua was stunned on the spot. He wanted to shoot the bastard who disobeyed him at the first time, but he didn't know why. Huang Hua burst into a cold sweat when he tried to pull the trigger.

He suddenly had an ominous premonition. He realized that he had lost the support of the people. At this time, if he shot again, he was afraid that these people would swallow him alive without hesitation.

After all, now everyone still has weapons in their hands. These weapons are not for fun.

"Brothers... Let me explain to you that all my decisions are for you. If it's not for you, I don't need to do such things that seem to betray my brothers without loyalty." Huang Hua quickly changed her mouth: "if he just went out to fight with the police, we would have no way back!"

"Do we still have a way back now?"

"Now the brothers have no way back, but you still want to leave a way back for yourself."

"Huang, you really don't pay attention at all. At this time, you still want to pave the way for you with your brothers' lives. You have contacts and ability to keep you safe, but can you keep so many brothers! You can't!"

Everyone's words pierce their hearts.

Huang Hua realizes that he can't control the scene, but if he can't take care of these guys at this time, he'll be dead.

"Listen to me, I promise I'll make every one of you safe, I promise! I swear to you!" Huang Hua's only way now is to bet that these guys can trust him.

"I have eight lives in my hand. Tell me you can protect me? Do you think I will believe it?"

"We can't keep it at all. Will we all become chips for your self-protection? Huang Hua, you really don't take the lives of your brothers as your lives."

"Don't talk nonsense with him. Now I'll abandon him and rush out with my brothers!"

While talking, a man's weapon had been put on the back of Huang Hua's head. Huang Hua burst into a cold sweat in an instant. It really killed him.

"Although he doesn't pay attention to it, we can't help it! If you kill him, it's your fault."

"I don't care whether I'm right or not. Who cares about who at this time! Huang Hua wants to fly separately in the face of a great disaster, so I won't let him fly!" the speaker clicked and pulled the trigger.

Huang Hua only felt that her soul was beaten to pieces in an instant.

However, at this critical moment, the gun jammed, and Huang Hua was lucky to save her life.

At this time, Huang Hua didn't care about anything else. He pushed away the guy in front of him and turned to the bastard who tried to shoot him to death!

Center door! Blossom on your face!

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